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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel

new toy help


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hi i finaly end designing my first toy on blender but now i got no idea on how to give textures or make uv map so if someone would tell me how to continue

from here,picture down. I now how to get it in game but no to do textures sorry for my bad english and reallly apresiate any help.this is my toy 



Edited by Dwarf0791
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  • Administrator
2 hours ago, Dwarf0791 said:

hi i finaly end designing my first toy on blender but now i got no idea on how to give textures or make uv map so if someone would tell me how to continue

from here,picture down. I now how to get it in game but no to do textures sorry for my bad english and reallly apresiate any help.this is my toy 



If the only thing you want right now is the how to port your item to the game as a toy well is simple

Your mesh requires to be a parent of an empty instance (Shift+A>Empty>Plain Axes) once you insert the empty instance in your scene you must rename it to "tool_group"
Then just select your mesh, hold shift and select "tool_group" finally use the shortcut Ctrl+P, and in Set Parent To click on "Object (Keep Transform)"

This how I do it myself but there are other ways! I consider my way the easiest!

Finally, once your scene is already set in blender you must export it as collada (*.dae) so you can port the item with CollaTKane tool, use the standard toy bacth file for that purpose

Hope you find this info useful


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.A psychotic drowns where the mystic swims. You're drowning. I'm swimming.

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9 hours ago, Dwarf0791 said:

thanks , but  it's not that, actually it has all done is ready to export to the game.

it's giving the textures what I don't get.

Oh, ok... lol! Your message was more like pointing about the how to port it than the how to texture it nevermind

For texturing let's go with the first thing, if your mesh is not UV Unwrapped you must unwrap it (If it is, skip all this explanation), there are many ways of doing this the most common is just savagely unwrapping using the "U" shortcut in blender whinle you are in edit mode and picking the "Unwrap" option from the pop menu

This savage unwraping is clearly utterly lazy and it won't help you for a complex texturing, in order to do that you will require to mark seams (Ctrl+E>Mark Seams), this are marked edges that tell blender where to cut your mesh in order to unwrap it, the most remarkable example of this seams marking method is the insufferable blender cube unwrapping tutorial

Note: You can select the specific edges in which you want to mark seams with right click and holding shift while you are on edit mode and in edge selection mode

Till this point one method

Another method less used but sorta useful for solid objects is the smart uv project method, also known as the archimapper in which you select all the mesh you wish to unwrap while on edit mode, hit the shortcut "U" then select the "Smart UV Project" from the pop menu

This method is useful when you're working either with plain patch textures or tileable textures for paterned surfaces (leather, plastic, iron sheet, etc)

How to texture for in-game usage:

This is literally the easiest thing to do but the most boring and mechanic task in life, let's take the guitar in your header post as an example

While on edit mode you select all the mesh you wish to texture, you go to material tab in the properties panel tab, you should create a new material if you have none, highly recommended to tweak this material for non hook users because the level of shininnes of the item will depend on this

Once you've created the material must go to the textures tab in the properties pannel as well you should create a new texture, then go to "image" because it's an image texture and select "open", then open your texture, go to the UV editor and select the texture as linked to the material and the mesh and it'll be done

Super easy, but it might get boring when your object have tons of parts (Rooms for example)

Note 1: Check the size of your textures, these must to be to the power of two and PNG, also pay attention to transparency, glass and alpha textures in general require to be setted
Note 2:  For a regular toy a proper naming of textures is not an essential but clothing requires to be careful when naming textures thus I highly recommend you to visit the "Guides and tutorials" section and read all you have there
Note 3: Your item must have one material, one UV and one texture per mesh block, I know modern games use multiple materials block on the mesh block but those are modern games... our game is like Ralph Wiggum from The Simpsons... he's a very special boy!

Hope you find this useful



  • Thanks 1

.A psychotic drowns where the mystic swims. You're drowning. I'm swimming.

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