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Posts posted by pandabear

  1. 32 minutes ago, aardy said:

    In the scenes.bs, try changing the line:

        RenderMaterial.AmbientColor Vector3f( 1, 1, 1 );

    to read:

        RenderMaterial.AmbientColor Vector3f( 0, 0, 0 );

    See if that works for you.


    That ABSOLUTELY worked!!  Thanks!!!

    My next question -- is this something I can set in blender before exporting and starting the CTK process, or do I need to do this manually in the .bs file every time?  I'm researching Ambient Occlusion in Blender (2.79), but that was turned off, and turning it on and making strength 0 doesn't give me the "  RenderMaterial.AmbientColor Vector3f( 0, 0, 0 );" I'm hoping for.


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  2. I'm looking to make some changes to a toy I made many years back.  I don’t remember how I originally made it, I just found a 3d model online and made it work with 7.5.  I remember that I used the 7.5 carrot toy texture, it seemed to work just fine 🙂

    I imported it into Blender with iotkm and made a few changes to start:
    - decimated to reduce vertex counts
    - Restructured and renamed things so it works with CTK
    - Exported using CTK
    The shape looks correct but the color/lighting is wrong.  It almost looks like it is glowing, and if I move the light source the toy doesn’t look any different.  But with the original toy, if I moved the light source the colors/shadows would change appropriately.

    I attached some pics of the original toy and the new toy, plus the addon files of the new tool.

    I'm a complete newbie with Blender so I'm guessing this has something to do with lighting settings.  Any thoughts on how I can fix this?





  3. What tool do you guys use to paint 3D meshes?  I'm looking to make some edits to a skin.  I've only used Cinema4d in the past (it was used in a tutorial 10+ years ago on MG) but the new versions of C4D are clunky and I've had a hard time finding help online.  Is that the best, or is there something better?


  4. 2 minutes ago, hfg2 said:

    CollaTkane has a pretty descriptive help info, if you just type CollaTkane.exe in a cmd window.

    Yes, it takes time to understand stuff from there, but once you get an idea on how the dc script, ac script and scene file works, along with the textures, then you are good to go in making your own addons.

    Maybe for someone experienced with TK modding, Blender, Hook, etc.  But for folks like me who are new to all of this, the info that comes up from CTK is just a sea of unfamiliar terms.  And I say that with all respect to everyone who're made tutorials, posts, etc on the modding topic.  I appreciate what they've done, but there's just a ton of stuff to know and it's all over the place and tough to find.  I'm trying to figure things out, one baby step at a time, but it's extremely daunting for newbies.

    • Agree 2
  5. I see the banner @HDiddy created and I'm happy to report broken links, but how/where to I do that?  Do I reply to the topic with the broken link?  Or submit a question to this forum?  Just want to make sure I'm using the correct method.  You guys may want to update banner with those details.

    On that note, the video link in this post no longer works: 






  6. I created a custom body01 (female) where I edited the butt, thighs, calves etc using Blender 2.79.  I want to copy those same edits over to the body03 (shemale) object.  I tried using this but because the butt and hip vertex groups have different vertex counts it won't work.  I spent the last few days trying other options, scripts, etc, but haven't come up with anything.  Does anyone know a way to do this or at least a manual process that's easier than just copying vertex info one vertex at a time? 

    chatGPT helped me create a script to copy over the knee vertex group since they have the same vertex counts.

    I should mention that I made this body 10+ years ago and have forgotten most of what I know re: Blender.  Shit I don't even know how I made the edits symmetrical.  I'm attaching the body01 in case that makes it easier to understand what I did.



  7. With TK V10 Standard (non-hook) I can take screenshots with transparent background using the following:

    • set 'background color' to 'Transparent (grey)' in Settings
      • c1.jpg
    • ctrl+shift+r to remove room background
    • ctrl+p to take screenshot

    Screenshot.png now has model with a transparent background:

    The Klub 17-0003.png

    But if I try the same process using Hook 5 (using Basic for now), Screenshot.png now has model with a grey background:


    Does anyone know how to take a screenshot with Hook 5 with a true transparent background?



  8. I want to share the same customizer values for my bodies.  E.g., I found a free toy size (see attachment) that works for my animations, and I want several of my models to have that same size.  However, they only way I can do that is to "eyeball" the slider location and try to duplicate that with the other model.  This can lead to inconsistencies in the animations because the tool isn't exactly the same size.  And I want to do the same thing with color sliders, body sizes, etc.

    Is there a way to copy a specific customizer value to another body?  Or maybe there's a way to set a specific customizer value using numbers (like when you hit ctrl+a in posedit, see attachment)?




  9. On 6/18/2021 at 3:21 AM, hfg2 said:

    It is a bug I assume in how the game window is created at various resolutions (windowed mode) vs fullscreen, the issue was not on Windows 7 but it affects Windows 10, it has something to do with how the game initializes the resolution multiple times, it cycles through them until it succeeds and that takes time.

