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Posts posted by SovietTiger

  1. As @CreampieManiac said, you need to rotate the hips as well. Remember that the hips are the center of every pose. Using the keys from the spine won't give you the results you want to achieve.

    It's better to use the sliders of "arched" "hollow" and head backwards and forwards, to fine tune your pose.


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  2. Just now, Driver said:

    It is simple with those R9 addons because they share the name in Addons and ActiveMod, but a bit more complicated in the default game items like aardy's one you mentioned above.

    For those original items, refer to \VX-Mod\Scripts\Shared\Mod_Orig.bs

    Noted. I've got a special interest into making a H5 version of the baroque room, but I noticed it wasn't activated and lost interest to it. Now, I can resume the crusade.

    Again, many thanks!

  3. 1 minute ago, Driver said:

    From the left to the right,

    "name of the texture in Addons" , "name of the texture in ActiveMod" , "name of the DressDescription"

    The last one, might sound unusual, is written in very first line of the Dress script (DcDressXXXXXX).


    Nice! I wasn't that lost, I believe. This will make easier to use old addons that seem aren't ActiveMod activated and work with their textures before trying to make new versions. 

    Comrade @Driver, you're the man!

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, Driver said:

    Probably it would work with this file, it's not fully tested though.

    Scripts.zip 355 B · 0 downloads


    I'll test it out, many thanks.

    Now, the structure is to put a file into


    in this case R9Hat094.ActiveMod.bs

    and into it, 

    "Shared/Cloth/R9Hat094" , "R9Hat094" , "Dress33394_Description" ,
    "Shared/Cloth/R9Hat094_001" , "R9Hat094_001" , "Dress33394_Description" ,
    "Shared/Cloth/R9Hat094_002" , "R9Hat094_002" , "Dress33394_Description" ,

    Each line is for each of the textures used with the path to the addons in the first place and, I assume, the name to use in ActiveMod? I don't know where the third column but I'm guessing that's the ID that might be in other bs file.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. 40 minutes ago, Trapp said:

    I actually tried to install the Camo Outfit from @oaks and I got it right... Except for the helmet. In any case, I don't intend to use it beyond a gallery with his model Ariana, but I think it's fitting to see if we can learn to do this.

    Oh! That's the reason I do know that aardy knows how to do this. I was puzzled because I wanted to edit the army helmet but had no idea how to do it, and he gave us this:

    And I would really like to understand how he did it.

    • Agree 1
  6. Well, hello comrades.

    As I usually do, it's that time of the year that I dedicate weeks to try to clean up my system. This time, I bought a dedicated Solid Hard Drive to use it to store everything I've got of The Klub. This has given me the opportunity to organize my stuff and use the JSGME tool, that I think will solve all my problems. But it needs a lot of time and effort to do a decent job. 

    Anyway, I came across a old addon I particularly like, but I bet I will need to update because it won't fit the heads of the models as it should; and I don't use because I have no use for a helmet that has a Quebecuan flag on it:

    screenshot_24_05_24 19_39_37.jpg

    This is the very sexy R9Hat094 named "military helmet".

    This is hair sizer compatible, but it is not ActiveMod "activated". I know our great comrade @aardy knows how to activate this feature. And I wish to learn how to do it. 


    So, the question is: Could anybody tell us, the apprentices, how to activate this feature in the old addons?

    • Agree 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Schokk said:

    I didn't say anything about posting little kids, it's not even a conversation.  But what do you mean "Impuber teenagers"? Under 18? Or teenagers who haven't hit their pubertal period yet? I hardly can imagine 17yo or even 16yo girl, who haven't hit her puberty and doesn't have any boobs yet, even if she is a "late bloomer"😄  In real life you can easily meet 16yo "early bloomers" who look 18-20 or even 20+ and someone 20+ who barely looks 16, you'll never know until she/he shows you her or his passport/id. But definitly you can tell the difference between 16yo teen and little child like 8yo for example. In real life you'll never meet a child aged 8,10, or even 12 who could be passed as 18yo, it's impossible I guess. But there are a lot of people aged 20 or even 25 who  can't pass face-control  in the night club without id, or to the cinema where are showing some film for adults🙂  Well, for example let's take some images from non sex category.

