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From left to right:

Spider Gwen, Spiderwoman Black, Spiderman for Girls and Spiderwoman Red.



© SovietTiger
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From the album:

People's Editing Stuff Factory - Final Product

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19 minutes ago, SovietTiger said:

I feel I went too far with Spider Gwen. I won't risk it with Spider Girl 🧐

You went too Far period. Appreciated! And the Spiderman outfit is more than enough for Corazon

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Nice 🤪🤔 I wonder if their spidey senses work like actual spiders when mating, if so... I'd rather pass on them 😕

There's no friend zone in eight legged freaks world 😔

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58 minutes ago, MarkZappa said:

Nice 🤪🤔 I wonder if their spidey senses work like actual spiders when mating, if so... I'd rather pass on them 😕

There's no friend zone in eight legged freaks world 😔

Rassía is the Tigress, Malena the Panther and Ludmila the Lioness. Polina is the Pussycat, bc she used to use her kitty to survive. So, there's that.

They wouldn't eat a mate out of instinct... Maybe out of boredom or anger.

I don't specially care about Spiders, or Spider-verse for that matter. And I don't specially like them, nor fear them. They are just there, I salute their service eating insects and that's it. If they eat each other... Well, that's the arachnid version of death by znu znu.

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22 minutes ago, SovietTiger said:

They wouldn't eat a mate out of instinct... Maybe out of boredom or anger.

Oh well, let's keep them very well entertained then! 😁 For a best quality of life 😊

23 minutes ago, SovietTiger said:

I don't specially care about Spiders, or Spider-verse for that matter. And I don't specially like them, nor fear them. They are just there, I salute their service eating insects and that's it. If they eat each other... Well, that's the arachnid version of death by znu znu.

lol! Finally, they are servicial beings, good to see someone remembers that!

And regarding their mating in general, I always use it as an example when any friend complains about having a hard time seeking for a mate to getting laid

"Male spiders get it worst bro, at least you still alive!" 🙈

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15 minutes ago, MarkZappa said:

Oh well, let's keep them very well entertained then! 😁 For a best quality of life 😊

lol! Finally, they are servicial beings, good to see someone remembers that!

And regarding their mating in general, I always use it as an example when any friend complains about having a hard time seeking for a mate to getting laid

"Male spiders get it worst bro, at least you still alive!" 🙈

I question you then: What's the use of life, if there's nothing to live for? As Arjona used to say: "¿Para qué quiere la libertad en la luna un tigre? NO ME SIRVE."

As a materialist and a very grim nihilist, I can tell that male spiders fulfilled their porpoise in existence. They were useful. Better dead than not laid.

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9 minutes ago, SovietTiger said:

As a materialist and a very grim nihilist, I can tell that male spiders fulfilled their porpoise in existence. They were useful. Better dead than not laid.

Alright, thursday got you very philosophical I see 😂 your point is very valid, but I wish to remark that the male didn't fulfilled his purpose in this case as it was devoured before the copulation; one of the three scenarios when mating (the other two are during and after), not mentioning the video states that he was rejected by other females in the past days (poor little guy)

This assuming that successful reproduction is its primal goal, which it technically is, instinctively and... he's fucked anyways and as cold as a penguin fart and I don't think he would be able to reply if we ask him about it 🤣 He totally flat lined there... he a stiff right now!


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2 minutes ago, MarkZappa said:

Alright, thursday got you very philosophical I see 😂 your point is very valid, but I wish to remark that the male didn't fulfilled his purpose in this case as it was devoured before the copulation; one of the three scenarios when mating (the other two are during and after), not mentioning the video states that he was rejected by other females in the past days (poor little guy)

This assuming that successful reproduction is its primal goal, which it technically is, instinctively and... he's fucked anyways and as cold as a penguin fart and I don't think he would be able to reply if we ask him about it 🤣 He totally flat lined there... he a stiff right now!


I assure you, my good man, he would have died with a smile in his face, of he could smile.

10/10 would do it again.

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6 minutes ago, SovietTiger said:

I assure you, my good man, he would have died with a smile in his face, of he could smile.

10/10 would do it again.

Right, huh? He was so damn close to make it! Ay, por una teta no fue vaca! 🤪

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