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Posts posted by motionman

  1. As you can imagine, it gets really frustrating. I put in the work to put together a nice sequence and when I go to save my changes, it starts to save, then seems to bog down a bit. I get the "thinking" cursor and then the game just disappears. This happens 85% of the time. If I'm lucky, the changes are there when I reload. Sometimes, there are poses missing or sections duplicated.


    Anyone have any tips?


    Thanks in advance!

  2. I posted this question on one of the other discussions, but it may be more of a help request question.

    Is there a way to save the poses that are contained in a sequence I have downloaded? There are some great poses that would work on a sequence I'm making. I thought by importing a sequence, it also saved the separate poses in the pose editor. That doesn't seem to be the case. The poses I'm looking for don't show up when I search for it in the pose editor. Is there a way to copy a pose in the sequence into my available pose stash?


    Thanks in advance!

  3. On 4/24/2021 at 12:05 PM, Wapitawg said:

    AFAIK it's not possible but you can have it easier by using the Options Manager and have "Sort using internal filename", "Sort using internal pose name" and "Use folder for disabled poses in Save/" options checked. This is my setting as an example:


    You'll need to reload Options Manager after enabling these options. Then all installed poses should appear as follows, allowing to easily detect and delete duplicated ones:


    With this setup you'll get a separate folders inside your main game dir with disabled poses, so you can easily remove from your game altogether.

    Note that I have all my poses inside the "Save" folder, not anywhere else. IDK if the trick works for poses in other folders.

    Thank you. I'll try it.

  4. 11 hours ago, nanobyte17 said:

    There are several possibilities here.  First, you may have the options for color checked on one model and not the other.   Check the top of the clothing customization dialog box.  There's a new option for added color adjustments to almost all of the items.

    Second, I've had this occur with some models.  If you are using an early version of a model or a clone of one, you may not have all the same loading data for the model that another later version of a model has.  In other words, one model was built using the later engine of the game, the other from an earlier engine, and they don't access the build sequencing for the graphics the same.  This was the issue with my model.  What I did to fix this was adjust all the body and face sliders then adjust them back, then I saved each tab of the customization dialog to build the body, and finally I grabbed a newer model, cloned her, and applied it all.  This fixed several problems.

    Third, if you are using Hook, reshade or similar enhancers, make sure you are using the same shader for the leggings.


    However, I would suspect that the color problem is due to one model having the color adjuster turned on and the other not.


    thank you for the response. I used the color slider to get to that color, otherwise it would be completely yellow. I'll bet the problem is the model is from an older version, as you suggested. I'll try adjusting the sliders in customization to see if that takes care of the problem.


    Thanks again

  5. I have done several searches, but have not found an answer to my question. For some reason that I cannot figure out, stockings show up differently on different models. I thought maybe it was a skin issue or a 4x/1x issue, but no matter how I change the body customization, it doesn't make a difference. On one model, the stockings look good and as intended. On another model, with the same stockings selected, they look completely different. In most cases they are yellow and have different tops. Again, it doesn't matter what skin I select. The pictures I have attached are two different models with the exact outfit. Everything else is the same, but the stockings are different. The stockings on the blond are correct.


    What am I doing wrong here? It's driving me nuts.


    Thanks in advance!

    The Klub 17-0001.png

    The Klub 17-0002.png

  6. Is there a utility that would scan poses and allow me to batch remove duplicates?

    I'd also like to know if there is a way to batch remove some types of poses that I don't anticipate ever using.

    Thanks. Love this site. Great work, everyone!

  7. Wow. This site is so organized and user friendly. So much better than the MG. I haven't reached the point where I can download stuff, but this is great. Nice job everyone.

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