    I'll let you know my first language isn't english. In that context, puber means "that has come to puberty", so in any Latin based language like mine, Spanish, the prefix "im" means "not". So, impuber should be interpreted as "the one who hasn't hit puberty yet". Puberty is when people get the bush. So, what I mean to say is that no matter the intentions of the creator, just depicting a, say, 16 y/o having a conversation with a friend over the phone in her room full of middlescholer stuff, fully clothed in a non-sex scene... can be wrong interpreted being this site a porn game based community.

    If your infantilize a character to the point you cannot tell if it's an adult, you shouldn't post the pic in this community.

    Because we all know that sex life can start very early for some people... and it is what it is. I won't pic in anybody's morality. But! We need to keep the reality of what porn games like this one can bring to people who likes underage content. And as Smoke said, we have been targeted and we need to keep our site out of trouble.

    I've been watching the work of Driver and Erikku, and I believe neither of them tried to depict and underage girl, although maybe Erikku's need to show her id. About Wizard's? C'mon, the maid has big boobs and big ass... That's not even in the equation. And Princess Peach parody is that, a parody. The real character isn't a teenager, by majority of reason either the parody would be.

    And finally about Morius' Natacha, I know for a fact she's not underage, because I know there's a story back there. But as Smoke said, it lacks context.

    1 hour ago, Schokk said:

    But I wish to know why it would be a violation, if I post a 18-20yo looking model and then write in description "This is Loly, and today she is celebrating her 17-th birthday!" Why it should be a gross violation? What makes the difference in the end? Child-looking model, or the description of the album "Loly celebrates her 17th birthday?" 😎 Sure, we talk about the non sex category. Hardcore or erotic is not even a conversation.

    Again, this is a porn game based community. The very use of the term "Loly" has a negative connotation. As Smoke says, we need to use common sense. And I can be wrong, but 17 is underage in most parts of the world, if not all. 

    The use of underage character, even in non-sex categories, I believe it won't be tolerated by administrators and moderators. Not because those characters would be making "cochinadas", but because in RL you wouldn't let pass a underage dude or chick to a Stripp Bar or a Casino, no matter what. It's not their place. 

    So, that's the reason I believe you wouldn't see characters of, say, Harry Potter. Because they started as kids. So, no Harry, no Hermione and no whatever (I don't know the saga, no names to list 😛 ) , but you can have any character dressed like them, but being full grown ups.

    And don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to scold you or to rant or anything. As Smoke said, we need to apply common sense. And I say, we need to take care of our community. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 9 hours ago, Schokk said:

    I have a question. What about Nonsex image section and description of images? For example I want to create some images with models in teenrooms and classrooms. Can I name my album or image something like "Sweet 16" or "Schoolgirls' advantures"? 🙂 Ok, I don't intend to post a jailbait. Just models who look like late teens maybe. I know that if a model doesn't have some level of physical development, it would be the violation of the rule and doesn't matter that it says 18yo. I can't understand one thing. It would be the violation if the model looks like a jailbait and doesn't have some level of physical development, or the problem is in the age under 18? For example could I post an image with a model in teensroom, looking like young girl 18-19yo but in description call it as 16yo, would it be the violation? Could be 16yo who looks few years older for example. Also in NON SEX category, without any porn or nudity. Why? It seems to me a stupid idea to post adult persons in the teenrooms that we have. Also I noticed that we also have some images in those teenrooms with very young looking models among the stuff for little girls.😀 Yes, they have big boobs, wide hips, but frankly childish faces. And those images have been there for a long time.

    I wouldn't even try it. Why? Because this is a porn game community. 

    And I think I understand what you mean. I myself love to use this program to create stories, and they don't "have to" be about sex. But this is not the place to post images with impuber teenagers or even kids. It doesn't matter the intention, it's just a big no no.

    And lizard boobs ftw! But they need to have some nice ass and legs to go with them (to me at least 🤤).

