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Posts posted by Demoonchild

  1. Hello exiled friends!

    Im just having another issue, so I come looking for your help. As the title says Im having ugly boxes in tyhe background of many rooms; Old rooms like the beach and new ones like the last shared by Hdiddy("luxury home" if I remember right)

    If anyone has a clue ,and can share it, it will be great!

    Here its a screenshot:


    TK17-158.001 2021-10-21 22-28-17.jpg


  2. On 10/18/2021 at 2:30 PM, noarmsnolegs said:

    hi demoonchild,

    i  dont know, if a camera works on a mirror, but some TVs can display a camera without using a mirror. maybe you wont need any?

    here i answered the nearly same question. maybe try this out, and ask me for further help, if you need. i can give more advice since i experimented for a while till i got it working.

    Thank you vey much @noarmsnolegs but "thankfully" I've resolve the issue, thanks to @Bbird and other guys in another thread. As you say, theres no need to use a mirror(best for me for screen simulation) but found some nice H5m objects where to render the "image".


  3. On 9/12/2021 at 8:21 AM, ddman2 said:

    type = camera
    enable = false
    position = 0.000000, 1.000000, 3.102236
    rotation = -1.000000, 180.000000, 0.000000
    fov = 75.000000
    script_name =
    parent_name =

    enable = false
    type = static
    style = object
    file = ![obj] - (h5) projectobject\!mte\cyberpunk bedroom\tv.shape.h5m
    position = 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
    rotation = 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
    scale = 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000
    color_multiplier = 255, 255, 255, 255
    metallness_multiplier = 1.000000
    glosiness_multiplier = 1.000000
    glow_intensity = 0.000000
    cast_shadow = true
    alpha_mask = false
    alpha_blend = false
    cull_mode = 0
    rendering_source = camera_rotation
    rendering_source_uvoffset = 0.000000, 0.000000
    rendering_source_uvscale = 1.000000, 1.000000
    script_name =
    parent_name =


    camera_rotation is the name of the camera obj

    needs a flat surface to work. Sometimes image shows up on another surface than the screen.

    you can disable the camera(to save FPS) and change main rendering to it. See main11.fx what key to use.

    @ddman2 Hello there! I have tried this, but as soon as I select the Camera source, the H5M TV dissapears. Please check in the pictures below, Im testing in the Cityplaza Room:


    ************EDIT***************  ALL FINE NOW!!

  4. Thanks @Bbird, and of course to @ddman2man2 and @hunter1110ter1110, Im gonna try if I can make this work, you guys are really amazing!

    Just one last question, have anyone of you tried to link a camera to a Hook5 Mirror?? The ones taht you can add with H5 GUI (and looks like this):

    type = mirror
    enable = true
    position = -4.222705, 1.578297, -5.261410
    rotation = 0.000000, 0.000000, 90.000000
    scale = 0.470000, 0.485500, 1.000000
    own_render = true
    darkness = 0.100000
    diffuse_map = 
    normal_map = 
    distortion_scale = 0.000000
    specular_map = 
    uv_offset = 0.000000, 0.000000
    uv_scale = 1.000000, 1.000000


    Is this possible?

  5. 8 hours ago, Bbird said:

    Did you manage to add a a basic h5 camera?
    As far as I know you can put a camera everywhere like a H5 object, so it should be no worry to place it near a mirror.

    Thanks for your input @Bbird. Yes, to create and position a H5 camera, is the easy part(but this alone does nothing), what I want to do is to render what the camera is capturing and play it on a H5 mirror located anywhere.(like in the screen of a H5 Tv object). Im really not sure if this can be done.


  6. Hello everyone!

    I want to create an scene where some guy is watching a camera in his laptop, so I place a hook5 camera in one room, and one Hook5 mirror over the laptop screen with the source of the camera. But it doesn't work, nothing works....

    Does anyone has some documentation or any suggestion? any help will be very welcomed.


    Thanks in advance!!

  7. 4 hours ago, HDiddy said:

    Can you show a screen of your add-ons directory?

    Of course my dear @HDiddy , sorry it took a little longer than expected... Actually I feel embarrassed, because this is probably the most messed/fucked up Addons folder of KE.

    Please, find it in the attached file, I have also added my VX-addon Log. 

    Thanks for your time!


  8. Thanks for your quick responses X17 and HDiddy, you guys are legends!

    I had no luck with your suggestions. I tried removing all of the Sequences from "Community" folder, almost all the poses from "Save" and "Community\PoseEdit"(just leave like 50), all the toys from "Addons" were removed too, but the issue is still happening, loading time won't improve at all... 😥 Any other thing that you could suggest guys? 

    Just to letting you know, Im playing it in in windowed mode, 1920x1200, using $ Hook5, and a LOT of things in activemod.

    Now, X17 "New Customizer Room", TK17, I have extracted the files to a folder inside Addons(previously I was just copying the Zip file as it is) but I had no luck either.

    **Update** Not sure WTF I did, but now the Customizer Room is working just fine, thanks X17!!!!!!!! One less issue!!


    I have attached a screen, but it dont says too much... it goes greyed for a long time(like when a program is "Not Responding" ), and then just before start, goes colorful again. Happens when entering to "Customize" directly, or any other option really.


  9. Hello Everyone!

    I'm an old garneder like many others here, this is my first question looking for help. I've tried everything but I have no luck. 

    I have 2 issues, my first one is that everytime I start Pose Edit (in every othere option too) my game gets stucks a lot of time, in "Loading Models". After like 20-25 mins, the selected option starts with no issues or slowness at all.

