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Posts posted by tmzy24

  1. 58 minutes ago, Thunder said:

    Thanks for the advice but I don't feel myself even enough compitient to properly describe the task to gpt. But I guess I'll have to try in the end... 😅

    Actually no but... can it be really more synced than by a single function? )) Maybe this is outside of my understanding of hook5 logic but I'll try it now anyway!

    BTW I randomize values both for parameters and timings. Can they by synced up while being assigned physically in different scripts? Though this is a slightly different question...

    lol im not a big fan of using ai and i do limit its use for quick answers as a last alternative. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Thunder said:

    Hey community! Seeking for some help in (LUA?) scripting... 

    I'm trying to make flickering lamp which includes lamp object (glow_intensity) and corresponding spotlight (intensity).

    I've made worthy flickering effects on both within single script but I can't get them work synchronously. So they flicker well but each on its own...

    Is there a way to bind them? For example there is os.date function in lua. Can it be utilized somehow in order to get identical timings for each object?

    The script is applied both to lamp and spotlight, and the lamp object is parented to the spotlight.

    Here is what it looks like now:

    Here is the script:

      Hide contents
    local script = {}
    --SCRIPT BODY - any functions and calculations
    local function flicker( id, delta )
    	local st = db.storage[id]
    	local dimming = random(100) / 100
    	if dimming < st.lighting_occur_threshold then
    		dimming = random(20) / 100
    		dimming = (random(7) + 93) / 100
    	if (string.match(st.object.name, "Lamp")) then	 	-- Lamp object definition
    		st.object.glow = st.base_glow * dimming
    		st.object.intensity = st.base_intense * dimming
    	st.time_passed = 0
    	st.time_wait = random(100) / 400
    --main function that will be used as frame update callback
    --id 		- object id allow access to object storage
    --delta 	- time passed from last frame, i.e frame time
    local function update( id, delta ) 
    	--here the main script things logic, calculations and so on
    	local st = db.storage[id]
    	if st then
    		st.time_passed = st.time_passed + delta
    		if st.time_passed > st.time_wait then
    			flicker( id, delta )
    --BIND - this function called when object binded with script and allow register all desired callbacks
    function script:bind_to_object( st, binder )--object storage and callback binder
    	--declare per object variables
    	st.base_intense = st.object.intensity
    	st.base_glow = st.object.glow
    	st.lighting_occur_threshold = 0.15 	--how often the lamp is dark
    	st.time_passed = 0
    	st.time_wait = random(100) / 400
    	--register callback in array of active callbacks
    	binder:add_callback( CALLBACK_GLOBAL, "on_frame_update", st.object.id, update )
    	--callback class
    	--callback type
    	--object id
    	--function that will be used as callback
    --script registration
    db.script_list["sc_lamp_flicker"] = script



    i may be wrong here as i am still learning things myself but would something like this work. i asked chat gpt with your question. i dont use it much but if im not getting a straight answer on google and need an answer or example i switch to gpt. i did ask gpt about 3 months back for a similar question for another project i am working on and it worked after some tweaking. see if this helps you


    local script = {}
    -- Function to simulate flicker effect on the object
    local function flicker(id, delta)
    	local st = db.storage[id]
    	-- Generate a random dimming factor
    	local dimming = random(100) / 100
    	if dimming < st.lighting_occur_threshold then
    		dimming = random(20) / 100
    		dimming = (random(7) + 93) / 100
    	-- Apply the dimming factor to the object's properties based on its type
    	if string.match(st.object.name, "Lamp") then
    		st.object.glow = st.base_glow * dimming
    		st.object.intensity = st.base_intense * dimming
    	-- Reset the time passed and set a new wait time
    	st.time_passed = 0
    	st.time_wait = random(100) / 400
    -- Main update function to be used as a frame update callback
    local function update(id, delta)
    	local st = db.storage[id]
    	if st then
    		-- Increment the time passed
    		st.time_passed = st.time_passed + delta
    		-- Trigger flicker if the time passed exceeds the wait time
    		if st.time_passed > st.time_wait then
    			flicker(id, delta)
    -- Function to bind the script to an object and register callbacks
    function script:bind_to_object(st, binder)
    	-- Initialize object-specific variables
    	st.base_intense = st.object.intensity
    	st.base_glow = st.object.glow
    	st.lighting_occur_threshold = 0.15  -- How often the lamp is dark
    	st.time_passed = 0
    	st.time_wait = random(100) / 400
    	-- Register the update callback
    	binder:add_callback(CALLBACK_GLOBAL, "on_frame_update", st.object.id, update)
    -- Register the script in the script list
    db.script_list["sc_lamp_flicker"] = script


  3. have you tried alt + R to see if it fixes it. if it does then you will need to go on options manager in the binary folder and activate face hack in the GFX/UI section. if it dont work then assuming you have h5 extended and using a custom skin. if so change the displacement down looking at the second pic and change resolution on the head 

  4. 55 minutes ago, Smoke said:

    It is why it is wise to read the the description.

