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Posts posted by Maquiavella

  1. 6 hours ago, Morius said:

    Is there a link to this img2img? 

    About the 5 years thing, I think it'll be faster thant that. It has a very lucrative potential.

    Img2img is a feature of Stable Diffusion, an open source AI that will kick any other more advanced AI, why? Because tits and ass. It's the only AI with uncensored versions. My friend is the one that is messing with this stuff I just played with it a bit and I was very impressed. I can't teach you how this works but I can give you the url to an uncensored Google Collab version in case you want to test it. Sorry for not being able to teach you. All I remember is that you need to create a free account on a site called Huggingface and create a token to run it. Then you copy this on your google collab account: Stable Diffusion for collab

    Anyway, there are tons of tutorial about Stable Diffusion on Youtube.

    And yes, this may be the future of adult entertainment. Stable can't create sexual pictures only nudes, but the AI can be trained to do anything. There is even a more advanced version on the way.

    • Thanks 1
  2. A friend of mine showed me all these crazy AIs that are taking the art world by storm, and I started thinking about the future of the adult entertainment and video games. This may sound stupid to you right now, but I have the feeling that in 5 or 10 years you will be able to just record a video with the crappy 3d models and lightning of vanilla TK17 and the AI will turn them into an hyper-realistic animation that will make Blender top animators blush. Right now there is a thing called img2img that is already turning crappy hand-drawwings images into realistic amazing paintings or renders. Just look at these examples and this is just an early beta that can even't generate hands.



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  3. I discovered this cute little game years ago when I was a teenager messing around looking for naughty games. I still have fond memories from Modsgarden (I lied about my age just to sign on the site, what memories! I was a very naughty girl!), perhaps because I never engage in drama so I was totally oblivious about the Game of Thrones that was taking place there. Of course, nobody knows about this stuff or my family will kill me. I'm Latina and my family come from a very strict and conservative background. I studied on a nun's elementary school and in a high school were some of the teachers were priests (something that is very common here, we call them Salesianos, a perfect setting for an adult game right?), so go figure. I'm reaching my mid-twenties and I'm not playing adult games the same way I did when I was sixteen or seventeen, not because I have a boyfriend or because I don't like them, it is just that the pandemic had a huge impact on my country and soon I will finish my career and honestly I fear for my future, I see no future for me here, not even in Europe. Should I start developing adult games? I studied psychology so I guess the answer is no.

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  4. On 5/16/2022 at 6:27 PM, tintops said:

    uso el CollaTKane 3.2

    ¿antes de ejecutar el archivo bat,donde modifico para cambiar el nombre?




    Debes cambiar todos los nombres, te puedes ahorrar las líneas 17,18.19 que sólo borra los archivos creados y la 20 que crea un t**. Si evitas que borre el archivo bs sólo tendrás que copiar la carpeta creada en Addons.

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  5. 19 hours ago, tintops said:

    hola Maquiavella

    creía que al guardar el archivo Scene.dae generaría un archivo bat,pero nada mas era ejecutar el archivo bat, en este caso el de R9blouse111,para convertirlo ,error de mi parte.

    ¿sabes o  alguien sabe  si nada mas modifico lo resaltado  para ponerle nombre al addon o es algo mas? como no me aparece el addon en el juego , solo el primero que hice, pero le deje el  nombre como esta en la imagen.




    El código parece correcto. Qué haces después de ejecutar el bat? Selecciona la carpeta R9Blouse111 creada y pegala en Addons o comprímela en un zip y cópiala en Addons. Qué versión de CTK usas? Cúanto más moderna menos código necesitas usar.

  6. On 4/6/2022 at 6:57 AM, tintops said:

    Hola a todos

    he estado editando un addon de un vestido.cada vez que guardo el archivo como Scene.dae en la capeta de collaTkane no hace el archivo ".bat ".esto es lo que tiene la carpeta





    No entiendo tu pregunta. Qué es lo que no hace el archivo bat?

  7. 4 minutes ago, x17 said:

    I forgot to mention - but one IS capable to easily (well "easily" = with enough money) acquire lots of stuff and content that could be perfectly legally used in game. For example, DAZ while absolutely free to be used as "derivative" form (youre free to commercialize stuff if for example you make images - but not 3d mesh itself to be shared), it can also be used in games if one acquires interactive license for desired content.