    I can load poses, make my own ones, customize, etc. So the issue is only with slowness when loading the selected option. It happens with every room (with heavy Hook5 objects loaded rooms, and with no objetcs at all).

    My second issue is that I can't use New Customizer Room, which X17 kindly share here: "https://www.klubexile.com/files/file/4066-new-customizer-room-dressing-room/", I have installed a lot of addons before, everyone working as expected, but theres is no way that the mentioned "New Customizer Room - Dressing Room 1.2" make it into my game. (I know its only put the file in addons...)

    The third one is more of a question.... sometimes when messing around with addons(removing, installing) I use to lose some cloth textures, hairs, eyes, etc. Obviously not related to the addon I have touched. Is this intended? or maybe there's a limit for textures in activemod?


    Thanks in advance for the help from the most experienced guys here. Its great to be part of this community. 


    PS: My version is 1.00P.

  10. On 7/9/2021 at 2:37 AM, Masterofth said:

    Bueno, pues después de varios días voy a mandar todo esto al garete, no entiendo la rivalidad entre los antiguos modsgarden y este foro, veréis tenía prevista una versión vx de milf City de hecho lo subí primero a loverslab porque la v7.5 es la original y sé que aquí no se puede ni hablar de dicha versión y como solo pude subir esa versión (por temas de Internet y los datos del móvil) indique si alguien quería convertirlo y subirlo a este sitio y lo único que conseguí era que borraran el link al mod original y eso me ha cabreado bastante así que lo siento por aquellos que usáis Vx pero el mod se queda en el foro de loverslab con la versión 7.5 

    Antes que preguntéis porque no me paso a Vx pues es porque tengo una versión muy personalizada y me ha costado mucho esfuerzo, aparte del mod mini- giant que sigue sin funcionar en la nueva version, los 4 personajes de Vx no me convencen ya que apenas uso 2 al mismo tiempo así que me quedo con 7.5.

    Que mal Masterofth, no puedo estar de acuerdo con rivalidades pero por algo pasó lo que pasó, y no creo que los chicos se dieran el tiempo de crear esta pagina sin un buen motivo.... es horrible, pero es.

    Por otro lado, agradezco que hayas compartido el room MilftCity2 pero no me deja bajarlo en LL... alguna idea del por que?? Aclaro que no tengo problemas con otros addons desde el sitio, solo con este. El mensaje que me aparece es:


    This attachment is not available. It may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it to this location.
  11. On 12/5/2020 at 5:21 PM, drd17 said:

    Una cosa que me gustaria preguntar es...

    Que version base me recomiendan instalar para comenzar de 0 y intentar hacer las cosas bien?

    Segun tengo entendido tengo una version tk17.5, para ser exactos tengo un pack llamado tk17 2019 que nisiquiera se de que base parte, al cual le he añadido manualmente un montón de poses, skins, modelos, juguetes... También he estado ajustando los nombres de los skins a los que usa esa versión en cuestión, al principio manualmente hasta que decidí hacer un pequeño .bat que modificaba todos los archivos a la vez, por lo que ahora simplemente arrastro una carpeta a mi mod\ActiveMod , ejecuto el escript y si algun skin no tiene el nombre adecuado me lo cambia facilmente.

    Algún alma caritativa que dedique su tiempo en guiarme en este mundo y recomendarme algun que otro enlace para informarme?


    Puedo recomendarte el Repack de DP...

    Viene con todo listo para usar, y puedes agregar add-ons que no tenga fácilmente.

    Solo tienes q seguir las instrucciones de instalación con detenimiento... Suerte!


  12. Hello everyone, 

    This is my first post here, so I'm starting by saying THANK YOU to all who create/manages and support this site, this has become a new home for the old gardeners...

    Now, I made this post because Im looking for some bodies with Physx, or physics, not sure how to spell it, because I have many Physx hairs and Hairworks which doesnt seem that great going through the models faces...

    I tried to search throughout the site first, but I was unable to find any. Maybe someone can share some or has a guide to add physx to the bodies, it would be great.


    Thanks in advance!

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  13. On 11/5/2020 at 9:00 AM, Masterofth said:

    No, no se sabe nada todavia.😭.

    Por cierto, tengo entendido que aqui en este foro no se puede ni hablar de la version 7.5.

    Yo lo siento mucho pero es la unica versión que tengo y todo lo hago para esta.

    No podria compartir mis mods aunque fuera en Mega?

    Y si alguien me pudiera ayudar a convertirlos a VX pues los compartiria ya que de la VX ni pajolera idea tengo 🤪.

    Echadle un vistazo a la carpeta de Texturas del Mod que hice:Mio-1.thumb.jpg.a40d57433c4a65465230b4ef36fccafb.jpg

    Todo eso son trajes de diferentes tematicas y faciles de adaptar a mis mods.

    Tengo creado el traje R9Dress143 y dos grupos de pelos R9Hat150 y R9Hat151 con el que se pueden crear muchisimos personajes, sobretodo de videojuegos o de dibujos animados.

    Creo que se me ha ido un poco de las manos 🤣.

    Hey Hola todos amigos de habla hispana y naufragos de Modsgarden!

    Genial encontrarlos acá. Falta Alejandro, como él es fan de la 7.5 quizas no se quiera aparecer!

    @Masterofth, maestro! La verdad es que instalé el ADDON R9Dress143 en VX y me funciona de maravilla, por lo que no veo problema que puedas compartir las texturas acá.

    He intentado hacer mis propias ropas, pero no me va ni de coña como dirían en la madre patria...

    Espero alguna vez los compartas!! 

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