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  9. 5 hours ago, crashman1980 said:

    Ok, estuve mirando un poco y pude actualizar el programa a la última versión. Ahora si aparece el bendito menú. Lo único malo es que el texto está blanco y el fondo gris y apenas puedo ver mucho. Saben como cambiar el color del texto o el fondo?

    Bueno, gracias a la actualización, se resolvió el problema que tenía con los toys (no salían las imágenes de los iconos).

    Ahora, el toy de la manta sale con los otros toys y no arriba de todo.

    Esta manta tiene morphs, así que en la sección "lengua & morps" hay 20 controles que mueven cada una de las partes de la manta, permitiendo una gran cantidad de movimientos combinables. Esto lo estuve buscando toda mi vida. 🥳

    Ahora también puedo acceder a los morphs de la ropa (Al fin!), así que desnudar parcialmente a las chicas va a ser muy bonito. 😈


    Tienes que buscar alguna GUI oscura, para que puedas ver los textos. Yo no sé a quién se le ocurrió hacer el cambio de color sin cambiar el de las fuentes... Pero bueno.

    Respecto al juguete, tienes que ser cuidadoso de no combinar en la misma escena juguetes que tengan slyders, porque todos van a usar las mismas.

    Es decir, si por alguna extraña razón quisieras combinar la sábana fantasma 👻 esa con una de mis nuevas armas o algún automóvil de MarkZappa, los slyders afectarían al mismo tiempo a los juguetes.

    Si a eso le agregamos que en algunos casos, como en el AK105 de Rassía, le tuve que poner límites para que los slyders hicieran lo que yo quería que hicieran, no van a funcionar correctamente. Es parte de las limitaciones de nuestro querido juego.

    Así que deberás tener cargado únicamente los juguetes que sean absolutamente necesarios para lo que quieres lograr (cargado desde la carpeta de addons), si no los necesitas, no los dejes en addons para que no causen conflictos unos vs otros.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. As @MrHo said, the button copies one hand to the other.

    Now, it has some fine details to it:


    Here, we have a pretty pair of hands. One without values, and the other with some.

    If we transfer "Left hand to right" this is the result:


    The same values are transferred to one hand to the other.

    Now, this only applies to the vanilla options. If you try to transfer values from thumb tip and onwards, it wont transfer. In this photo I modified the values:


    But it only transfers, I insist, the vanilla ones. The other values where added later in TK17 and are not affected by this order.


    I hope it helps 😄 

    • Thanks 2
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  11. 5 hours ago, josito said:

    No estoy seguro pero creo que es un mod de HDiddy https://www.klubexile.com/profile/9-hdiddy/ 

    Cuál crees que sea en específico? Porque si es así, deberías notificarlo pq suelen ser cuidadosos con esos detalles, y si sí existe un problema, le buscan para resolverlo.

    6 hours ago, crashman1980 said:

    Te recomiendo el JGSME para cualquier cosa que vayas a querer agregar al juego. Este programa crea una lista (está hecho el tutorial) en base a las cosas que quieres activar y desactivar. Es más fácil de lo que parece y no sabes lo mucho que te ayuda una vez que aprendes a hacerlo. Sobre todo para desactivar cosas que ralentizan el programa.

    Eso si, vas a tener que tener mucho espacio en el disco, por que de las cosas que actives te crea un clon (no las mueve) así que si activas muchas cosas te puede ocupar mucho espacio.

    Cualquier duda sobre eso, pregunta y se te responderá a la brevedad (se intentará al menos). Saludos!

    Bueno, y ahora voy a preguntar yo. Esto lo vengo ignorando desde que se lanzó el hook 3 😝

    Como puedo agregar este bendito menú? No lo tengo y creo que es un mod. El mod de los morphs.


    No le hagas mucho caso... Pero creo que se agrega con alguna actualización del juego. No recuerdo específicamente cuál es. Pero... Tienes instalada la última versión?

  12. It's interesting watching others to share their sources of inspiration. And it's patent, that inspiration might lay in everything and everywhere. 

