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About this blog

I had been in here (in the game) for a lot of time. I might not know everything about the Klub, but I know 1 or 2. And love sharing my xperience. 

And I'm trying to write some stuff. And, for obvious reasons, the kinky stuff goes here. But not only the kinky...

Disclaimer: I'm a convinced Russophile. If you don't like mother Russia, maybe this is not the place for you. No politics, just fun. And my first language ain't English, so I'll try to keep it simple for me and for you.


He andado por aquí (en el juego)  por mucho tiempo. NO sé todo del Klub, pero sé dos o tres cositas. Y me gusta compartir mi experiencia.

Me gusta escribir stuff. Y las "cochinadillas" aquí ven la luz, por obvios motivos. Pero no todo lo escrito son cochinadas...

Advertencia: Soy un Rusófilo convencido. Si no te gusta la Madre Rusia, quizá este lugar no sea para ti. Nada de cochina política, solamente diversión. Todas mis entradas las escribiré en inglés y en español. No es lo mismo decir "that's not a good idea" que "¡PENDEJO!". Por lo menos en español mexicano, claro está.

Entries in this blog

"Malena's gift" preview || Vista previa "El regalo de Malena"

Para español, baje más, buen señor, bella señora 😉    Here we are, my good comrades. The Ministry of Lustful Culture of the USSR (МПК СССР) proudly presents the first teaser of our very own and first planned comic. I know it's not my first, but this wasn't made "on the fly" as the others. As in economy, planing is fun... but executing the idea: Fuck! Is easier to purge a party... Nay! A NATION! Than making an endeavor like this to come to life.  I believe I had been working in thi

Ministry of Lustful Culture of the USSR || Ministerio de Cultura de la Lujuria de la URSS

Министерство Похотливой Культуры СССР Ministry of Lustful Culture of the USSR     As a very brief introduction of this "publishing house", I want to present to you the Ministry of Lustful Culture of the USSR. As few of you know, the girls I share in this site, are a version of a more "serious" project I've been working for some years now. (I'm looking to you, comrade @Morius). I will tell you, my beloved and deranged exiles, a little bit about this project and of m
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