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Posts posted by Bluey5

  1. 6 hours ago, Euphie said:


    Thanks for your confidence. But let's not exaggerate my merits, they are not that great... If you think about it, for the last year and a half, more or less, I have done almost nothing modding-wise 🤔 There are rumors that people are happy to see me on the forum in general, but I don't know exactly what is causing it. I suppose I'm funny sometimes 🤔 I'm sure It's not really about tits though, you don't even know how often someone calls me "him" ^^ 



    Girl your finger/toenail mods are the BOMB! That's not something barely anyone else worked on and that alone is an amazing contribution! 😄 Despite not putting nothing up for a year the stuff you did could last a life time. Maybe it's too much, but I at least think you should feel great about yourself! ^_^

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  2. The fact that TK17 is free and easily more accessible, I think this is the reason as to why TK17 is easier and in my opinion better to gravitate to.

    In my opinion, VAM will never be an actual "competitor", if it can even be called that or compared, to TK17 because of the massive paywalls and as @TheUnsaid point is, it's not accessible enough. As for TK17 teams opinion on if the base game functionalities will not be updated anymore then it will die, honestly, people don't play this game for functionality and some things that are added through the lettered patches are only suggested by few people and everyone else just reaps the benefits of being able to do something ingame that they never even would have cared for otherwise.

    Also, I don't even see much else functionality to be done with the game that would require further updates to "keep the game alive", the last update added movable Eyebrows, which was literally the last thing I wanted personally. The game will survive if more content is added and the game stays accessible.

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  3. 29 minutes ago, NLV-3DX said:

    If there is a function that enables users do block people, do tell, or get it for the site please, i dont want to go to "unread content" only to scroll through fake caring comments a person type just to up their xile count / forum rank.

    I've thought about this same thing which is why I sort of refrain from posting something unless I actually have something to say now. While I wasn't "spamming" for points, as I do not care for points as much as some might think, I didn't want to start contributing that.


    It would be nice if there was a bit more customization in what you follow. Instead of following the download like as if it was a post I wish there was an option to only follow updates as opposed to following EVERYTHING such as comments are reviews... But I suppose the block option would have to do as implementing something like that probably isn't even possible due to how it could be set up...

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Machinehead said:

    You're one the creators of this site right? Serioursly, remove this "Xile points" system! If you want the comunity from MG enjoy this place, FREEDOM is the key word. Let people coment, rate, make stuff if they WANT! Don't force it! I create movies with TK17 for about 7 years but now, my motivation is coming down becouse i CAN'T download stuff here! I always support the modders which i apreciate stuff in MD, but just as a "free will"! Just ban the "leechers" if that's the problem! Anyway , this could be a good site for creators and i will be happy in contribute to the site but just without this "points" crap! 

    Just try it out first and see how you like it.  There are actually things you can get withoutpointsforfreenowthatcanhelpyougetstartedbutIdon'tknowifthat'sinfoonthedownlowornot. You cannot download anything if your content count is below 10 as well. No option is perfect for what the admins of the sight is trying to go for but themselves and they tried as hard as possible and continue to try for everyone to fit in EXCEPT leechers, so you have to AT LEAST appreciate that, and they've been making many improvements long since before you've gotten here, and the site is doing really well so you can't also use this as an imaginary excuse. So in short, just try it out and see if you like it first because it may not be AS BAD as it may seem at first glance, and besides, there are other things you can do with your time than waste it on a porn game, unless you are a content creator of course like the many good ones here. This community is trying to be tightly knit with interactivity, and it's honestly best that way as it keeps passion, and this is most definitely a passion project type of thing.


    Also, it would be nice if "MG 2.0" had all original moded content on it, but I don't think anyone would be in a hurry to rejoin it, ESPECIALLY the content creators, for reasons I will purposely fail to mention here. Smoke is right ultimately that if there is no content creators, you won't have anything to do in the game so as well the best thing you can do is not fight the people that at least give you the fighting chance to enjoy a game this ancient. Look on the brighter side! ^_^


    1 minute ago, Smoke said:

    Naw It fine as it is. You are truly avoiding and ignoring much of the core issue the community had. You logic is flawed - "ban the leechers" - doing so and banning people is not fixing the problem. I find it funny that people will go to all ends to create flaws. Truly, if you were a constructive thinker and user, you would see that there is no issue.

