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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel

Phone Sex (Season 2, Ep.2)

Texas Pete

The strange coincidences of life (or should we call them convenient plot twists?) are central to this episode of EROTIC CITY. 

Frank Hightower is headed to L.A. to start his new teaching position at Occidental College. But Frank is a train rather than plane guy, so he opts for Amtrak.  While hanging out in the lounge car, he by complete chance runs into Eliza (Buck Fitty's realtor from Season 1, Episode 11).  Eliza has a proposal: would Frank like to take a look at Buck's condo as a short term rental while the famous rapper is out on tour?

Back in L.A., Eliza and Raj face scheduling challenges in their sex life.

The episode concludes with a conference at Frank's new office with by one of his students, Mia, and a friend.  Mia wants advice, but Frank finds it difficult to concentrate.

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From the album:

Erotic City, Season 2

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