    I've found the best inspiration for me, is life. I was for many years a middle ranking official in a court. I had to give the judges a report of every case that came to the court house. Many times, the "Public Ministry" (something like the D.A. Office, in freedom units) gave us such unbelievable and even fantastic stories of minor crimes and major crimes too... Many were as if they took them from fantasy novels. But, they claimed, were real.

    Once, I had a crash of two women, each one in their own car. Both of them were going the wrong way in one way streets. So, under Mexican law, both had to be arrested and be brought to the judge. But, there were only minor material damages, so it wasn't really a bid deal. I knew the defender lawyers of both women and talked to them, to get to an arrangement and dismiss the case. Well, days past and nothing happened. Finally I saw one of the lawyers and asked him what happened. Were was my arrangement to dismiss the case? He replied "I'm sorry, but my client doesn't want to get to an accord". So I told the judge and we issued the arrest warrant for both doñitas. One got trow in jail and the other presented voluntarily. And I believe at the end, both got sentenced for the damages they caused to the other car. An absurd ending for a stupid Endeavor.

    One other time I had a dude who was arrested as a very dangerous burglar. In Mexican law, you've got minor and major crimes. And a minor crime can be considered as a major crime, when you add qualifications to it. So, in this case, we had the minor crime "theft", and had I believe 5 qualifications, so it became a VERY serious major crime. When I studied the case, it came to my attention that none of the qualifications were truth. So at the end, because nobody could prove being the owner of the stuff "stolen", we released this dude, who was an harmless homeless guy, who took an old electric transformer case that wasn't working anymore and though he could sell it for some money to eat a couple of days.

    And we had some other very disturbing cases, but those are reserved. When I was there I learned how to tell stories in a professional way, and search for the truth, if we had evidence to gain certainty of that indeed happened. So my creativity wasn't dead at the court house, but got restrained.

    Also, I've got many friends who has many very interesting stories. One of my airsoft comrades told me a story, about him causing trouble in a high security prison, because when he was asked out of courtesy about something to drink, he asked for a "pineapple water". It was a maximum security prison, and the one that offered the drink was a drug lord. There was no pineapples were they were. My friend was the son of the druglord's lawyer. So, the druglord ORDERED to his little rats to GO GET PINEAPPLE WATER. After all the commotion he caused, he got his water. My friend recognizes to this day that he DOESN'T even like pineapple water, but he thought that would cause less trouble than, for example, a Coca-Cola, or a coffee, or a glass of water... Or nothing at all. Why? Only god knows.

    I haven't been in a lot of places or done lots and lots of things... But definitively I know LOTS of people who have.

    When I create a story, I like to make them "wholesome", as my comrade @Trapp would say. That's because I saw many many MANY stupid things that people did, in a bad day. Most of them weren't inherently bad, just had a bad idea in a bad day. And adding to that, I had a sad and lonely childhood, because of the burdens of the modern life and hardships were a couple of little children had to have the 90s TV as guardian, because both divorced parents had to be out working. And in a sad note here, I too played the sims... being very happy playing that game, creating a family. 

    In my adult life and I like to read and watch funny things and love not to make people laugh, but make them chuckle and make them think "hum! That was funny!". And is very contrasting, because the thing that I love the most in all "talking" topics, is history. And we like it or not, humanity's history is divided in wars. And war is the worst that could ever happen. But even there, love can find a place: love for your comrades, love for the people that's not with you, love for the people that has to be there because they had the bad idea of being born in a conflict area...

    When feeling blue, love can be painful; but it has been the only thing that has me in this existence plane, and wanting to be here anyways.


    • Thumbs Up 3
  13. 3 hours ago, josito said:

    muchas gracias, comprobaré y a ver si se soluciona

    Nos platicas cómo te fue. Quizá, como dicen los niños de hoy "se buggeó" el juego sólo. Quizá sí haya sido un conflicto con algún addon.

