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Posts posted by d3vi0n

  1. 14 minutes ago, Oz70NYC said:

    Like I said, I give what's given to me. If I perceive you as having an attitude, you'll get attitude from me. If you clarify you weren't intentionally being antagonistic, I'll change in kind. Beyond that, I dunno what to tell you. 🤷‍♂️

    I advice against "showing attitude" just because you interpret something as "having attitude". That sort of behavior is one of the reasons why MG became a toxic wasteland. If you perceive something as "having attitude" communicate that impression and ask how it was meant. Written text is often misleading because its missing all the non verbal cues of personal communication. Also some food for thought: You didn't "change in kind" in this case. After I explained my intention, you continued to escalate (leave if you want... martyr etc.). 😉 But enough of that... back to topic... 

  2. 32 minutes ago, Oz70NYC said:

    You came with a condescending tone in your initial post, I reciprocated in kind.

    No, you just interpreted / read it as condescending... it wasn't written in that tone (or at least not intended as I explained, no native englisch speaker here). Sounds to me more like a projection, but that is of course speculation. I also stated right from the start, that my post is just my personal opinion (which of course includes the "useless [for me / in my opinion]" statement). You on the other hand very CLEARLY wrote: "Your disregard for it is in poor taste and disrespects the MAJORITY that do adhere to it." That's not "reciprocating in kind".  That sounds personal and aggressive / insulting. So I have to disagree on your viewpoint here. Of course I will reflect on my tone in my initial post, but I heavily suggest you do the same for your reaction to it.

    As for the rest: thanks for the clarification

  3. 7 minutes ago, Oz70NYC said:

    If you want to leave, leave. No one is holding a gun to your head. If you leave it's for no other reason then you trying to become a martyr, not because anyone forced you out.

    You're part of the official team for this site and you came aggressive at me because I stated my opinion that you asked for (but seemingly didn't like). Of course I'm not sure if I'm  still welcome here. Has nothing to do with some childish "martyr" concept. I also explained my reasoning... 

    To clarify: It was just a misunderstanding and I'm welcome to stay? Also nothing changed regarding the official ok on the way I organize my albums?

  4. 26 minutes ago, Oz70NYC said:

    I'd say your method on the contrary makes things even more confusing because you DON'T differentiate your content. In fact, the only reason it's not been segmented into proper galleries is because you post so much of it. What you fail to realize is that you're not the one organizing images and trying to keep categories from bleeding into others...I am. And it gets annoying when you see images of chicks getting railed in the softcore section. We created categories so that the CORRECT style goes in the CORRECT category. Does it matter that you "care for it"? No...it doesn't. And such a statement of it being useless only applies to you, because you clearly choose not to adhere to the categories. The galleries are set up in a manner as so not to become an unorganized nightmare like what existed on MG and what presently exists on other forums. Your disregard for it is in poor taste and disrespects the MAJORITY that do adhere to it. 

    As I said... thats just my opinion. You asked for opinions... thats mine. I'm aware that other people might have other opinions and thats fine as well. I don't disregard other opinions. So I see no "poor taste" or "disrespect" (at least it is not intended as such). I also don't post in softcore. The Yasmin Album and all other albums (besides the room album that has no models in it) should be NSFW HC. So my Hardcore images (or any of my images) should never show up in Softcore... I asked what to do with my album back in the day when the NSFW HC, NSFW SC, SFW categories got explained / enforced and was (officially) told that it is fine the way I do since the whole album is in the NSFW HC category.  But of course I also can just take all of my stuff and go if you don't want me (anymore) on this site... Thats okay as well... 

  5. Personally (of course only my opinion) I don't care for these categories at all. 

    Every time I enter this site, I accept, that I might see some NSFW images. A popup warning explicitly explains me, that this site is NSFW.

    The differentiation between "NSFW Softcore" and "SFW Non sexual" is especially useless. Softcore are images that little children see for example in magazines or in advertisements, but we still call it NSFW and need another category "below" that? What even qualifies a picture of a (clothed) person as "NSFW softcore" and what makes it " SFW non-sexual"?  Does the pose make a difference? When does a pose start to become "sexually suggestive"? We even have a "this picture is NSFW" option on every picture, that we upload regardless if its in NSFW or SFW. So the uploading user is responsible anyways to use that option or not. 