    I wouldn't exactly say people are "creating" problems, it seems more or less like irrational fear at something that is being looked at from outside of the window. 😅 Doesn't make it any less irrational though....I understand you all are insanely tired of the continued criticisms but it's probably going to keep coming for a few months or so but the site has been doing well so let's not lose our cool! 😉

  5. I honestly think it's a bug. One thing I experience when customizing is that when when customizing from like pose edit and then entering the customizer room and clicking on the models face, it would change from what I initially customized it as. Maybe this bug was introduced in one of the patches as I don't remember this happening in a patch in vx beta2 for example. My little personal tip; NEVER GO INTO CUSTOMIZER FOR ANYTHING BUT TO SAVE THE MODEL. Don't click on the model, just go in, and get out for the save.

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  6. What's your favorite ideal porn/or sex fantasy? I know for porn people don't usually watch for the awful acting, dialogue, and silly set up, but it could still be fun sometimes lol. Also I usually used to brainstorm a lot on this as this can help with sequences~!


    Some that I like is girl doing Yoga, because Yoga pants are awesome, massage parlor because I love massages, a romantic sex date because everything shouldn't just be raw, and the pool boy/stripper because of the teasing build up fantasy.


    Some notable mentions for me is burglary, the fake taxi, plumber fixing sink, superhero fetish, and the pizza delivery guy because of how funny they end up being in porn LOL.


    Note: MOVED THIS TO THE PROPER FORUM SECTION. Sorry for the trouble. 😅

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  7. I like my men to usually be tall, muscular, and wide-bodied, but I like a variety of body types and the girls to usually be curvy, nice sized tittles, and a nice big round butt, hehehe. I never really used face mods or body mods. But that is my usual preference, I also like a variety of different body sizes and shapes, especially when I used to play the game more because of sequences purposes. I did think about messing around with ugly male models in the future but only for sequence purposes, because it's not my cup of tea, hehehe. 😅

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  8. You should really just do whatever would be the most lenient and or beneficial for you, as either or would be fine, at least how I see it. But some advice, making poses will ultimately improve your video/sequence skills as well, so that is a route you can go too! Poses are easier to digest, but clips and sequences are juicy juicy ;). There are many routes you can follow, so follow your heart! 🙂

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  9. The point system is not an encumbrance at all if you post content on the site. I know the moderators have said that with "little" interaction, you will download "most things", but it's not true, nor does it need to be.  You're not going to get anywhere with just forum posts or comments. On several other occasions, they also state this site is geared and focused more towards a gaming/modder community, which is more accurate as to what this site is. The audience, at least the main audience, is modders and content creators first and foremost, and I understand as to why the approach is taken this way. As seen, it's been working out great and the site has been gaining some amazing traction, and the support is even beyond what I thought it was going to be, evident in their recent financial report and the progress of the donation bar, as well as the content being made. (Hdiddy is on a rampage, lol) The point system is directed towards productivity/creativity/interactivity, so that's all you need to do.


    Post some screenshots here, sfw/nsfw poses there, get into animation creating and post some animations of sex scenes, review the hard work of the creators, assist other members with their questions or problem with the game, make some posts about the various topics around the board and those to come or heck, even make your OWN topic, there is a lot you can do here. In a sense, it will come "naturally" at that point, but thinking on it this way just makes you bite the bait, defending something that will most likely make you look like a leecher in and of itself.

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  10. Peeps, lurkers, and new members that see (hopefully) this forum post of mine; you do not need to keep mentioning how the point system can be abused. It's been beaten like a dead horse already, and the only reason I brought it up was for suggestion/discovering purposes., not out of any fear that anyone will never be able to download anything regardless of the reason as to why, and in the same post, I've already made my peace with that. Never did I say that it was going to happen that the system will be abused, and in if it does, I'm sure it will be dealt with accordingly to the best of the moderators/admins abilities. Contrary to what some people might here think, and despite some disagreements I have regardless of arguments made towards my own, I don't care about points like a hawk or anything like that.  I am more happy just to merely see how well this community is flourishing right now. Like seriously, it's a beautiful thing to see, even if I won't use any of it, or hell anyone else for that matter. I am simply grateful to see something like this happen and I am admittedly surprised and blown back by how well it's doing and I wish nothing but further success and momentum heading forward. Instead of making the same arguments previous members have made, try your hand at a suggestion and see how it holds up in the eyes of the moderators/admins. Let us all just see where this goes in the future so this thread doesn't become spammed with fears of how the system can be abused. 