    How would that initially look like in game like this ? Firstly - proper body standardization, lets say I acquire interactive license for G3 / G8 and V4 figures, female and male ... it basically opens a whole treasure trove of potential conversions from DAZ, which would be fan made, not "official". However, one could go fully legal and even continue buying interactive licenses and implementing stuff into the game.

    Still, project even being free wouldnt put the project fully into the domain of "perfectly legal" in cases where certain modders would use DAZ content ... but thats the same scenario like here or any other game with lots of converted stuff.

    I know how to make some really good morphs that even DAZ dont have or to modify the mesh extensively ... but to model something from ground up, from scratch, its problem. This is why there is something as kitbashing process. I have already done that, for example, on wedge mule heels here on KE. One can take bits and pieces of meshes and combine things into something new that doesnt even exist officially yet... 

    Your plan is very interesting. Using DAZ as a base will open your project to thousands of props, clothes, etc. The only negative point I see is that you will fail if you are too ambitious. This is something all indie game devs will say to you: never start too big. If you add all this RPG elements and a sandbox we are talking about more or less an adult GTA which is an insane goal for a solo dev. Why don't you just try first to make a good character customizer, a decent Poser Editor and a simple scene selector? There is a guy who makes futanari videos for Affect3d called Puppetmaster who turned his videos into pseudo TK17 apps using Unity I think. I don't have those games but you can see plenty of videos on Pornhub. Maybe it's a good starting point for you. Try to make something like this for UE4: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5fe89bb195915

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 15 hours ago, x17 said:

    Im fairly sure Ill go eventually with UE4 game development, even if amateurish for beginning. Considering Pose Editor and vast customizing abilities are the crux of TK17 currently, I see the capabilities being possible to be remade on UE4 and much more expanded.

    Its key to retain the capability to mod the game, with new content, and with capability to make seamlessly new poses in game. Then everything else is just a bonus. But I already mentioned before I have a clear vision what I would plan for the "core" part of such game, and it would make it essentially very non linear and even fun to play.

    Sadly, I dont think my vision will come to TK17 in any way, but if I take my time with UE4... there are good chances to implement exactly what I would like to do.

    I was reluctant to start because of lack of free time to one extent, but I have got to conclusion this is probably my "proffesional path" (if it could be worded like that) eventually. Ill try a bit to fiddle around with TK17, still, and see what I can do ...

    If you manage to somehow recreate TK17 using UE4 this will pretty be your professional path. You can take a (big) risk and release the base game for free and then copy DAZ's commercial model: sell clothing, shapes, animations, hairstyles, rooms. The key is to have a big community that can support you and that will keep your game alive. It's insanely hard to achieve but not impossible. I'm sure the VAM community would follow you in a second if you create something similar but with TK PE. Perhaps you can release the base game for free but ask for a small license if someone releases a commercial visual novel, video, etc. As long as you don't make money it's free. Or you can crowdfund the game, I don't know. Look at me, I'm still giving money to pervokpetr for hook5 extended.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  9. I think the main reason for the lack of games based on TK must be obvious from the beginning: this is not a game dev tool or engine it's a pirated/modded game. I'm sure that if you try to release a visual novel based on TK on Steam or Dlsite they'll kick your ass and maybe they'll ban you too. I'm not a hardcore gamer but I don't remember seeing anything related to TK on the Adult section of Steam or Dlsite. In fact, I think that even selling visual novels based on Honey Select is strictly prohibited by Illusion. 

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  10. 1 minute ago, x17 said:

    I think it should maybe be possible even with other formats. Even collada is capable to store animation. The SV2 is capable to read FBX files and in that way, its animation. The VX which is based on version before SV2, AFAIK, isnt. But using Blender as transition point, were easily capable to convert any animation into BVH and in that way, apply it into our VX.

    Impressive. If someone finds an easy way to convert animations to a bvh file that works on VX we will strike gold. With each day motion capture is easier and easier thanks to AI, I mean there are even AIs that can motion capture animations from random videos without any equipment like OpenPose and Deepmotion for example. Think the possibilities, specially motion capturing non-sex animations that are very hard to do like running, sports, dancing, fighting. I know people like Xalas make a living by making movies. Imagine having realistic movie-like animations just by recording yourself with your freaking webcam or even your phone without motion suits or bullshit.

