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Posts posted by Madie

  1. On 10/21/2021 at 2:27 AM, bmalphes said:

    I Play and collect many sexgames! i am active in most of the current chat style games, CH, achat, 3dx, mnfclub

    I am a Huge fan of the older German games from Redfire/CDV and the Japanese studio Teatime !

    i have all the sex sim style games : Macplaymate, Cherry Dolls, Stripkittens, 3Dgirlz, SexSim, Inked Ravens, FutureloveMachine, Tech48, Active Dolls, Girlvania etc. 

    i also am using  AIBliss and kariGirl a A.I style chatbot . very interesting. 




    name of the second and third games?

  2. On 11/8/2021 at 3:58 AM, Alciprie123 said:

    My game got corrupted and I lost everything. Goodbye my beautiful models.😔😔😔 I deleted everything and decided to start from scratch. This ever happen to you?

    that happened to me like a month ago, now I organized my game a bit better, also I am saving more space, I dont download every room I see like before for example, when my game reached near 200Gb in a HDD that I use for videogames its pretty painfull

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  3. 16 minutes ago, aardy said:

    I have this - R9Gun020.  It's not a Glock but according to it's label, a Sphinx 9mm.

    The only thing is, it's not actually a free toy but is found in the Weapons clothing category and loads to the model's right hand.

    If it's any use, let me know and I'll post it.


    It seems very good! I think it can be very well used! its a great toy!

  4. Hi, no. Not a real glock, just a toy based on the normal Glock 17, the common and favorite pistol for gamer from all the life, if someone has, please could you share it to me?

    if you do it, thank you very much!

    if you dont have it, thank you very much for entering in my question

    greetings and have a great day! 😘 


  5. On 11/5/2021 at 1:30 AM, Dutch17 said:

     Nuevo por aquí curioseando un poco, quisiera saber si es difícil la instalación de todo y si hay algún "paso a paso", para hacerlo, de momento no me permiten descargar nada,

    Leí sobre las interacciones en el foro, pero parece que son más de cinco, o tal vez deba hacer otra cosa.


     Saludos a todos!,

    Hola! espero tengas una exelente estadia por aca! si! la verdad es un poco confuso al principio pero para habilitar las descargas vas a tener que tener 5 publicaciones, reacciona a imagenes de la galeria, comenta, hay secciones para presentarse o donde compartir tu setup en la que vas a correr el juego tambien, hay de todo y vas a tener que pasar las 5 publicaciones para poder descargar el juego, en cuanto a la instalacion es bastante sencilla, vas a tener que descargar TK17 VX de aca, instalarlo cual si fuese un juego (no te recomiendo hacerlo "PORTABLE") y de preferencia en un disco con bastante espacio, mas de 100-200Gb por que contenido y del bueno hay mucho(consejo meramente personal, el juego base no supera ni los 10Gb) (Siempre agradece a los modders por su esfuerzo y trabajo como minimo porfavor, se lo merecen!) 

    Luego de instalarlo vas a tener que aplicarle las updates, estas vienen con letras, A,B,C... etc

    vas a tener que copiar el contenido de una a la carpeta donde lo instalaste y ya. FIJATE que hay una update (la J creo) que la instalas y luego va un FIX y luego ya solo con una o 2 mas ya estas hecho, la parte de Hooks y graficos vas a tener que tratar de averiguar bien como instalarlos, Suerte y no te ofusques! es mas sencillo de lo que parece!

    Saludos cordiales!

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  6. Thats a really good room, I really like partments too! hope one day we can se an H5 version of city apartment

    On 8/15/2021 at 3:41 AM, john374 said:

    I know exactly the hook 4 textures you're talking and particularly remember the neon signs. it looked great and made me start using hook. city apartments are my favorite rooms so i started to make a light definition recently and realized that anything more than some simple lights started to hurt the fps. i think with all the lights i wanted, my fps became 30 fps (i'm using a 2070 rtx super and ryzen 5 3600x). fine for taking pictures and still looks great though even without textures.


  7. On 10/13/2021 at 1:53 AM, HDiddy said:

    Apply the Spec and Normals for starters.  Did you read the details of the post before you downloaded it?


    I know what happened now, I downloaded some mods with this and my installation got broken so I started all from a clean full install so but I take some addonds that I had in my recycle bin but when I put the Xpenis the Activemod folder was missing so NO TEXTURES for it that why I couldnt find the custom options in my H5 skin menu. sorry for the inconvenience, I will look further on my folders before starts asking like a crazy bithc, Thank you for your time and answers @HDiddy 

  8. Some years ago () very years ago) I like to play 7 Sins, I really liked that game. always in doubt why to the day of today no 2nd version or not a fan remake of the game. was pretty good. not much sex scenes, during sex you had to do minigames and PJ and NPC are always in underwear, but if you like you could check it out


    but in that time I loved it. Hope one day something like this go out to light again






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  9. Yes but I am bit new with all of the skins and hook use and is very confusing to me until now, I am chatting with some friend I have made in the forum and they are guiding me, sorry for the inconveniences and thank you very much for your patience and answers. 

  10. Hi, I just wanted to know if there is a way to make this penis mod from HDiddy looks more like a cock and less glossy and like if it was made of plastic, there are textures for it or could I make textures for this? how could I do that and what I need?


    screenshot_21_10_13 00_00_03.jpg

  11. I have hook 5 paid and IDK what I am doing wrong but my hairs look like these:screenshot_21_09_26 20_29_43.jpg

    I downloaded a model from one creator of here and her hair textures sees perfectly. no glossiness or reflecs like this

    sometimes happens with the eyebrowns too. I have the originals from the game and they look bad but here those ones looks great. what am I doing wrong?

  12. how can create a realistic face? based on a real model or something like that? or more realistic faces?

    cant just copy a face from a real model an edit from there? if i dont remember bad the game comes with a function of make faces from real models or I am mistaked?

  13. Hi, Im a bit new but a bit old too, I started to use TK17 before it was knowed with that name. I am missing and I really like very much how the games can looks now on days, Hope I can be part of your community! greetings.

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  14. Okay I am new and I am trying to star so I dont have very much on the game but what I have is:

    Specs: Aorus b450 elite + amd ryzen 7 3x + 16gb Ram ddr4 + MSI rtx 2060 Super 8gb + 1ssd 240gb +1hdd 1Tb

    HOOK5: Yes(Basic)

    Number of Poses:

    Number of Addons:

    Number of Activemod Folder:

    Number of Models:

    Game Folder Size:

    Time to Load a Room:

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