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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel

Are censored videos hotter?

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i used to post videos on YT, but when they deleted one of my videos for ridiculous reasons (I believe it contained criticism of immigration policies) i deleted my account there and took my videos elsewhere (Bitchute and Rumble). Now to view 'sensitive' content I have to confirm my age and for that I have to log in, which I can't do. I agree with tr3los. Maybe do both: keep them here and post them elsewhere. Rumble I think is the best alternative  for YT. I believe Rumble has the option to automatically post a video that has been posted on YT. Just a suggestion from my part. A LOT of users have already left or been banned from YT because of the growing intensity of censorship there..

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Strict censorship completely spoils everything! It's another matter when there is some kind of clothing or some kind of obstacle that obscures the interesting, and it gives room to the imagination. But when the genitals are fondled like in Japanese porn, it loses its meaning!

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