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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel
© ClaraCoXXXCompanyComiXXX
Credit Clara Cox

Episode 3 - On a Dangerous Trail.jpg

Clara Cox

Hi friends. Clara Cox's adventure continues.

This is the third episode. You can read the comic either as a cbr using the DisplayEx comic reader, or as a jpg.


In order to find the Time Diamond, Professor Clara Cox must get involved with a dangerous organization, which is also looking for the Time Diamond and the Passion Diamond, which is in her possession. Her role is to start researching the "Red Sun" sect from the perspective of an elite whore. For that, it is necessary to be their member by joining the "Ladies of Lust" club. This episode is about her exam to join the club.


MF and FFF actions.


Please leave comments, good or bad, to let me know to improve future episodes. Thanks and enjoy.




Clara Cox


© ClaraCoXXXCompanyComiXXX
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