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Community Answers

  1. aardy's post in How to edit this water splash in H-Bathhouse room was marked as the answer   
    It's a particle/emitter - it doesn't seem to have an associated texture file, so I don't think you can modify it that way.
    You can, however, turn it on and off ( and even empty the bath ) via Room Options:

  2. aardy's post in Prisoner Collar was marked as the answer   
    Just had a look, and found the internal neck fabric (R9NeckCloth039_alt2) doesn't respond to retexturing either.
    Unzip the attached file and copy the 'Shared' folder to the Addon's Scripts folder.
    Your collar will then be completely Activemod enabled  
  3. aardy's post in Customizable skins in Gimp was marked as the answer   
    You will find all the base body textures in  Archives\2.158.001\Images\Q=Tex032M\Shared\Body 
    but it's not totally obvious which skins are used on which model.
    Any textures you copy and edit from here will also need renaming - I would suggest downloading some skins for reference.
  4. aardy's post in How to install clothing? was marked as the answer   
    What you are installing is a retexture which should be placed in your Activemod folder (as an unzipped folder containing the jpg png txt and txf).  This folder can be named whatever you like.
    If they are retextures of a default game asset they should show up in the selection menu once in your Activemod.
    However, if this is for an Addon item you won't see anything unless whatever it is they are a retexture for is also installed.
    You will probably find the .jpg is just a screenshot of the item - the game doesn't read jpg's so this could safely be deleted.
    Let me know the full name of the .png and I can tell you what else may be required.
  5. aardy's post in More Than Human [MTH] changes was marked as the answer   
    Here you go...
    Possibly not the most elegant solution, but it works.
    A VX glove addon that gives you dress options for the More Than Human arms.
    This will give you 2 new additional entries in the Glove menu - MTH Left Arm only and MTH Right Arm only.   The original addon is unaffected.
    For retextures you will need to create 2 copies of the R9Glove050.png and rename them MTHRightArm01 and MTHLeftArm01.

    Haven't looked at the legs yet, but can probably do something similar  
    VXGlove.MTH Arm Options.zip
  6. aardy's post in Getting errors was marked as the answer   
    Read the info banners - they are there for a reason:

  7. aardy's post in Toys not appearing. was marked as the answer   
    Right, I've had a look and they appear just fine in my game (although their loading rotation could do with correcting) -

    I can only suggest you try them in an otherwise empty Addons folder to check for a possible addon conflict.
  8. aardy's post in Tattoos bug body skin was marked as the answer   
    This is a
    Switching to another tattoo will then allow you to turn them off, but they will just re-appear again on the next model reload    - really annoying 
    This is an old game bug that's never been cured.  For some reason this behaviour is tied to the Makeup.cc in the model folder.
    If you delete that it should remove them permanently - the game will just rebuild a new default one.
    The only trouble is that this obviously deletes your makeup save so you would need to re-apply from scratch.
    If you are getting this after applying a makeup save that you may have installed from a model download, that save would be the cause and would need deleting to avoid continual occurrence of the issue. 
  9. aardy's post in Crashing when reloading room was marked as the answer   
    You shouldn't need to do a new install to test for a problem addon - just try your current install with an empty addons folder first.
    This can very quickly and easily be done by renaming your current Addons folder (I just use XAddons) and temprarily creating a new empty Addons.
    If your problem disappears you will then know it is Addon related and can begin the process of re-installing and testing them to find the bad one.
  10. aardy's post in Key bind was marked as the answer   
    In the Config folder you will find TK17_KeyShortcuts.txt.
    This not only lists the current game keyboard shortcuts, but also allows you to edit them.
  11. aardy's post in Starting an Album in Gallery was marked as the answer   
    You can add to any album you create whenever you want.
  12. aardy's post in Anyone knows where can I find these Bracelets? was marked as the answer   
    Those will be R9Bracelet034 - Rockstar Bracelets.  I'll get them posted.
    UPDATE: Now posted and available here:
  13. aardy's post in About modding toys textures (iPhone 6 Toy addon) was marked as the answer   
    As long as it's Activemod enabled, you can change the activemod texture in game on-the-fly.
    But a lot of older toys aren't activemod enabled. 
    This one should suit your needs:
    Otherwise, if you can you point me to the addon I'll take a look at your one for you.
  14. aardy's post in Trying to retexture Platform High Heels model - what am I doing wrong? was marked as the answer   
    The shoes you are retexturing - cloth_stripper01_female_shoe01 - are already Activemod enabled,  so as HDiddy said above, all you need to do is drop your texture into an Activemod sub-folder.
    However, you are using the wrong renaming - 
    the Activemod file name for the Plateau High Heels (cloth_stripper01_female_shoe01) needs to be 'F_StripClub001_Shoe01.png'.  The folder can be named whatever you like.
    'NurseHeels01.png' simply won't display.
    You can find details of all default texture names and their corresponding Activemod names in this file here:
  15. aardy's post in Dressing Icon - Locked (Visit SexShop to unlock) was marked as the answer   
    It looks like your game is not installed properly - or may not even be the current version of the game.  When correctly installed, nothing will be 'locked', and your Customiser menu should have more features:

    I would suggest trying a complete and careful re-install.
    Probably a good idea to re-download the installation files to ensure you have the latest working version ( Base game files + Update P ).
  16. aardy's post in Custom.03.R9Toy063.DragonDildo was marked as the answer   
    Hi Oaks.  The Dragon Dildo is now in VX as a default item.  You should find it in your toy menu without the need of this addon.
    Infact, having this in your Addons as a duplicate version might actually be causing your problem.
    The default version seems to work as it should in my game.
  17. aardy's post in The opposite of opaque? was marked as the answer   
    No display issues here - but I think I may have tweaked things.  My JUHair023.txf is certainly different.  The JUHair023_hairlayer.txf will also affect it's appearance.

    Try this.
    If you are using a JUHair Pack, you will need to disable (remove) it, or delete the JUHair023 files in it (there should be 8 items).
  18. aardy's post in Where are my Standard Outfits? was marked as the answer   
    Check this setting in Options Manager;

    Actually, on re-reading your post, I'm not quite sure what you've done - 
    "I've just installed the base game with patch p and installed VX.
    In the base game installation the standard outfits are still there. After I install VX they are gone."
    VX is the base game.  You just need to install VX and then update with patch P.
    If you've done something else you may well have a corrupted install.
  19. aardy's post in Can anyone seperate some of the toys out of this pack? was marked as the answer   
    Yours are now available here:  Swav1 Toys as Individual VX addons - Toys - Klub Exile

  20. aardy's post in Tattoos reappearing after removing tattoo sliders in favor of the xbody ones was marked as the answer   
    For some weird reason tattoos can become 'stuck' to the model via the makeup.cc (game bug).
    The only way I've found to cure this is to delete the makeup.cc - but then you'll have to rework your makeup.
    I don't know how Hook settings affect this (I don't use it) - but it looks like your issue is with default tattoos so it should still work  Odd thing is, your arm tattoo actually looks broken.
  21. aardy's post in Looking for R9Corset002 & R9NeckCloth075 was marked as the answer   
    No worries - still curious though 
    Anyway, now uploaded and available here:  
  22. aardy's post in Confused right now. how do download and use (mods, and other stuff from here) was marked as the answer   
    Addons - any folder containing Image/Scenes/Scripts subfolders - go into your Addons folder  (these could also be in a zip format if that option is enabled in your game).
    Textures - folders containing .png's (and any corresponding .txf's) go into your Mod/Activemod folder.  These folders may also include Hook related files.
    Models go to your Save/Models folder.
    And any poses go to the Poses folder. You can further organise these in subfolders of your choosing.
    That's really pretty much it to get you going 
    For more detailed instructions regarding basic install, this guide might help:
    BEGINNER tutorial for basic installation and very basic knowledge about the game - General Help Guides - Klub Exile
  23. aardy's post in HELLO, SOMEONE HELPME WITH YELLOW "JETSKi" was marked as the answer   
    Uploaded and now available here:  

  24. aardy's post in Old Mods was marked as the answer   
    Just the decoded t-x-x should be fine.  There won't be any conflict with future mods as they now use a different ID system.
    The only thing is some older mods just don't work in VX or have conflicts with other older mods - but if they work for you they should work for most others. Any conflicts that do arise can often be corrected by converting the addon to VX status - there are members who would be able to help you with this if it proves necessary 
    NB. There is a lot of stuff that hasn't appeared as individual items but is actually already available in various repacks.
  25. aardy's post in Wigs into Hats/Head accessories? was marked as the answer   
    @Morius - it seems it can be done and quite simply.  At least I've got it working in my set up and it seems to be working okay, but I've not tested extensively.
    All you need to do is change the Dresszone lines in the Scripts/DcDress .bs to read   .PrimaryZone :DZ_HeadAcc;
    This will place the wigs in the Head Accessories category and the sliders they now use (in the Accessories tab) do seem to work independently of the Hair sliders.

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