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Posts posted by CreampieManiac

  1. 1 hour ago, pes1972 said:

    CreampieManiac, could you explain more detailed how to get this to work. I have installed voicescript, made my own voice with MuseSkillTree and have one line only but no matter what orgasm button i try in PE she stays silent. I have confirmed she is using my custom voice. Any guidance?

    I load up a pose, play it in PE, hit the orgasm hotkey for actor 2 during the pose playing (in my case it's "b") and then I stop the pose. When I start the pose again then actor 2 starts talking. See the attached movie for reference. Sometimes when I use invisible toys to enable orgasm buildup and proper voice acting for the pose in freemode, I need to switch the toy target back and forth once to trigger the right voice events. It's also shown in the video.

    I hope that helps.







  2. Just now, pes1972 said:

    Which exactly are the orgasm hotkeys in PE. Have never changed anything in config files so which are the standard ones?

    i dont know them by heart. but u can also use the right click menu in PE and then under the orgasm option the hotkeys are listed as well

    Just now, kohit78 said:

    thanks a lot ! It appears complex to me 🙂 (as I don't know very well the program up to now). Is there a place where I can find explanantion on how to install this additional script ?


    find the script here: 


    extract the script into your addons folder

  3. 1 hour ago, pes1972 said:

    Not possible but I would have been great.

    it actually IS possible when using Raistin Kane's MuseSkill addon script and a voiceset that was created with his MuseSkillTree (it might also work with regular voices but I've never tried). If you use such a voiceset with an actor and you trigger the orgasm for said actor in PE with the Orgasm hotkeys, for some reason this actor starts to use the voice just as in Freemode. don't ask me why that is, but its like that. I even remember this to work in sequencer mode, but for some reason it stopped working after one of his later updates for MST.

    • Thanks 1
  4. clipping and misalignment is almost inevitable when using downloaded poses. Unless you have the exact same body settings, body and face addons, game version, rooms and locations with which the pose was originally made you most likely will have said issues. What you need to do is adjust the pose in PE to match your individual game build and models, that's just how it is I'm afraid. 

    you can use tk utils to convert 7.5 poses to vx btw..

    • Agree 7
  5. On 10/2/2023 at 12:56 AM, Cepp said:

    Had to reinstall the game, but worked like a charm, Thanks!

    Now I am looking at intalling extended suit but I am bit lost. When I unpack the rar file these are folders I get, but I am not sure where to copy them (note there are rared files in these folders, do these need to be unpacked as well?)

    So far I went with basic game, copied "Hook 5 Basic all files" into game directory, and xbody female into addons. Is there something else I should do?

    Help much appreciated.



    Try this:


  6. 3 hours ago, hexd33 said:

    I love how everyone provides these detailed technical explanations on load times, bugs, model and pose differences 7.5vsVX and @sevenseason just goes: 

    “I like my tits to bounce a certain way” 🤣🤣

    EDIT: I realized that i replied to a 2 year old post 🤦🏻‍♂️

    it's still funny as fuck though..! 😆


  7. 1 hour ago, LordtheBLC said:


    2023-09-02 09_56_05-Window.jpg

    Ah yes, Ivy, the asian top shelf milf, gape queen and tier 1 slut klub member! Always ready for relentless anal action and one of my personal all time favorites... 👌

    If I remember correctly I used xbody default version with custom pussy, butt and anus tweaks on her (those are the settings that affect the looks of the anus the most accoring to my experience so far). I like the looks of the default xbody anus a bit better than the one of FBV2, but they're basically both very good to work with. I've used a 2x milf skin as a base and topped it off with some diffuse maps for color and normals and displacement layers in hook5 for structure and shape. I don't have access to my rig atm, but I can check/provide the specific configuration when I have time if you're interested.

    It actually is always a bit a game of trial and error to find out which xbody/hook layer configuration works best with what you're doing in PE. Downside is that your poses might only look good for the particular model with which you've created it. Unless you use the exact same configuration on different models, of course.

    And keep in mind that when you upgrade a model to a newer/other version of xbody, the look might be completely broken, meaning you need to adjust your configuration and poses accordingly. Happenend to me already a couple of times...