    XBody replaces the section.

    im pretty sure i did but had xbody a long time. i never minded losing tattoo section. just couldnt remember which one replaced it. thanks for reminding me lol

  5. 11 hours ago, Frankysssss said:

    women with three tits and one eye lmao

    not sure if that is possible. atleast not a good version. we have limited vertices in the models so adding an extra boob requires we remove vertices from other parts of the body. eyes might be another problem it might be a fake eye that you cannot control. you trying to create a futurama character?

  6. 11 hours ago, Frankysssss said:

    downloaded and installed but nothing changed

    once installed you need to select directx in the options section in the login page. also it does not turn the game into h5. you need to install h5 skins and rooms and select those rooms or skins in relevant areas. 

  7. 7 hours ago, Nickcockman said:

    1-Try to replace what you have in your .bat file with this:


      Reveal hidden contents

    CollaTKane.exe -s "Scene.dae" "Addons/YourAddonName/Scenes/Shared/Cloth/MeshName1.bs" "Shared/Cloth/MeshName1.ma" ^
     -i "Shared/Cloth/MeshName1" "Addons/YourAddonName/Images/Q=Tex032M/Shared/Cloth/" ^
     -tq ^
     -mdl 34 35 ^
     -z ^
     -ncbs ^
     -as "Setting/Anim_Skeleton/default.txt" ^
     -sv "XxXaddonXxX" "MeshName1" ^
     -sv "XxXdescXxX" "MeshName1" ^
     -sv "XxXidXxX" "I32(0)" ^
     -sv "XxXiconXxX" "I32(0)" ^
     -sv "XxXnameXxX" "MeshName1" ^
     -sv "XxXzoneXxX" ":DZ_Pants" ^
     -ef "Setting/Extra_File/acCloth_TrsGroup.txt" "Addons/YourAddonName/Scripts/Dress/Items/AcMeshName1.bs" ^
     -ef "Setting/Extra_File/dcDress.txt" "Addons/YourAddonName/Scripts/Dress/DcDressVX_MeshName1.bs" ^
     -ef "Setting/Extra_File/activemodCloth.txt" "Addons/YourAddonName/Scripts/Shared/MeshName1.ActiveMod.bs" 
    echo f|xcopy /y "Resources\YourIcon.png" "Addons\YourAddonName\Images\Q=Tex032M\Luder\GUI\MeshName1_Icon.png" 

    2- Ctrl+H to replace the writings in color

    Yellow writing: the name you give doesn't matter

    Green writing: VERY IMPORTANT -> must match the name of the given mesh in Blender. Make sure you added a number at the end of your mesh's name in Blender (ex: "Mypants1" instead of only "Mypants")

    Blue writing: must match your Icon's name (quite obvious but the icon has to be placed in the Resources folder before running the .bat).

    i had done everything you mentioned here but still not working. i had done everything right when i compared my bat file with the example you shown me. only thing i got wrong was the icon. changed it but it still wont load ingame. 


    1 hour ago, Smoke said:

    Technically, it does not need to match the name in blender. But doing it the way you mention; it does make things more simple and straight forward. 

    To explain: I'm using a method that will require me to link the names in the DcDress files. So for example, If in blender, I name a file; KESMKFlairJeans01 and in my bats it would be called SmokeJeans1. I would have to match the name in the NodeNameArray to the target group. It would similarly look like this;

    So it would start off looking like this:
    	.PickNodeNameArray [ 
    		:P + "SmokeJeans1:KESMKFlairJeans01_mesh";
    	.CmdArray [ DressCmd . {
    		.Show I32(1);
    		.Target :P + "SmokeJeans1:SmokeJeans1_group";
    And it would have to look like this:
    	.PickNodeNameArray [ 
    		:P + "SmokeJeans1:KESMKFlairJeans01_mesh";
    	.CmdArray [ DressCmd . {
    		.Show I32(1);
    		.Target :P + "SmokeJeans1:KESMKFlairJeans01_group";

    Nothing to complex. Just a a very minor side step. The reasoning can be interpreted to many ways. Me personally; as it was explained by Euphie, it is just another step to customizing the addon. And in this case; it is just me 'slapping my name' on the files.

    i get it. it just make the code more personal to you then. 

  8. im confused with this. i have made a mesh on blender. exported it as Scene.dae into my CollaTKane folder. Made a batch file for my clothes. im trying to make pants so made sure it was in DZ_pants catagory and renamed so it matches my outfit name using cntrl+h and replaced all. made the addon and moved it to my addons folder but does not show up ingame. im pretty sure i followed the video tutorial exactly. will double check when i get home from work. any ideas?

