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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Everything posted by superderp

  1. What is the red and black bikini?
  2. Yeah, there's definitely a lot of settings to fiddle around with manually. Pose location, light distance and angle, shadow settings, etc. But it can be done. For the screenshot below, I used a 2d wall texture h5 object, put it in the open doorway, flipped it around, and changed the cull mode to get this effect. From the inside of the room, the wall object is invisible. I'm working something to recreate the wood aspects and to edit the color of the wall texture.
  3. I was able to make the effect on the Elven Valley room, link here: I want to make a more eastern setting, so I'm going to play around with H5 objects and see if I can modify an existing room to get what I'm looking for. I'll report back if I have any success.
  4. Are there rooms with lighting setups or transparent-ish textures that would allow for a scene like the attachment? I could probably make a lighting or level def for the room if one exists, but I haven't found a room for it yet.
  5. This looks fantastic. We need more cave rooms, more magic rooms, and here's one for both.
  6. This is for room 385, the nordic chambers? I'm having trouble getting that room to load at all. I just get a black screen with max lighting. Did you find a way around it?
  7. Is there any update on this level def?
  8. Love it! We need more caves!!
  9. I uploaded this, but it's not mine. Got it on the garden, can't remember who made it. But it's a magical themed room.
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