    Sorry for the wall of text 🙃

  8. 2 hours ago, LordtheBLC said:

    By the way, how did you make the girl's anus look like this? do you use any skin?

    which girl are you referring to? I use different techniques depending on the model but it's always a mixture of body settings, skin texture and different hook5 layers with diffuse, normals and displacement maps. and then of course fine tuning stuff in PE with all the sliders that control anus/pussy/crotch

  9. what kind of external program do you use for recording? I would recommend OBS, it's 100% free and has everything you need. Works perfectly fine for me with hook5$. Maybe you need to turn on background rendering in hook settings. I get some wierd behavior sometimes when it's turned off while trying to record stuff

  10. 18 minutes ago, Acacius said:

    Within PoseEdit, There's 12 pages of Animation.

    1 Page = 4 seconds. In total, that's 12x4 = 48 seconds of possible animation.

    1 Second = 24 Frames.

    Now, 24 frames per second is more than fine for most animations, but I want to experiment a little, to see what TK17 can do if given it a little bit of a push.


    Here's what I'm planning:

    • Making the playback 2.5x faster, thus effectively making the maximum animation length loop being 19.2 seconds. Why? Because in essence, this would then make 1 second of animation have 60 frames (24x2.5 = 60) instead of the current 24, resulting in the possibility to create higher quality animations with small details that you cannot include right now given the relatively low amount of frames.


    It's really just plain and simple - more frames result in a higher quality animation. If anyone decides to nitpick this point and derail the topic, saying how "more frames is not better animation" or the like - just remember that the quality of a bad animation has nothing to do with the amount of frames. It has everything to do with the animation just being bad. If a 24 frames/second animation is better than a 60 frames/second animation, that's great, but that doesn't change the fact that in 60 frames, you have more potential for animation and the ability to showcase smaller, subtler movements. No one would say a comic still has better animation than even a 12 frame animation, so the same logic applies here.


    Now, technically - you can kind of already do this:

    1. Go in PoseEdit.
    2. Start making an animation in slow-motion (Let's say 4x slower, so 96 frames per second possibility), so instead of 1 second of animation "ending" on the 1/4 quarter of Page 1, it would now end on the start of Page 2.
    3. Use OBS/Shadowplay or similar to record it.
    4. Go into Premiere Pro/DaVinci or similar to speed it up 4x times.
    5. Voila - you now have 1 second animation playing back at 96 frames per second!

    The problem is - working in slow-motion is not ideal. This is the reason why I'm making this post - I'm asking to the TK17 community if there's a way to edit the PoseEdit's playback speed value via modding or using other software that edits values (Maybe CheatEngine?) .

    I really don't care that it's going to "mess up/make other people poses faster". I just want to experiment and see just how much you can push in terms of quality when it comes to TK17 animations.

    thats exactly what I suggested in x17's thread about possible PE improvements. this was his answer:

    Increasing the number of frames per second to animate would be a huge improvement for pose creation/editing, since it would allow for much smoother animations and higher flexibility regarding timing. Not sure if it's possible though...

    • Agree 1
  11. On 7/2/2023 at 5:52 PM, cr532 said:

    Already done. Just was not sure if it's worth uploading it to the Scripts section. This fix causes another issue, so people will probably have to fix many of their poses manually.

    I've tried this script and it indeed fixes the eye orientation issue and also increases the eye rotation range - BUT it also breaks the automatic camera-Lookat function when the "head rotation" option is active for a pose. In particular, the eye gaze just stays at the default position that has been defined in the pose, whereas the head still rotates according to the camera position. Any idea why that is and how to fix it?

    • Thanks 1
  12. there's an option in tk-utils pose tools called "check poses" which scans for incorrect / corrupted data in a pose and corrects it. As an alternative, you can also try "clean poses" option, which scans for redundant keys within a pose and removes them.  Maybe that helps.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  13. 2 hours ago, sadstorm said:

    Thanks for the answer, I had no idea the pose versions were usually mixed, which makes sense why it happens on my end. Even with that sorted out, sometimes I click on a VX pose, and nothing happens. It's not many that don't work, so it's not a huge issue.

    usually poses that do not work in a sense that just nothing happens when you click on them were made in a particular location that your current room in which you try loading them does not support. try loading them in the pose editor room and save them in one of the standard locations. they should then also work in any other room.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  14. 13 hours ago, Bjornoxxx said:

    Does anyone have any upside down facefucking poses? Doesent seem to be a whole alot. Trying to make some but would like to see if there are any good ones out there. 

    You mean something like this?


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