  9. 54 minutes ago, DigglerKy said:

    Hey all,

    Is it a must TK 17 has to be on the C Drive? I only have a 2TB SSD that I'd like to reserve for the OS. I'd like to install it on my 10TB external drive. Can I with no issues?

    i have my game saved on my backup drive as it has more memory capacity then my main drive. i did at 1 point have it on an external drive and had no issues apart from a slightly slower loading time but only marginally. i would say you are ok to do based off my past experience with this

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  10. 19 minutes ago, azebub said:
    The installation of H5 is obviously successful🤩! But this gave rise to another question. Installing TK17 did not create all folders. The 'Mod, AktivMod and Save' folders are missing. What is their arrangement in the gamefolder?

    the folders order is alphabetical. Activemod folder is inside the Mods folder. these should be default folders when installed. should be able to create folders to replace what is missing. inside the save folder should have another folder called Models. one thing that will be missing is the Models that the game is installed with. you would need to put Models in that folder before you can use the game. i have never lost those folders so i cant say from experience so if the game wont work after you have done what i stated then unfortunately you would need to reinstall the game and H5

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, Driver said:

    Having been worked on body editing gives you better understanding of bs script because clothing or room addon is far more simple than body. Sometimes you'll need to edit scene file directly tho, your experience with body addon will be a great help on it I believe.

    With an add on from this site it actually is easy to alter bodies as the bs is converted straight to blender and the  converts it back when u done. Only thing u have to do is make pe morphs or customiser morphs scripts if you have any but most of time you can copy from another body and paste to yours. Just need to change the location number and name of your morph

  12. 1 hour ago, Driver said:

    Yeah you always run CTK using bat file. You can double click the file to use. If you want to edit then, right click>edit.

    This is my setting when I made some nipcahain addon

    CollaTKane.exe -s "Scene.dae" "Addons/Clothes.DrvBra2/Scenes/Shared/Cloth/DrvBra2.bs" "Shared/Cloth/DrvBra2.ma" ^
     -i "Shared/Cloth/DrvBra2" "Addons/Clothes.DrvBra2/Images/Q=Tex032M/Shared/Cloth/" ^
     -tq -z -ncbs ^
     -as "Setting/Anim_Skeleton/default.txt" ^
     -sv "XxXaddonXxX" "DrvBra2" ^
     -sv "XxXdescXxX" "DrvBra2" ^
     -sv "XxXidXxX" "I32(0)" ^
     -sv "XxXiconXxX" "I32(0)" ^
     -sv "XxXnameXxX" "nipchain" ^
     -sv "XxXzoneXxX" ":DZ_Bra" ^
     -ef "Setting/Extra_File/acCloth_TrsGroup.txt" "Addons/Clothes.DrvBra2/Scripts/Dress/Items/AcDrvBra2.bs" ^
     -ef "Setting/Extra_File/dcDress.txt" "Addons/Clothes.DrvBra2/Scripts/Dress/DcDressVX_DrvBra2.bs" ^
     -ef "Setting/Extra_File/activemodCloth.txt" "Addons/Clothes.DrvBra2/Scripts/Shared/DrvBra2.ActiveMod.bs" 
    echo f|xcopy /y "Resources\Default_Icon.png" "Addons\Clothes.DrvBra2\Images\Q=Tex032M\Luder\GUI\DrvBra2_Icon.png" 


    had a look at video HDiddy provided. will see if i got it right. im personally not very good at video tutorials when it comes to this stuff especially when it is sped up but i understand they want to minimize play time. 1 thing im sure im going to need to know when i look at the script you sent though. where would i find the zone and what is typically named in name section?. im currently editing panties 

  13. 8 hours ago, HDiddy said:

    @Smoke's tutorial takes you through setting up your CTK bat file. Fast forward to about 15:00 in the tutorial

    didnt realise a video was made. thanks


    4 minutes ago, Driver said:

    Yeah you always run CTK using bat file. You can double click the file to use. If you want to edit then, right click>edit.