    • Agree 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Sexvision said:

    I only use skin system for my models. You can change makeup on the fly, add displacement, use overlays like tattoo's and masks. Have control of skincolor all in one place. You can change your models look just by changing a layer in h5 skin GUI. Did i already mention you can mix and match normals, specs and subsurface textures?

    There are so much more options with this setup and worth the time it takes to learn it.

    And nevertheless, many don't know what are they doing. HECK! I'm one of the most of the time. I believe I've mastered a "basic advanced" customization of skins. But, for instance, I really don't understand what sub does to skins. I only know they look way better than without it.

    And memory wise, I feel that custom skins are better, for the lazy advanced, the running potato and the newbie, to get a much better looking skin than a vanilla one.

  15. 37 minutes ago, venus_alpha said:

    Sad note on Emily Willis, another lost girl, it seems her vegetarian state is not improving much.... 

    About you Harem, Oh yes, little Caprice is also a beauty, I finde Sheri also very interestingy.....

    Staying in the east I must also mention Stacy Cruz's stunning and natural body, and the exception that makes me appreciate tall women. 



    Well, I've found a news note that she's awake, but her heart isn't working as good as it should. I didn't know she was hill. I hope she improves her health and can overcome all of the financial burdens she's facing. 

    Stacy Cruz wasn't in my radar. I'll "have to" search for her, for scientific reasons, of course. In that matter, I like a lot Mia Melano. Real world Rassía size:

    nullLa hermosa Mia Melano fondo de pantalla | Pxfuel

    • Love It 1
  16. 36 minutes ago, Trapp said:

    Obviously yes, she's absolutely PERFECT as she is.

    Speaking of, here are a few other girls of my liking. A few of them are definitely in that ballpark you mentioned, starting with:


    Kenzie Reeves: Blonde petite black hole of cocks!


    Franceska Jaimes: Absolute GD perfection of a woman.


    Gina Gerson: Skinny but apparently very tall. I love her type to death!

    No no no no no. Gina Gerson is small. To me at least. She's 1.63m.

    I don't know if everybody is as 'snoby' as I am at this regard, because for me, I need to find the face 'cute', in order to enjoy the scene. If the girl isn't cute to me, that's a no go.  Gina Gerson has been in my radar for many years, because of her body type. But her face isn't of my liking. 

    So, for instance. I love Natalie Portman or Gal Gadot. I loved Anya Taylor-Joy in "Split" (she's brunette in that movie). I'm totally in love with Natalie Dormer and if I could marry Julia Parshuta, our babies would be just beautiful. But I dislike Emma Stone, Billie Elish, Jennifer Lawrence and Dua Lipa. It's not that I find them hideous, of course not; they're beautiful, but not to me.

    And that why I don't list Mia Khalifa, Riley Reid, Abella Danger or Dillon Harper. They're quite popular, and I enjoy clips from them, but not my "Prime Choice".

    Ya sé, limosnero y con garrote. Y mamón. Pos sí, y qué pedo. 😄

    • Haha 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Trapp said:

    ¡¡¡Mamacita, mi amorrrrrr!!! 😩

    Out of everyone on your list, she is the one I would give a leg, an arm, my kidney and my balls to bang!! 🤤 Veronica Leal is PERFECT.

    Well... now do you understand why I love Dani "as is"?

    This is my perfect "harem" if I could assemble one. Plus a couple of singers and actresses. And they are, too, the very same body type. Funny thing how the brain works.

    • Love It 1
  18. I believe I haven't participated in this topic. Well, I might have type/types:


    Slender amazing Filipina: Harmony Wonder

    Harmony Wonder: Movies, TV, and Bio


    Russian slender beauty: Arwen Gold

    Julmodels on X: "Arwen Gold is available in Barcelona for shootings from  21st till 27th of November 😜💋 https://t.co/SxYPjMxqom" / X


    Perfect next door girl: Emily Willis.

