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Welcome to Klub Exile. If you happened to make your way to the site either from Lovers Lab or a Search on Google, we are glad you found us.  To unlock the entire site you will need to have a account registered.  Don't worry it is free but in the mean time you can read up on why we made the site and other little tidbits.  Feel free to join or Discord Server also if you have any more questions.  Thanks for stopping by and See You on the other side.

Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel
  • Regarding ModsGarden.cc

    For those of you who are here, you might be wondering what ever happened to the ModsGarden site.  Well, short story the site lost funding and eventually due to a lack of the bills being paid the site went under.  ModsGarden was auctioned and bought by an advertising site squatter in early 2021.  Since then KE has emerged as the only independent site for The Klub 17.

    So What About MG 2.0? Team K17 promised to deliver an official replacement for ModsGarden in early 2021.  However this is yet to happen as of 1 year since they made the announcement.  Currently there has been no updates coming from Team K17 if an official ModsGarden replacement is in the works and have currently set up shop in another club on Lovers Lab.

    Is Klub Exile the replacement of MG? Well, we did not build Klub Exile as a replacement to ModsGarden.  We built the site to cater towards the needs of the modding community we felt were not addressed in MG.  That said with no other site out there Klub Exile has effectively become the main destination for all things TK17.  There will never be an official MG 2.0 neither we or Team K17 were the owners of ModsGarden.  Morataika and Morataika only, had the sole keys and administrative rights to the garden.  When she disappeared there was nothing anyone can do.

    A special thanks to Morataika the Mother of the Garden, who without her single handed support of keeping MG alive for over 10 years, we would never be able to get this point.  RIP MG.



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