    This is my setting when I made some nipcahain addon

    CollaTKane.exe -s "Scene.dae" "Addons/Clothes.DrvBra2/Scenes/Shared/Cloth/DrvBra2.bs" "Shared/Cloth/DrvBra2.ma" ^
     -i "Shared/Cloth/DrvBra2" "Addons/Clothes.DrvBra2/Images/Q=Tex032M/Shared/Cloth/" ^
     -tq -z -ncbs ^
     -as "Setting/Anim_Skeleton/default.txt" ^
     -sv "XxXaddonXxX" "DrvBra2" ^
     -sv "XxXdescXxX" "DrvBra2" ^
     -sv "XxXidXxX" "I32(0)" ^
     -sv "XxXiconXxX" "I32(0)" ^
     -sv "XxXnameXxX" "nipchain" ^
     -sv "XxXzoneXxX" ":DZ_Bra" ^
     -ef "Setting/Extra_File/acCloth_TrsGroup.txt" "Addons/Clothes.DrvBra2/Scripts/Dress/Items/AcDrvBra2.bs" ^
     -ef "Setting/Extra_File/dcDress.txt" "Addons/Clothes.DrvBra2/Scripts/Dress/DcDressVX_DrvBra2.bs" ^
     -ef "Setting/Extra_File/activemodCloth.txt" "Addons/Clothes.DrvBra2/Scripts/Shared/DrvBra2.ActiveMod.bs" 
    echo f|xcopy /y "Resources\Default_Icon.png" "Addons\Clothes.DrvBra2\Images\Q=Tex032M\Luder\GUI\DrvBra2_Icon.png" 


    will have another look into ctk. thanks



  14. 35 minutes ago, tmzy24 said:

    thank you for responding. it is a problem im still dealing with. im very confused with ctk right now. once i finished with blender. i export as scene.dae? for all thing i wish to create or edit?(Room, toy, cloth). then do i need to run a template for a type im creating and then click on the ctk.exe. will that create an addon or activemod automatically.

    did not notice in the tutorial page but what export settings do i need selected before i export. sorry for barging alot of questions here.

    is there a modern ctk how to tutorial to follow.

    im finding the ctk tutorial abit hard to follow so chances are i just gave up before i got to export settings

  15. 2 hours ago, Driver said:

    Sorry to respond this late,

    I heard before that you can export a mesh with that 2.79 version, you are using, of plugin only when you import mesh using "search" function, I don't know if it actually works because I have never had success to export mesh with 2.79 too.

    I think you can rely on CTK when you export mesh with 2.79. You don't have to rig the mesh to the bones, or don't need to fiddle with any settings, just export dae and run the app. You will get some scene file which contains vertex data, and it's all you need when you just want to do cloth conversion. You can just copy them and paste it to original addon's scene file. It would not be so quick as direct export, but still very fast. If you also need weight editing, then you'll need full work, just as normal clothing addon creation tho.

    I tended to use 2.69 + 0.84 (0.83? i don't remember) to export mesh, It can export at least as snippet, and it made me do a lot of clothing conversion very quickly when I did it for Latona body (I converted more than 50 addons back then).

    thank you for responding. it is a problem im still dealing with. im very confused with ctk right now. once i finished with blender. i export as scene.dae? for all thing i wish to create or edit?(Room, toy, cloth). then do i need to run a template for a type im creating and then click on the ctk.exe. will that create an addon or activemod automatically.

    did not notice in the tutorial page but what export settings do i need selected before i export. sorry for barging alot of questions here.

    is there a modern ctk how to tutorial to follow.

  16. 1 hour ago, azebub said:

    Hello, I have a problem installing TK 17. First I installed TK with the update from A-P. Then TK17VXF_Update1.01P_KE. Then Hook 5. When loading a room... back to Desktop. I hope someone can help.

    are you trying to load a heavy h5 room?. happens to me when i try and load a heavy room

  17. 10 hours ago, DReaper0100 said:

    so I tried to get it setup but I cant download the 2010 redistributable because I am not on a IA64 platform, any  ideas on what I can do? 

    im not 100% sure here when it comes to 2010 redistributable but this game is not windows 64 anyway. have you found hook5 extended and did it tell you when you installed it?

  18. 34 minutes ago, DReaper0100 said:

    So I have been having an issue when trying to boot the game in direct X to use better quality graphics and such. I can boot the game in normal mode but when I go to boot in direct X I get a "error executing tk17.001.exe" error. I have a 3060TI graphics card and strong processor and 32 gb ram. Any ideas why this is happening or advice on how to fix it? Keep in mind very new to  tk17 and its some of its programs (familiar with some but a few not so much) 

    need hook5 extended to my knowledge to get this to work under directx. search for hook5 extended in the downloads section

    • Thanks 1
  19. 10 minutes ago, naama987 said:


    I don't have a single skins folder. I have bunch of them. I think my folder structure might be wrong but let me send you the ones I have.activemod.PNG



    in your skin folder your are missing these 2 .txt files.Screenshot (21).png

    try this. i see in your first pic that you have customisable skin test folder. copy and paste the 2 txt files like the one i circled in my pic and paste it inside your folder in the second pic. load up the game and make sure you have female skin for h5 selected. try pressing f4 after and see if you can see your skin name

  20. 20 minutes ago, naama987 said:

    This is all I'm seeing in the gui rn. Skin field is totally blank. Do I have something installed wrong?example.PNG

    it quite common. for people to experience this. can you show me what your skin folder looks like in your activemod folder. i am interested in the 2 .txt files inside

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