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Posts posted by kirov_df

  1. 28 minutes ago, Euphie said:

    This "out of memory" error is an almost sure sign that something is wrong with this patching. 

    Try this - ignore these options completely and patch your TK17-158.001.exe file (from Binaries folder) yourself with this old and very reliable little program:

    4gb_patch.zip 20.96 kB · 0 downloads

    Ha! Well then. This time it worked. Had this programm too, but i guess i patched wrong file.
    Thank you so much for your help.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Euphie said:

    I also changed the graphics card at some point while having the game installed and I don't think I had problems, but it's worth mentioning here that I switched from GeForce to GeForce 🤔 You made a more significant change...

    Maybe something obvious to start with? Make sure you have the latest drivers, that is, downloaded from the Nvidia website, not what was on the included CD.

    I assume you are using Hook 5 - there is a link to dx2010 redistribuables in readme, it may need to be reinstalled. Also, while we're here, maybe the contents of mainfx_errors.txt (in Binaries folder) are saying something more about this crash right now.

    Thank you for your reply. First of all, sure, graphic drivers installed to the latest version from Nvidia site.
    Installed DirectX and 2010 distributables- still no luck.
    I also reinstalled Hook5 system and made Clean System in GameOptions Manager. Scenes loads correctly now, but when i switch poses i get "out of memory" error.
    One would enable 4gb_patch in Options Manager right? But when i pick it, confirm patching and open Options Manager again, it's not selected again (screenshot below). Tried like 20 times.
    Attaching mainfx_errors file too.null



  3. Hello community!
    So, here's the deal. I changed my graphic card. Moved from RX580 to GTX3050.
    Game worked perfectly before, tons of mods, models and stuff.
    Installed new card and BOOM. Game crash, memory leak and so on right at the end of scene loading.

    Question is:

    What can cause this problem in such unexpected way? I mean, WTF, Game works- new better card- game crashes.Klub-10.7z
    I'm attaching a log file, hope it's a correct one. It contains errors, and that's even more strange.

    Where do they come from? No game files changed, only new GPU.

    Thank you in advance for you help!


  4. @Sexvision @IIIlll
    Thank you guys for your replies and suggestions.
    Did some more tests in Opulent Spa, turns out GPU is used on 100%, CPU usage is low. So i guess the situation will be similar in other rooms.
    Other question comes out, is RAM critical for the game? How do you usually operate VX? I have 16gb and usually browse net with Chrome while the game is loading and running. Will it be better to turn off unnecessary apps while the game is running or this won't give much boost? Thinking about adding 16gb more, will i win any perfomance improvement from this in VX?

  5. 17 minutes ago, Sexvision said:

    you can use hardware monitor to see what your processor and GPU are doing.


    Also remember that this is all running on a 32bit 20 year old game engine.

    Could you share your framerate so we know what your base setup looks like? Press F4 to open Hook5 gui in a loaded room with a hook leveldefenition. On the top left there will be a fps counter.

    Share the name of the room and the fps count.


    Here we are. As an example, H5 variant of standart Beach room with 4 models in screen. No Hairworks hair currently used. image.pngAnd what resource monitor tells me. GPU load goes to 0 sometimes, or about 30%image.png

  6. Correct me if i'm wrong, but i feel that almost all perfomance burden is carried by my processor and not graphic card.
    I didn't do any tests or comparisons yet, i just hear how CPU vent starts to rotate faster, especially when i scroll clothes on models. And in some scenes FPS should be much higher than it actually is and im sure that my RX580 8GB can do better.
    Yes, processor calculations required for hook5 and stuff, and i heard that NVidia cards are more suitable for our beloved game, but still.
    Is there a way to make sure that my graphics card does it's best in game to draw me some humongous honkers? Or to say it's better, how to use resources of my PC more effectively?

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