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Posts posted by ShadowLo

  1. On 11/24/2021 at 3:40 PM, HDiddy said:

    Are you using this in Free Mode or Sequencer.  You mentioned "stimulation" which makes me think you are using this in Free Mode?

    i think i have the same problem as him i have a fresh klub XV game but the audio doesnt work in the sequencer nor does it make any noise in the char customize im really at a loss here best option might be to get the re pack and see if that solves the issue but until i get a new pc i cant really do anything but wait to see if some random dude already found a solution

    Maybe off topic but you dont happen to know where can i get the voice installer i tried to search for it but no luck

    ps i tried the same two voice sets as him

  2. a decir verdad siento que deberian hacer algunas descargas simplemente de acceso instantaneo en cuanto creas la cuenta como minimo la version mas actual de xv y algunas guias podrian ser un poco mejor organizadas y estructuradas por puntos para facilitar el encontrar contenido dentro de las mismas (aunque se que esto es mas de los que suben las guias que de los que manejan el sitio) fuera de eso el sitio esta bastante bien diria yo

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  3. is there any way to fully move a character in the pose editor without having to move them by parts i thought i would be easier to find out but im kinda clueless on this one (im using a clean or vanilla version of tk XV btw, like i downloaded v10 and then slapped the xv update from loveslab)

    ps sorry for the bad english me dumb

  4. i gotta say there is quite a lot of content in this platform faar more than i expected joining in but as a new member all of this things seem a bit unintitive, let me explain, its like when i joined facebook i didnt needed to get anything explained it really just felt natural, though that is just a pretty minor nitpick i have honestly it does seem really fun and the amount of features that are on this site totally free are just to good looking foward to what they will do next.

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