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Posts posted by smark_1

  1. On 3/6/2021 at 8:38 PM, pervokpetr said:

    This Message is being posted by @HDiddy on behalf of @pervokpetr with his permission. Please visit https://www.patreon.com/posts/hook5-extended-48182305  for more infromation



    This is unlocked extended version. I'm share it because I can't support regular updates anymore. First I have no enough good ideas to continue with project. Second - those ideas that I have require a lot of time and efforts and scare even me. So I'm think I should share it. I'm not drop the project right now, as I said I have some complicated ideas, but I can't even predict how much time it will require, also I still should finish/try some ideas for exclusive version. 

    I hope that you, my patrons, not disappointed by hook5, we all know that this is outdated game, I tried all that in my abilities to change this game appearance. I hope I  could.

    About VXGI. I successfully resolved sun shadows bug and movement halo bug, lucky that problem was not in dynamic objects. Currently I'm trying learn and understand vxgi parameters for better quality and performance. Also new problem faced - transparent object require new shading to recieve correct VXGI lighting and should be compiled by VXGI module - have no clue right now how to do it - my shading complicated enough. Once I resolve this questions all exclusive patrons will receive version with VXGI. And I will move further with attempt to implement physx clothing - as I said in begining of project I have doubt about this, but as you I want to give it a try.

    And finaly - without your support hook5 had no chance to be implemented!

    Thanks you all!


    pity that paysafecard does not serve to pay ...


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