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Posts posted by DimaS

  1. Hello friends! I have a question! I ran into a problem in sequences with models, on line No. 2 I put the model in room 1 and in room 2 I put another one. And it turns out that the second model changes to the model from the first room. Can someone explain how this works? Or a way around it.

    PS. With some models, it happens that the second one gets the makeup of the first and the body too!

  2. Spoiler

    1-(trigger) 2-(clothes)Desktop Screenshot 2022.03.28 -

    You seem to be good with sequencers. I want to ask a question. Please tell me what can be done so that the sequence does not check the clothes every time you move the trigger.???(Sorry for my English)

  3. On 11/9/2021 at 7:29 AM, MrOllyK said:

    You can try smaller texture sizes, but you can also try 8 bit which makes the things load fast.  I use PngQuant for almost all my stuff.  It even converts 32 bit transparencies.  This means you can have a smaller file size to load but the same texture resolution and it's very hard or impossible to tell the difference after conversion.  Also try to defrag your drive.  Backup everything first.  Avoid running other programs in the background like antivirus or other stuff that can interfere with the game.

    Sequencer always reloads every pose, dress etc. when the timeline widget crosses it.  Keeping things small and running efficient works best.


    On 11/9/2021 at 2:24 AM, HDiddy said:

    Unfortunately Sequencer has not kept up with most of the other parts of the game where modding efforts are more so around PoseEdit and Customizer.  There are still weird little bugs in sequencer that could be annoying. The other thing is that Sequencer was made for the base game where most meshes have a poly count under 2k and textures usually are 512 - 1024 pixels in size.  While some people's laptops have been able to keep up with increases in mesh quality and texture size....the sequencer has not.


    On 11/7/2021 at 5:54 PM, Bbird said:

    You can add all of your used outfits onto the timeline before you start the actual scene.

    Add an intro with a long fade-in and place your outfits right after the fade-in effect.
    This will increase the startup time, but reduce the in-sequence loading time.
    Same goes for animated toys like the Cum chalkboards.

    After a long time and the purchase of an SSD hard drive, the situation has not changed, compressed textures, put clothes at the very beginning of the sequence. (I noticed one thing, when you click on the place of a pose or speech, the game starts thinking for a very long time "SO LONG TO CLOSE IT SIMPLY", it thinks for 15 seconds and jumps over the markers ... what else could be?) I did not have these problems before ... Already the desire disappears to enter VX (((((

  4. I have identified the problem of my troubles! I scanned the hard drive for bad sectors and it turns out I had a lot of them and I have no idea how the files were written, anyway I thought about installing it on another drive on SDD and the problem went away. So the topic is closed, thanks to everyone who helped! You are the best!👍👍👍👍👍

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Sexvision said:

    Лично я бы начал с чистой установки VX и протестировал каждый установленный мной мод.

    Убедитесь, что он работает без конфликтов. вы можете сделать это, проверив файлы журнала. Ищите ошибки и дубликаты в VX - addon .log. Удалите дубликаты, если они есть.

    вы можете зайти в папку журнала и просмотреть все, что там находится. в вашей игре появятся новые, когда она загрузится. это гарантирует, что у вас есть чистый журнал для проверки.

    вы можете открывать файлы с помощью блокнота.

    Конфликтующие дополнения могут действительно испортить вашу игру.


    После того, как у вас будет рабочая версия без ошибок и дубликатов, сделайте резервную копию этой папки. если вам когда-нибудь понадобится переустановить, вы можете установить игру и скопировать на нее эту рабочую.

    Deleted duplicates and that's it! Any other options?


    Tk17vx10 Screenshot 2021.11.14 -


    4 minutes ago, DimaS said:

    Deleted duplicates and that's it! Any other options?

      Reveal hidden contents

    Tk17vx10 Screenshot 2021.11.14 -


    Could you share a folder with your mods? I think it's about them! I only need third-party add-ons, not things for the characters ...

  6. 4 hours ago, HDiddy said:

    Ok first off you have every GUI option available for XBody installed.  Your only supposed to use one as said in the archive.  You also need to only choose one hide tatoo option. 

    You should probably remove XMorphs as most addons using it have been reverted back

    Also after a reinstall one you added just a single addon did it work? Your going to have to add the addons in chunks until you find which group is the cuprit and narrow it down from there.

    Corrected as you said and everything is the same ((((
    So I reinstalled added only files by folder and the result (((


    Desktop Screenshot 2021.11.14 - Screenshot 2021.11.14 - Screenshot 2021.11.14 - Screenshot 2021.11.14 - Screenshot 2021.11.14 -


    I don’t know what to do. Can Windows reinstall it ???😁

  7. 2 hours ago, Sexvision said:

    Check the addon folder script\Shared\something.activemod.bs. should have the line to link the images. should be something like this: "Shared/Cloth/HDiddyDress[something]" , "HDiddyDress[something]" , "DressHDiddyDress[something]_Description" ,

    where [something] is the dressnumber.

    🙂message above

  8. 26 minutes ago, HDiddy said:

    Both @MrOllyK and @Sexvision are basically saying the same thing.  Not sure if you have tried it.  The connection of textures to the addon are  found in the folder mentioned above.  If you removed that folder well there is your issue.  Deleting the addons and reinstalling should have solved the issue unless there is something else at play.  There is not a 3rd Party addon that universally handles textures. There could be an addon you installed throwing things off.