    And yes, even if this would be fixed (Pervokpetr I assume), loading the game with hook vs no hook or vs opengl is slower, because the game API must be "hooked". 🙂


    Indeed this seems to be the case.  My mainfx_errors.txt with Codename-VX vanilla install (includes Hook5 Basic) shows it tried 5 different resolutions:


    C:\Codename-VX v1\Binaries\
    settings loading succeeded
    adapter 0:NVIDIA GeForce MX550
    adapter 1:Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics
    adapter 2:Microsoft Basic Render Driver
    requested: 1920x1057
    requested Format: B8G8R8A8_UNORM
    entering validate resources
    sysfunc hooking succeeded
    create device11 succeeded
    DEVICE release: 1
    DIRECT3D release: 0
    adapter 0:NVIDIA GeForce MX550
    adapter 1:Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics
    adapter 2:Microsoft Basic Render Driver
    requested: 1914x1051
    requested Format: B8G8R8A8_UNORM
    entering validate resources
    sysfunc hooking succeeded
    create device11 succeeded
    DEVICE release: 1
    DIRECT3D release: 0
    adapter 0:NVIDIA GeForce MX550
    adapter 1:Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics
    adapter 2:Microsoft Basic Render Driver
    requested: 1920x1057
    requested Format: B8G8R8A8_UNORM
    entering validate resources
    sysfunc hooking succeeded
    create device11 succeeded
    DEVICE release: 1
    DIRECT3D release: 0
    adapter 0:NVIDIA GeForce MX550
    adapter 1:Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics
    adapter 2:Microsoft Basic Render Driver
    requested: 1914x1051
    requested Format: B8G8R8A8_UNORM
    entering validate resources
    sysfunc hooking succeeded
    create device11 succeeded
    DEVICE release: 1
    DIRECT3D release: 0
    adapter 0:NVIDIA GeForce MX550
    adapter 1:Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics
    adapter 2:Microsoft Basic Render Driver
    requested: 1914x1050
    requested Format: B8G8R8A8_UNORM
    entering validate resources
    sysfunc hooking succeeded
    create device11 succeeded
    relocate c:\codename-vx v1\mod\activemod\


  10. I almost did this same thing 5 years ago, was going to delete the game and my content because I felt I was doing it too much, but man am I glad I didn't delete it.  I have it under control now and I'm back to loving the creative process.  This game is not just about porn, it's about being creative, and that's tremendously satisfying in its own right.

    I wish all who are struggling with "porn addiction" peace as they come to terms with this stuff.  That's what it was for me - not so much a drastic change in my life, but an acceptance that these urges are there and that's not abnormal.

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  11. I know 'x' starts the 'cumshot!', and shift+x both stops the cumshot and cleans up any cum on the characters.  What I want is a hotkey (or other mechanism) to stop the cumshot immediately, but not clean anything.  Is there a way to do this?

    FYI my reasoning for this: I use the cum tool to paint my characters but I'm very specific with it.  I just want a single shot in one spot, then a single shot in another spot, etc.  The cumshot shoots ~25 shots rapidly and that's too much.  I can let just 1 shot hit and then point the cumshot away from the characters until it finishes, but then I have to wait each time for the cumshot tool to end before I can point to the new spot and start the cumshot again.  Being able to stop the cumshot without cleaning the existing cum is exactly what I need.

    Edit:  I found the following in the Config\TK17_KeyShortcuts.txt

        cumshot = "x",
        cumshot2 = "alt x",
        cumshot3 = "alt shift x",
        cleanup = "shift x",
        cumshot_finish = "u",


    cumshot_finish sounds like it may do what I want, but pressing 'u' during posedit does nothing.  Anyone know what cumshot_finish is and how to use it?

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  12. 46 minutes ago, Drahzar said:

    ... just click on the person to select it and change to that person.


    Thx for the reply.  By "click on person", do you mean on their icon in the "Edit person" section of the editor, or click the actual person in the pose?  I tried both but the Customizer dialog still shows the initial person it selected when I clicked F12.  Perhaps I have an older version of TK with a bug...?

  13. When I use the "Customize dialog (F12)" (either by pressing F12 or by right clicking a character and selecting "Customize dialog (F12)" from the context menu), it opens up the Customize dialog for a specific character.  Any changes made using the dialog - i.e., load a body - only applies to that character.  My questions is:

    - How do I select/change which character the Dialog should apply to?  Normally it picks the player (P2), regardless of which character I right-click on, but sometimes it picks a different character if I was working with that character in the full "Customize..." view.


  14. When saving a pose I can save it to an existing pose file, and in the process change the pose name if I like.  However, If I overwrite a pose file and change the name, TK still shows the old name in the poses list (when select "load a pose").  The only way I know of to see the new name is to abort the game and then restart it, and at that point tk shows the new pose name correctly.  Is there a way to change a pose name and refresh the pose list without aborting the game?

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