    The categories NSFW HC, NSFW SC, SFW also make it complicated to just browse the gallery for interesting new screenshots I would suggest to just give up these three categories completely. Don't overcomplicate these things. Let the users use the NSFW option when they want or ask users to just use tags to categorize their content of pictures in their own preferences (maybe offer some "standard tags"  like NSFW or SFW)

    Personally I organize my pictures differently. I want all pictures sorted by models / theme. Within one album (for a model and/or theme) there will be pictures that are SFW and pictures that are NSFW.

    As example, here the album for Yasmin (SFW and NSFW ... Hardcore, Softcore and "non-sexual") all in one place:

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  6. 4 hours ago, Cohiba 1 said:

    I was a fairly prolific at posting models in the previous K-17 board, Mods Garden.   I wonder if those old models are still available.  In the interum time between then and now my computer crashed and I lost everything.

    Anyone know if the links to those files from that old site got transferred?

    There are a few reuploaded here on KE, but almost all lack proper hook 5 textures / setup and therefore look bad today

    Just browse through the model sections and download a few of the newer models according to your taste 😉

    shameless plug: My model Yasmin for example 😄 



    A few more examples from other creators that I tried and liked:

    Amani (by @amaronap)

    Plaything 1 (by @Euphie) and Liara T'Soni (by @googoo11)

    Adele (by @DedMazzay)

    Kaya (by @Codename-74)

    Emma (by @Driver)

    Of course there are a lot more great models on KE... but maybe this gives you a starting point 🙂


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  7. 1 hour ago, Euphie said:

    Yeah... somehow I knew you would find a way to mention Yasmin (who was supposed to be... from Haiti, if I remember?) in a thread about Asian models 🤭

    So what? Haiti obviously fits with her appearance way better than South Korea or Japan. 😉 I remember spending hours trying to create an "Asian" looking model and getting frustrated over it, ending up with the first version of Yasmin. Like @jgho mentioned, the default "Asian" heads and slider, look way to cartoony. Back in good old MG and Hook 3 days I didn't even have body or face mods. Worked with just vanilla. Found that fact funny and thought I could share it, when I saw this thread. Is that a problem? 🤔 You can ignore my post, if it doesn't interest you, y'know? 😉

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  8. For existing models here on KE the amazing Yuna Yang comes to my mind. 🤩 EDIT: There is also Evelyn Lin

    Fun Fact:  My  Yasmin originally was intended to be Asian when I started working on her back in the day... 🤪

    but she ended up like she ended up. 😅 I never got it right and somewhere on the way gave it up to make her Asian. 😏


    Sometimes I'm questioning myself if I should give it another go, now that I know more about TK17...

    As collector of Japanese Adult Videos (JAVs): 😉 I would love to see some JAV actresses as models in TK17 😍



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  9. Depends on what you want out of the game or where to start. You will never have "everything" 😉

    What worked for me:

    1. Install Base Game + Hook 5 Extended
    2. Create / Download one good male and female model
    3. Download a few good Hook 5 Rooms
    4. Download a few good Outfits / Clothing Items
    5. Get yourself familiar with TK17 and start playing around with Pose Editor
    6. Add additional stuff as needed, step by step

    Your "Must Have" AddOns are those that are requirements for the models, rooms, clothing you want. Don't go overboard (add to much at once). If something goes wrong, you'll never find the cause of the problem. I would also suggest to always keep one clean base game installation at the side (only hook5 extended, without mods), in case you need it.  Once I was familiar how stuff works, I started looking into Repacks to get more content all at once, but I never blindly add stuff to my installation. I always try to understand what files are for what and organize stuff in my own way (avoid duplicates and put staff like hair addons together when it makes sense). I know its a hassle: But start slow and grow from there as you become more comfortable... There is no need to rush.

    If you wanna see my addon folder at this very moment:



    As another suggestion: I uploaded poses for two of my screenshots and including everything needed to recreate those exact screenshots in your game. You only need the base game (+hook5) as starting point. Everything else (i.e. pose, models, room, hook 5 settings, level definition) I provide as information or links.  Might be a good way to learn how TK17 works...



