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Everything posted by AdultRex

  1. you need to rotate the hip and adjust the spine sliders here the last post i post a video plus the pose link
  2. Video https://mega.nz/file/fSJwTRwD#sLnNl0hDXPkzJiqiq79nJ8TdgT-VUsZyrFI136VhlB0 poses6.rar
  3. Video https://mega.nz/file/7PRn3SKS#rQLl4pLd0CTL0jhUgI_uxNMXAwKbGP0hxJzRl_K0xVY null
  4. Video https://mega.nz/file/aDB2zTwB#b66yTG10Osc6Q2Z8sEr2Pj-uA3VJ_ciZbVrMFrlkaWY poses5.rar
  5. Video https://mega.nz/file/jeRCjDZA#TTnMgc0mfg6hS8F9FCnf66v3sZbMQ__3vY7MwYmP2is poses5.rar
  6. Video https://mega.nz/file/vfZjiS4D#7B4C3ULVblee9heiNQjeRe1-odn2jpwcbJT57Fwk5lo pose 3.rar
  7. other Videos https://mega.nz/file/rbZAkBLJ#sFRqcG6Z9KaeQ31Wp40VA-fhvhwhoI7ir5g5dmHUOPk https://mega.nz/file/KbAgGbzB#rUorQKnak2-9-JWRTweAXKb7ZLKcUW020G9DxX1rt38 poses 2.rar
  8. Video https://mega.nz/file/vXJhXK4J#M_J3j4bGqdPoXci5UqPiijvbqC6mb7ykI6zIbwSR2Y4 pose 1-.rar
  9. it just about Random poses , mostly my first step when it come to making poses is ( make it ) THEN ( Delete it ) XD so i thought why i dont make few videos also share the pose here , since i cant share the pose in pose section , becouse the pose with be with Glitchs if it use with other models plus it mostly a mean less Random poses i just make them when i want to try somethings in my head that it also if you have some videos be free to post here or your poses , whatever you want
  10. i say pose some images maybe .... maybe .....someone can make it for you or find somethings like it
  11. model size and body mod can also make the pose move abit either down or up forward and back but i dont think it also rotate the pose so first make sure that you use somehow models like your old ones
  12. yes you can add new location to the rooms np with that they made it before in the garden so try to ask somewhere maybe make new thread or ask that in script area if we have that ? and you do the right way we should add more location and make our poses as standard so they will be fit many rooms with little of glitchs better then make new poses for each room
  13. what is racha scenario if you mean like a fix pose to a fix location , like for exmaple some rooms have ther own poses , i think you should do Pagla Choda 2.0 get the static fromr the default animation pose then animate it or do it from scratch and save the headache , like take a pic of the pose then try to make it by your self and by the ways you guys should post some images about the poses that you talk about to explain so it become easier to me and to you XD
  14. if you have the static then it might be easier if you just animate it give it a push try it , then send it here i will try to help you making it
  15. yeah it hard to edit someone animation pose becouse everyone have his own way but mostly we work like with steps, like the first step is few static frames in timeline then we try to make few more keys between them to animate them , and the final step is the details and this is what make you feel it hard to edit someone pose which is the details part so i just suggest you to make the animation shorter by delete some of the keys and make it loop , then delete most of the details but keep the pose animation structure with then you find your self doing better job and it become easy to edit someone pose , but you will end up making your own pose at end it save you much time . plus rotation someone animation pose it very hard
  16. explain more . do you mean like you go to the timeline then find a pose frame like a hand move key or somethings ? or you mean you use a body mod or your model size is different and you try to mimic an animation pose if you mean like you want to select muti pose keys ( you simply hold shift and select many keys as you want) from the pic that you send
  17. i dont think you can modify animation without break it but there a trick that might work for you to make it easier just load the blue pose room to know the correct pose locations they make some guide lines and objects like sofa and chair etc with the correct location (that help full try it) it easy you just enable key editing (you find it on the above pose edit tab) that will alow you to move the animation pose by (hold shift and select the hip) you can move stuff without breaking or maybe little breaking but you cant ((rotate)) somethings without break it but where is the trick ? you use the change location it will rotate the pose for you then (you move the pose to the right location while you (enable the enable key editing) but you have then to do the same trick with the room that you want to use and not the blue room , the blue pose it just to make you get the idea that it the good things: it work somehow the bad things not all room have enough change locations option , some have many and some have little,so it might not work for your room but it better then nothings maybe you can still use the animation pose
  18. AdultRex

    Cyber Babe

    that look awesome
  19. AdultRex


    XD XD what good idea Awesome !
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