    And if that is not enough, a suggestion of my own might suffice...maybe put in the original post about not spamming this topic with the same criticisms that have already been stated once, or thrice before, and the point system is a work in progress, which is also stated in the original post for those that do not know... And for further clarification, this isn't an attempt to silence anyone, not that I can anyway, and I'm happy actual real discussion can be had here. ^_^

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  11. CP2020 was delayed because CD Projekt Red want to polish the game a bit more, they must feel it isn't polished enough, kinda called it... I'm sure it'll be worth it, nice to see a development team care about polish instead of rushing a release.


    Then again, releasing around Christmas isn'tt a bad idea...

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  12. 5 hours ago, WAX said:

    I often see poses with extreme expressions and wrong body movements. 

    Watching porns could help...for studying 😉

    The face sliders are very sensitive. Use it softly. 

    Lol I didn't think someone else used porn for studying as well. It's more effective than it sounds. 👀


    That said, from my experience, tangents can make or break and animation, so playing around with it and understanding them is worth the time...

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  13. Not at all anymore since MG went down, but before that, 4-8 hours a day on the weekends when I'm not busy doing something else and on weekdays maybe 1-2 hours. The customizable options for a sex/porn game like this is incredible and with the years of content and amazing modders it has, it will be hard to be beaten.  ^_^

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  14. I wondered the same thing. The review section is more filled with what would appear to be "comments" than actual reviews, and I "reviewed" a picture with a "comment" as well. This is a nice suggestion...unless people start taking the review section seriously? Which...I highly doubt, because it shouldn't be THAT serious...right?

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  15. It's better to have a good working game take it's time to release than a game ridden with bugs and messes that's rushed XD. Considering how long this game been in development, they must be picky about how the end product will be...

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  16. I don't know if the site has this function already, but a very useful function to have; to be able to favorite a particular download/mod so you can easily access when you want to download it later.


    Edit: Nevermind, found out how to do it... 😅 This can be deleted.


    Edit 2: So how I found how to track an item is; in the area where the author of the mod is and mod name, there is a "Follow" button. This is what will allow you to keep track of mods that you either like or plan to download at a future time. Clicking on your account picture profile (drop down menu at the top of the site) and then going to "Manage Followed Content" is where followed content is stored, making it really accessible! After pression the follow button, there is even more options after that to tailor to your liking, and you can even disable updates for the followed content itself. Really nice touch. ^_^

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  17. 28 minutes ago, Smoke said:

    In short, more user interaction. Dumb perhaps. But the last thing we would like is to become a mess like MG and people just treat every content that was posted there as cattle just to milk the shit out of it.

    Again, some don't care, some do. Those that did, deleted their work or would create issues about leecher and low user feedback. In either case, Win/Win.



    I do agree with this, and in another post, I did note that the layout and how accessible the site itself is really good and will dwindle confusion, you all did a wonderful job with that. I too want to see the community thrive so mods can keep being made, and this is a great way to do it.


    31 minutes ago, x17 said:




    you will quickly amass points for anything with some basic interaction ...

    But this, I do not agree with, mainly because it goes directly against my testing/experience of this site thus far, which was one of the reasons I joined and made an account. I found this site and its concepts to be very interesting. So, my opinion still holds; it's a great concept and I love what result it's going to bring, I.E. promoting interactivity, but it definitely needs work. And as I also said, I am eager to see the development of the site and where things will go.


    @arse22 I agree, and I have many ideas as to how a system like this could work better but I would be a hypocrite and become overbearing myself, and the site is brand new, so of course, I'll just have to give it some time. ^_^

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