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  11. 17 minutes ago, x17 said:

    Yep, it works flawlessly (at least for V4 and M4) ...


    Like, one of BVH animations from Mixamo (Capoeira moves) https://www.veed.io/view/1fa3178e-2434-4e55-a6f6-9c31c19ea944?sharingWidget=true

    In game https://www118.zippyshare.com/v/l5UeIcZm/file.html



    Wow! That's insane. Is there really a way to convert animations from Mixamo to Vx? Isn't the only format available to export a standard FBX? How do you export an FBX file to the game? It looks like voodoo magic to me.

  12. Hey guys, I successfully managed to export a custom Toy to VX but the morph doesn't work, no matter what I do.

    It's nothing fancy, just a ceiling fan with a rotation morph.

    I copied the script from one of HDiddy's Toys.

    AppModel . {
        .ComponentArray [ AppImportScene . {
            .NodeName "R9Toy080";
            .ParentPath "/Primary01/Tools";
            .SceneFile "Shared/Item/R9Toy080";
        AppScript . {
            .MainContext True;
            .Script "
            :R9Toy080:tool_R9ToyFan_MESH001.SNode?.BlendControl [
        AppScript . {
            .MainContext True;
            .Script "    
                ::GUI:PoseEdit_ToyTrack1.Visibility 1u;
                ::GUI:PoseEdit_ToyMorph01_Slider.SliderMin 0f;
          ::GUI:PoseEdit_ToyMorph01_Slider.SliderMax 1f;

    I think the issue is that I don't know what text I must put on the SNode? line. I searched and tried many names without luck.

    I'm using CollaTKane and Blender but the resulting file looks nothing compared to HDiddy's.

    Can you guys give me a hand, please?



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  13. 10 hours ago, tintops said:

    la primera opcion

    ¿entonces tendría que cambiar de skin para cambiar de ropa o se puede implementar como add-on para que aparezca donde esta la ropa ? 

    No vale la pena convertirlo en add-on sólo para que te aparezca en la pestaña de ropa. Deberías importar una copia del cuerpo como add-on y hacer un montón de operaciones innecesarias y complicadas, además que sería como multiplicar el cuerpo por 2 y eso te restaría memoria del juego. Recuerda que VX es de 32 bits y su límite son 2 gigas. Lo mejor es simplemente guardar el skin modificado en una carpeta dentro de Activemod y cambiar el skin.

    • Like 1
  14. On 3/9/2022 at 6:53 AM, tintops said:

    Hola a todos

    ¿alguien sabe de algún tutorial para hacer ropa pintando el skin?


    ¿Te refieres a modificar la textura del cuerpo desnudo para hacer ropa ajustada o a cambiar cualquier textura de un add-on de ropa? La mejor opción es cargar la textura que quieres modificar en por ejemplo Photoshop o Gimp y pintar encima.

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  15. Hey guys, I've been playing with mirror planes and I wonder if you can assign mirror properties to a h5m object the same way you can create televisions or plasma screens by assigning a camera to a loaded object. In other words, I wanna make a round mirror by turning a h5m object into a mirror.

  16. On 12/11/2021 at 8:45 AM, ozzipapu said:

    Muchas gracias SovietTiger.

    He conseguido la versión V10.1.00. Por lo que veo es un poco antigua, ya que las modelos que trae tienen la calidad bastante baja en comparación con las fotos que estoy viendo en este sitio. Entiendo que si posteo un poco, y consigo los puntos de prestigio, podré bajarme una vesión un poco mejor de este portal.

    Mientras tanto, seguiré trasteando con esta vesión a ver si puedo añadirle algo de calidad.

    No es un problema de versión sino de mods. Los cuerpos base de The Klub siempre han sido una porquería. Si quieres que tu juego se vea como las capturas usa el hook5 versión gratis y bájate mods de cuerpo.

  17. On 12/12/2021 at 12:42 PM, gape2211 said:

    Gracias por el consejo;agradecido.

    Si te salen deformaciones extrañas del cuerpo aleatorias es un problema del mod, básicamente el modder ha aumentado o ha cambiado el número de vértices del cuerpo original y eso provoca errores. No hay forma de arreglarlo.

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