    A few things

    • What was the last thing you installed before this started happening?
    • Can you provide some screenshots of your addons folder to see what you have installed?
    • Can you provide a screenshot of the Script\Shared\ folder of any of the addons that are being problematic

    Oh and try to use JPGs please..no need for heavy PNGs.

    1. What was the last thing you installed before this started happening?
    I completely uninstalled VX manually, then I started to drop the downloaded mods with add-ons into folders, after a while I decided to check it out and ran into this problem.

    2.Can you provide some screenshots of your addons folder to see what you have installed?



    3.Can you provide a screenshot of the Script\Shared\ folder of any of the addons that are being problematic




  9. 5 hours ago, Sexvision said:

    All of HDiddy's addons come with the ActiveMod folders needed. Go back to the downloads section of the mods and download the ActiveMod folders again will probable fix your problem.

    I've already tried reinstalling them. They are not the problem. Again, I removed something from the addons that were responsible for the textures itself, this is a third-party addon. With other textures that require a hook, 5 are also gray

  10. 7 hours ago, HDiddy said:

    Not understanding what you mean here? What theme?

    Sorry for my English! Correspondence through a translator!🙂

    6 hours ago, MrOllyK said:

    Not sure but you might be missing a "[addon_name].ActiveMod.bs" file somewhere that provides linkage to ActiveMod for the texture names, but it should be included in HDiddy's addon.  Also if you're going to post full-screen images at 1920 x 1080, .jpg is WAY smaller.

    Thank you! Where can I get it?

  11. 13 часов назад HDiddy сказал:

    На самом деле не уверен, что ты сделал. Попробуйте переустановить аддон .

    Фактически, я уже пробовал переустановить ваше и другие надстройки. Заметил это с отображением картинки в Hook 5. (пробовал запустить на чистой установке и добавил 1 папку add-on, а потом ActiveMod) Как я понял, должен быть какой-то аддон, отвечающий за доступ в настройки в папке ActiveMod.

  12. 23 hours ago, MrOllyK said:

    You can try smaller texture sizes, but you can also try 8 bit which makes the things load fast.  I use PngQuant for almost all my stuff.  It even converts 32 bit transparencies.  This means you can have a smaller file size to load but the same texture resolution and it's very hard or impossible to tell the difference after conversion.  Also try to defrag your drive.  Backup everything first.  Avoid running other programs in the background like antivirus or other stuff that can interfere with the game.

    Sequencer always reloads every pose, dress etc. when the timeline widget crosses it.  Keeping things small and running efficient works best.

    Thanks for the advice, I'll try to do it! Closer to the weekend, unsubscribe!

  13. 29 minutes ago, HDiddy said:

    Unfortunately Sequencer has not kept up with most of the other parts of the game where modding efforts are more so around PoseEdit and Customizer.  There are still weird little bugs in sequencer that could be annoying. The other thing is that Sequencer was made for the base game where most meshes have a poly count under 2k and textures usually are 512 - 1024 pixels in size.  While some people's laptops have been able to keep up with increases in mesh quality and texture size....the sequencer has not.

     Then I think I'll try to change the used textures of clothes in 512 - 1024 pixels. And I'll see if it will be faster)))

  14. On 11/7/2021 at 8:02 PM, MrOllyK said:

    That's a good idea, as the initial load of the clothing meshes and texture files will be in the drive (and Windows) memory cache making individual items load faster in the correct order later.  I run the entire game from RAM disk but I still use fade-outs, clothing change of large items, then fade back in to the next pose to avoid stalling.

    The question then is about the cache! Is there an option to keep it from clearing but remaining clogged for fast loading?

  15. On 7/4/2021 at 3:34 AM, MrOllyK said:

    On my setup I find that doubling the same pose back to back often causes the animation to stall on the 2nd identical pose no matter if I space them out their run length or speed up the first one.  This can also happen if the previous (non-identical) pose is around 8-20 seconds in length.  I haven't worked that out exactly, but found that if a 20 second pose causes the next one to stall then I throw in some dark seconds to edit out later, increasing the 20 second pose to 22.  Seems to work for me.  Sequencer can be a huge PIA to work with thanks to their coding and can take a bit to know its glitches.

    Thing is, I'm making a sequencer and that would be great, your way of reducing the pose images helped me at the moment, just like when the pose images in the PoseEdit folder were large they would slow down until the size was corrected became faster ... And I also noticed that it hangs when switching to the same position. I think the problem is that there is not enough space in the download cache.(Sorry for the English, I translate through a translator)

  16. On 13.06.2021 at 02:41, MrOllyK said:

    Каждый раз, когда шкала времени Sequencer попадает в виджет позы, он перезагружает файл позы в память. То же самое с одеждой и любыми сохраненными файлами. Вы можете сначала попробовать запустить последовательность, чтобы загрузить все файлы поз и прочее в кэш диска, а затем снова запустить ее для воспроизведения. У меня нет особых проблем, потому что я запускаю игру с RAM-диска. Возможно, у вас медленный диск или он нуждается в дефрагментации. У вас также может быть слишком много поз, как я слышал, что может вызвать некоторые задержки при загрузке комнат и т. Д. Я также уменьшил размер и глубину своих значков поз до 64 x 64, 8 бит, чтобы они быстрее загружались в окно выбора. . У меня всего около 700 самодельных поз.

    Reduced the size of the photo poses and became a little faster

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