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Posts posted by Daryld

  1. On 3/17/2021 at 2:37 AM, Xalas said:

    I'm running a SSD, RTX 2080, and I have a i5 which I will be swapping for an i7 this week. I have 16GB ram which I will definitely upgrade to 32GB or maybe 64GB next month but from my experience I hardly ever experience a crash from the game. My current CPU sucks though, it can hardly keep up so I can't open up too many programs while running the game. Right now my goal is to aim for 60FPS while have 4 models on screen, it can only push 40FPS but when its only 2 Models it pushes 60 to 80FPS with no issues. the i7 will solve this problem because I noticed when I went from an i3 to an i5 I noticed my FPS bumped up by 10fps. The RAM upgrade should help as well.

    wow very good )

    On 3/17/2021 at 12:11 AM, HDiddy said:

    Well I did when I upgraded, and I am pretty sure if you as anyone that has upgraded their video card...they would tell you the same. Ask @Xalas.


    Not sure how you did your test or what your controls were but I can say my results are definitely not minimal.

    As I said...CPU may be helpful but a fast CPU on a slow graphics card is not going to do much for you.  I am curious can you post your usage numbers between GPU vs CPU while in game?


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