     Emily Willis, mujer, estrella porno, latinas, sonriente, minifalda, Fondo  de pantalla HD | Wallpaperbetter


    Perverted Russian house wife: Sheri Vi

    La sexy amateur Sheri Vi se quita la lencería sexy para desnudar sus  pequeñas tetas en tacones altos - PornPics.com


    Extreme hardcore slender mamacita colombiana: Verónica Leal

    Veronica Leal - v1.0 | Stable Diffusion LoRA | Civitai


    Rough not so rough sex enthusiast: Kirsten Lee

    Kirsten Lee - Profile Images — The Movie Database (TMDB)


    Green eyed busty goddess: Zafira

    Zafira - FamousFix.com


    Professional model slender & petit queen Melissa Mendiny

    Pin on Melissa mendiny


    True chocolate lesbian, hardcore, BDSM & all around vixen: Ana Foxxx



    Beautiful mulata blowjob expert: Harley Dean

    Harley Dean : r/FamousFaces


    Extreme brasileira perfect smile Gina Valentina

    Gina Valentina, mujeres, estrella porno, latinas, cabello oscuro, cabello  largo, Fondo de pantalla HD | Wallpaperbetter


    "I could be an average alteña" slender luxury girl Charity Crawford

    Mofos Lab (2018) 


    "I've got no boobs but perfect lips" Naomi Swann

    Naomi Swann 8X10 – AB Printshop


    "I could be Rassía's sister" Lexxi Steele

    Lexxi Steele porn videos | free ❤️ vids | Tiava


    And my all time favorite "I'm the perfect woman" Little Caprice

    Wallpaper Caprice, Little Caprice, joymii for mobile and desktop, section  девушки, resolution 3757x2681 - download


    So, I like them brunette, slender and small eyed. Small boobs FTW and anal enthusiasts. 

    • Love It 1
  19. 16 hours ago, Zer0 said:

    Sorry to resurrect this, but did you figure it out? I'm trying to convert my first pair of glasses and this is the stumbling block for me right now 😛

    Comrade @sadekhnd did indeed solve it. He made this:


    And this:


    So he solved it. I'm kinda curious too, because I want to make a couple of helmets myself. Let's hope he answers. 

    • Agree 1
  20. 42 minutes ago, josito said:

    Un saludo. Tengo un problema con el secuenciador, que no se inicia y me cierra el programa, alguien tendrá idea de cual puede ser la causa?

    Yo no uso el secuenciador. Peeeeero conociendo el juego como lo conozco, suele ser un conflicto con algún addon nuevo.

    Para verificar, corre el juego en modo seguro y si corre, saca addons de uno por uno, del más nuevo al más viejo.

    Es pura prueba y error, lastimosamente.

    • Agree 1
  21. 1 minute ago, crashman1980 said:

    Lo único que hecho en falta, es ese mod que no se puede nombrar por culpa de los degenerados de siempre y que no es compatible con VX, suelo hacer goblins y monstruos así y que acá no se puede jugar mucho con el tamaño.

    Sí, sé a qué te refieres. Pero para todo hay mañana. Cuando se quieren usar personajes de varios tamaños, lo que se puede hacer es combinar varias fotografías en "postproducción". Así, tienes "actores" goblins de tamaño "normal" que se combinan con personajes que se ven de tamaño mucho mayor, utilizando la perspectiva. 

    Es un  dolor de huevos hacerlo en el juego, pero a veces también es posible utilizando en FOV de H5. Pero esa es otra plática más complicada.

    4 minutes ago, crashman1980 said:

    Voy a hacer un tutorial para noobs para que puedan adaptar las texturas originales y que se vean mejor en Hook 5. He aprendido que se pueden meter los "_pass" de una carpeta con archivos "normal y especular" que mejora notablemente la calidad, no de detalles, pero si si de apariencia, sobre todo en ropa que parece de plástico si no se modifica.

    Es correcto. Justamente, así fue como yo comencé mi camino como modder. Fue poniendo archivos de H5 a trabajos de retextura de modders del juego original, como Cronan:

    A mí nadie me enseñó, llegué a conclusiones yo solo copiando lo que otros hacían y no me quedó tan mal. Así que si piensas hacer un tutorial al respecto, más que bienvenido, será mucha ayuda para quien quiera iniciar a crear cosas 😄 

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