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  10. 11 hours ago, pes1972 said:

    Sorry if you felt pointed out, wasn´t my intention. Just wanted to make him aware that many people show images not possible to achieve in-game without extra help/editing in other programs.

    no problem. Just wanted to make sure, that nobody thinks that my screenshots are edited. I make screenshots primarily to document my gaming experience (for myself) and have some "memories" (like a photo album) for later on. Like with photos from a real vacation, it is important to me to not edit them afterwards (and distort the experience). Of course I also have nothing against other people editing and being creative in that way as long as it is made clear that a picture is edited and not a "real" screenshot.

  11. 12 hours ago, pes1972 said:

    Just remember that many users are mainly doing static photopictures and uses photoshop or other programs to increase quality/look of their pictures which means they are not showing actual in-game pictures/photos. Take a look at Titanoboa Serpentes rooms they are high quality in-game

    Since you responded to @erikku90 who mentioned my album: None of my screenshots use "photoshop or other programs to increase quality/look". All of them show the actual in-game experience which of course includes the referenced album with hook 5 rooms.

  12. 1 hour ago, trumpetspandex said:

    I'll have to look into it. I'm new here but from what I've been reading it seems like a graphics mod or something?

    On the basic level it is something like ReShade or ENB, but it offers more features. You can through its own ingame UI add (edit and move) custom lights, fog, wind, water, fire, objects and much more to create the "perfect" scene. It also supports NVIDIA hairworks. And you can create complex (and high res) custom skins for  your models and edit them through an editor in the game. Lots of examples in the gallery for Hook 5 Screenshots... I would especially recommend @Kraegar. He is the master of screenshots. It doesn't get better than his works 😄 Of course you could also look into my albums, since I use Hook 5 as well.  😉 But I'm not on his level ...


    EDIT: There are two version of Hook 5 (Basic and Extended). I would always suggest to directly go to Hook 5 Extended. You can get Hook 5 Extended here: https://www.klubexile.com/files/file/5710-hook-5-extended-graphics-suite/


  13. On 5/23/2022 at 9:22 AM, Drahzar said:

    I 100% recommend you get ShadeFx as well, if you installed H5 already, shade is easy to install compared, but it also changes the graphics quite a lot. I recently had to re-install H5 and I saw the difference without ShadeFX, it's not as good as with it.

    I assume it is something similar to ReShade (which I didn't use or try for TK17 so far)? Do you have a link and maybe a good preset?

    On 4/19/2022 at 11:18 PM, Rico01 said:

    Hook 5 extended ...My god... it is a whole new game! I'm speechless. Everything non-hook content is now dull and lifeless. Wow.

    Congrats! Maybe the following is helpful or gives some inspiration: I uploaded tutorials how to recreate two of my screenshots, providing everything needed (including pose, hook5 settings and level_def). So maybe give it a try and see if you can use it to learn something new about posing, lighting and hook5...







  14. 3 hours ago, Number251137 said:

    That, I believe, would be classified in the categeory as 'your opinion'. 

    Isn't it obvious that nearly everything we say in our posts is "classified in the category as 'your opinion'"? You post as well... 😉 I would agree with the notion that it is "kinda insane to not move to vx at this point". VX isn't brand new itself, so I would consider 7.5 to be ancient history at this point 😄  But that's just me. I get that it can be hard to move with the times. If you're still happy with your 7.5 installation than I'm happy for you 🙂 Whatever works! You just can't expect any new mods (especially on KE) to still work or to get any substantial support (here on KE) for the old 7.5 version (of course don't want to say that you do that, but some other people might be thinking that way).

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  15. On 6/20/2022 at 2:59 AM, godtron said:

    hi mate, sorry i just saw your reply just now. i've installed the extended hook5 but the graphic/texture is not as good as the non hook5 (as attached file). so i don't know whats wrong.

    i've discussed this in other post https://www.klubexile.com/files/file/6208-double-triangle-diner/?tab=comments#comment-20873null thought maybe you can help too. as for the skin i will DM you. thanks mate

    @Sexvision could it be because im using the older version of v10? since i havent update it yet. also why i cant use the f12 button in hook5 while in non hook5 can?

    hook5 extended should look better than non hook5 or hook5 basic. Especially if you use a skin that has the needed texture files. So there seems to be something wrong with your installation or use of the skin. No idea about the update, since I'm always playing on the newest version. On my drive I always keep three separate installation of just the base game without any mods (one without hook5, one with hook5 basic and one with hook5 extended) "just in case". Also great for testing your own mods (so you don't miss any requirements for them).

