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Posts posted by hfg2

  1. However, is hard to compare both pictures, better take a screenshot of both models face (7.5 and VX), using same pose with camera focusing on the face using same room with same lighting conditions.

    Remove makeup and hair, and leave the head only.

  2. On 1/13/2021 at 5:13 AM, OysterMug said:

    How does the stock head affect models that don't use it?

    You need to check if the model in VX have extra morphs applied.

    Here are the following morphs in every stock body (I've added a bold format to the ones that actually could change the shape of the face and body):

    • body_blends_body_ear02
    • body_blends_body_ear01
    • body_blends_body_pregnant
    • body_blends_body_atomic01
    • body_blends_body_vaginafix_morph
    • body_blends_body_hentai01_morph
    • body_blends_body_capelli01_morph
    • body_blends_body_african01_morph
    • body_blends_body_jenna01_morph
    • body_blends_body_asian02_morph
    • body_blends_body_vagina_morph
    • body_blends_body_asian01_morph
    • body_blends_body_eye_R_morph
    • body_blends_body_eye_L_morph

    Or actually you could be missing morphs that were applied to the body in 7.5.


  3. Not sure if this is helpful, but when I did BloodRayne outfit, I was adding everything under:

        ////////////          cid         corset        shoe        glove       pant            gun            necklace    headset
    DressGroup :BloodRayne_Outfit . {
        .GroupName "Blood Rayne Outfit";
        .GroupID I32(170);
        .DressIDArray [ I32(50016) , I32(34117) , I32(34781) , I32(34916) , I32(34334) , I32(44711) , I32(45136) , I32(44212) ];
        .GroupIconID I32(34117);
        .Enable ( :EnableFemale );

    This snippet was under: DcDress_R9Corset017.bs


    Now with VX doing dynamic id allocation not sure how this should look like.

  4. When you bake maps in some scenarios in Blender you only transfer the base color (albedo) from the source to active (target). Lightning won't be taken into consideration if you only want to "copy" textures.

    You can repeat the process for normal maps as well, including PBR maps instead of the regular diffuse (albedo) maps. So when you will transfer the normal maps you will have for example a blueish body texture that gets painted from one mesh to another.

    Later edit:

    For bodies, the diffuse texture must be 1x or 4x (with the 4x mod enabled) but the details of the skin can also be found in the normals and pbr maps (when you use hook5), and those textures could be higher resolution, there is no limitation other than the computer memory.

  5. Unfortunately is not possible to use BBCode, you need to do everything through the WYSIWYG editor, which kinda sucks when you need to paste external links and other stuff. A huge PITA I would say, and it hinders the ability to quickly paste large blocks of BBCode and call it a day.

    You can however right click in editor and see what options you get.

    • Thanks 2
  6. I remember that on Modsgarden Pervokpetr wrote a post and he said that he tested the game with hook5 on a recent AMD graphics card borrowed from a friend and the card wast fast as crazy, like it was in not a single way slower than a Nvidia card, and that including hairworks.

    But just to make sure you should double check with pervokpetr.

    • Thanks 1
  7. It would be more helpful for a modder if you provide the starting mesh for clothes at least, but if possible the human character as well. Just adding a picture won't do it most of the time.

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