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Posts posted by KJC

  1. Hello, I'm trying to create clothes, but they always don't fit the body, they always come out more to one side or more to the back, I don't know how to make it fit the body

    How I can fix it?




  2. On 11/20/2022 at 6:45 AM, HDiddy said:

    Check your exposure and ambient light levels in your level definition.  They are probably really low.

    Where is the level definition? And if I changed these data, would the whole game look different or just the room?


  3. 12 hours ago, ddman2 said:

    post more info about the room(folder screenshot, level_definition, or post the room.

    I don't know how works level_definition, this experiment haven't it

    9 hours ago, HDiddy said:

    Check your exposure and ambient light levels in your level definition.  They are probably really low.

    How I can learn the values? I don't know nothing about level_definition, I only open this file in some rooms and I watched numbers and words, this room haven't level definition

    12 hours ago, pes1972 said:

    This normally happens when only sunlight is the only light in a room. Then it only comes from one direction if you are not using the excellent NC sunlight script that follows the model:



    The room I insert two sun s, more points, and looks identical, I move in different parts of blender base platform, -Z +Z. and look identical.


    Having a full control with the blender over how the room will look is fun for me


    I have to try this script and try more things with the sun, thanks

  4. Hello, I have a problem in a test room creation, I don't know how fix, I have tried many things but error. There is only light from the front, if you look from behind it is dark, and with the shadows activated it is even darker.

    how can I set the light?

    and make the room brighter, because nothing can be seen so dark





    The Klub 17-36223968.png

    The Klub 17-36223969.png

    The Klub 17-36223970.png

    The Klub 17-36223971.png

  5. Hello, I am trying to create a sexys bodys and Nier Automata A2, B2, Commander models for the game or only moding, I am interested to create bodys and clothes, but I have a question.


    What is the name of this option of blender 3.2?


    This option make more easy the transformation of bodys


    I have a Commander but the model haven't add this option and I can't found


    I am only learning how create bodys, if it is not possible, I will delete the post, but ask how I can add this option to Commander and what is the name, probably it's ok 




    Blender 2.78 have this option?



  6. Hm I want that when I open my personal mod experiment room I can customize de lights of the parts of the room, because when the room is big, the far away parts tend to look dark, I will put more light in some parts, and I don't know if is possible that all room don't have any darkness. 


    I would like to know if it is possible to make a room that without having to touch hook, I could decide how much light I want in it.


    And if I can make the room colored lights, red for example, it would be much better.


    But I don't know if it is possible.



  7. On 7/16/2022 at 12:53 AM, Sexvision said:

    If you made it with hook objects try changing the Cullmodes of the objects. Try to set them at 2. If you made them from .obj files try to see if you have did a UVwrap in blender.

    you will find it in:

    1. import object in blender

    2. select the object with the A key

    3. press tab to go to edit mode

    4. go to UV editor you will see a split screen with the UVmap on the left and the object on the right.

    5. set your mouse in the right screen and press the U key to unwrap

    6. now add the texture to the UVwrap in the left screen.

    7. export the object (triangulate the mesh on export)

    8. run the object through h5m converter and test again.


    I not play hook 5 obj options, I only create plane and snap and if is necessary I rotate the plane in the right menu x y z

  8. On 7/15/2022 at 9:24 PM, HDiddy said:

    Your normals could also be flipped for those specific meshes.  What do you mean by the rotation are different?

    For put the planes/walls together I used the option "Snap". Yes, some meshes are flipped, I want say that some walls have a different rotation "x -90" "x 90" you also can rotate the object/plane/meshes with "ctrl+r"

  9. 55 minutes ago, HDiddy said:


    It could be there are no textures assigned to that mesh, the textures are using a size the game cannot read (textures must be the power of 2 on each axis, ie. "8", "16", "32", "64", "128", "256", "512", "1024", "2048").

    Without having anything to look at we are basically guessing off of a picture.

    The textures are 1.024x1.024 or 2.048x2.048 or 2.048x1.024 and png, but the rotation are diferent.

  10. 13 minutes ago, HDiddy said:

    What so as you start installing add-ons and extras your load time will increase IMO the go in order as below:

    1. Hook5 Will Increase the load time from launcher to menu from like 6 seconds to a full minute (Has something to do with how Windows 10 handles resolutions)
    2. Poses will also push your load time from game menu to room.  The more poses you install the longer you load time.
    3. Addons will also increase your load time, so the more addons you have the longer your load time especially Toys.
    4. Textures is not a huge killer of load times because textures are loaded on demand.

    If your looking to optimize focus on these, not so much settings in Options Manager.

    Thanks, I will take care with this installations, but my TK10 1.00p haven't content, some configuration of my game is bad.

    You are speaking about hook 5, I am not sure but when my game run faster maybe haven't hook 5 🙂

    I will reinstall because now load more than 120 seconds.

    But my TK v7.5.. have hook 5 11 GB of content, motly are toys in addon and rooms and the load is 20 seconds or less.

    My games run with M.2. nvme but I think this does not affect with TK17. 😅

  11. 17 minutes ago, HDiddy said:

    Those settings look fine as they are.  What exactly are you trying to do?

    Days ago I installed the game, game load in 10 o less seconds, second day I change TK17 Options Manger options because I don't want somes models 😅 and the game load change to 1 minute or more today 2 minutes, and the game only have the patch 1.00p. I am not sure what I need change for the game will be faster how the first day. And learn the usenfulness option isn't bad idea, but I prefer no reinstall 999 times the game learning options😅

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