    As for the skins: Try downloading and installing a few models from KE and see how they have done it and if your game loads them properly.

    You could for example download Yasmin, since she uses default body, face, is purely copy&paste and doesn't require any mods (besides hook5 of course). All her screenshots are taken in hook5 extended, but I also added a screenshot with just Hook5 basic for comparison. So you could check these screenshots and compare it with your results. I would also suggest to download and test one of the models that use the 4xMod AddOn, for example Lexi Luvvv. Of course you'll need the 4xMod for those to work.

  16. 38 minutes ago, LemonpieUwU said:

    Might sound a bit boring lol but one of my favorite settings is actually the bedroom.

    favorite for me might be just plain "vanilla" sex, what others also might consider "boring". Just honest intimacy between two (or more) people and yes, mostly set in the bedroom. 🙂 I think that gets reflected in the type of screenshots I make in TK17 😄 no specific "over the top" setting or fetish here. Nothing to rough. Just "normal" (passionate) sex between "normal" (but super attractive) looking people. 😉



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  17. 18 minutes ago, LemonpieUwU said:

    What brought me here was actually a post on LL the other day and then I remembered that this whole modding scene for the game exist. Yeah I played the game before years ago and then after cleaning up my PC I forgot all about it but that LL post reminded me that this game still exist lol so now I'm back after many years to check out how far everything got since last time I played 

    I think, I got here the same way, although "a bit earlier" (back in 2021) 😉 If I remember correctly, I was on LL to check whats new in "Adult" Skyrim Modding or maybe it was Sims 4 Modding, when I stumbled across KE and got reminded of old MG and this game's existence. Nowadays mostly use it to scratch my "screenshot junkie" itch for some "spicier" screenshots than the usual stuff, you can create in other games.

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  18. Just now, erikku90 said:

    Thank you very much, does locking keys have the same effect as copy pasting them? Also I assume you can just save a pose that has all the slider settings you want as well? 

    I'm confused... No idea what you mean with "locking keys"... And what do you think what saving a pose does? Spoiler: It saves all sliders for this pose. 😄 

  19. 37 minutes ago, erikku90 said:

    I thought of another question sorry 😃 Is there a way to save sliders in pose edit? For example I have morphed a character and want those sliders for another pose. Or do you have to remember all the slider settings?

    Not sure if you mean this: See on the bottom of the following screenshot:

    1. Right Click (on Key Frame) => Copy Keys => Choose Character (here: "Yasmin Test")

    In  your new pose the exact same, just "Paste Keys" instead of "Copy Keys"


  20. It depends on your definition what a "game" is. TK17 is a great tool for creating your own characters and present them in nice 3D art through screenshots or animated gifs. It's a casual friendly alternative to a "real" 3D modeling software like Daz 3D, Blender, Poser or Maya. But its not much of a "game" or good for "playing". It also now might be near its peak, what is technically possible for modders to squeeze out of that 20 year old engine without access to the full source code. Of course there is lots of room for improvements and new ideas for a modern porn game on a modern engine. The future of porn games might be VR, but even without VR, there would be a world of possibilities. Closest existing alternatives to TK17 I can think of outside of VR prototypes would be most of Illusion's Games (especially Honey Select 2) and of course Skyrim or Sims 4 with Mods. Each has their unique pros and cons. So I wouldn't say one is better than the other. It depends on what you want.

    As for TK17: I will continue to love creating screenshots with it...


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  21. 40 minutes ago, erikku90 said:

    I really appreciate your help, I have one final questions, do you know how people get more than 4 actors in pose edit? I have seen screen shots people have made with more than 4 actors in the pose.

    Yes... with photoshop 😉 Make the first screenshot with the first 4 actors. Save the pose for the camera angle (including the lighting). Then make another screenshot (from the same angle with the same lighting) just with other actors in the frame at positions where nobody was in the first screenshot. Take both screenshots and use "photoshop magic" to combine them (should be easy enough since its the same angle, lighting and the actors "don't overlap" (to much).

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