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Posts posted by Be3yH4uK

  1. на модсгадене как то поднимали эту тему, не ту насчёт как делить шкуру неубитого медведя

    а вообще возможно ли заработать на кусок хлеба конкретно на отэтай игре

    и пришли к выводу что как то вот всё крайне уныло


    а щас ещё и товарищу майору план надо делать, не не не, адыхаем






  2. well, I read this topic in five minutes
     and did not find anything similar to my fresh idea,
     so after a while I will beautifully decorate it 
     and post it.
    watch, there will be another magic session soon
    • Thumbs Down 1
  3. потыкай вот это, может даже несколько раз и разные способы. в новой версии оно внезапно реализовано как то через жопу (потому что это вилла)

    поэтому и запускать эту прогу надо из папки binaries

    если не поможет переустанови в портативную инсталляцию из обычной или наоборот, если у тебя была портативная



    да, и если у тебя оперативки меньше 4, то тут наши полномочия всё




    • Like 1
  4. суровый сайт законопослушного порносообщества

    настолько законопослушного что аж скулы сводит

    "мы помним как гнобили моддеров на модсгардене (за то что те хотели каких то денег), у нас такого не бууудет"

    и тут же перебанили одну восьмую моих работ (как раз тогда, когда я их начал хреначить конвеером) потому что те выглядят как малолетки

    справедливости ради должен заметить, что при использовании пятого хука и моих скинов они все (модели) выглядят, как бы так помягче сказать, излишне свежо. вот

    меняешь причёски фильтры скины и все, им всем пора на пенсию

    ещё надо всё таки сказать меня неоднократно предупреждали что "твои модельки потеха педофилам низя низя" а дым вообще сказал "не пости ничё(если дупля отбить не можешь и различение

    пропил)" но мне же где наступили там я ногу и оттгрыз   я это игнорил


    походу с идеей заработать тут у меня не сильно склеится

    извините, накипело, забудьте всё 🙂

    зы так или иначе я рано или поздно перед тем как свалить в закат просто расшарю свою папку с моделями и крутись перевернись 🙂 




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  5. это особенность позы, возможно она была сделана под длинные ноги и\или под каблуки на платформах

    во вкладке тело слайдер длинны ног вправо до отказа и\или одеть каблуки

    можно в позедиторе отредактировать позу :

    с зажатым шифтом передвинуть за манипулятор бедер немного вниз, или без шифта, надо поэксперементировать

    • Like 1
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  6. well, for now so glad cos this scum has got what it deserves.

    But Smoke, it was not you, on his tip, who banned fourth

    of my work on charges "sucked from the finger"?

    Why before that everything was ok, and then suddenly it was not ok?

    why, as soon as this thorn sounded something, you jumped and ran to cut out the content that has been hanging on modsgarden, deviant art for years

    or on even harder in this sense pixviv

    instead of sending him fuck?

    it's a shame, you know

    these were all rhetorical questions requiring no answer.

    I never forgive anyone and am glad that remained calm and

    "while sitting on the shore I saw the corpse of my enemy floating by"


  7. Вот  по TK 17 бесконечная файлопомойка

    рабочие ссылки где то с 48 страницы

    контента там, мягко говоря, много

    но весь конечно же старый

    ничего, ничего, я, например 90% пропустил

    • Like 3
  8. well most aff all, this is old 7,5 addon, think it, most likeky, conflicting with some other addons

    a lot of options can help, the main thing is to track the results



    first of all, you need to unpack this zip addon into a folder, the game perfectly eats addons in the form of folders

    then, focusing on the structure of any other modern hair add-on, you can assemble the corresponding add-on from the corresponding files  hairpack 400




    I guess you've tried it already
    the next step to the dark side :

    then you can recompile old [be es be] files.  It is believed that old 7.5 and older bs* files are often poorly perceived by VX

    these files are packed and unpacked using software TKShellToolsOK.7z created By MrOllyK

    you can download it here

    VX eats just fine and just unpacked files,
    well, so 

    you can make a copy of the game for experiments,
    if of course you use a portable installation,
    but nothing prevents you from changing the folder name,

    then you can just remove all your custom addons
    and make sure that the problems are in the suspect file

    then you can remove or add add-ons one by one or in groups
    to find out which of them conflict and then make decisions on them

    waiting for feedback





  9. Well, I have not yet come close to solving the main problem.
    But it turns out that along the way I found a solution to another, very annoying inconvenience.
    I have a pretty beautiful old room, but after I installed the portable installation, it began to load indecently for a long time.
    this map took 30 minutes to load for me, while the rest took 1.5 - 3 minutes, and I have no diesel computer at all. 
    I unpacked this addon into separate folders, but it didn't help much.
    I suppose, this is because, most likely, of the giant file, which the game, most likely just refuses to cache



    then I unpacked this  file with blex, remembering that now the game eats both packed and unpacked files the same way.


    then I backed up the packed file and tried to start this room and voila, it loaded as quickly as the rest
    this is a miracle of technomagic, let's make sacrifices in the name of the moon (joke)





  10. On 12/26/2020 at 1:09 PM, Syke said:

    Well, it's very likely the rooms scale linearly so if you place four lights and figure out where their positions are, you can extrapolate a rough map since it will give you your basis vectors (well, as long as you're varying x, y, z,).

    Or even better, pay a dollar a month (or even once?) to get H5$ which is basically nothing... and is ridiculously worth it and would consume infinitely less time than the method I suggest in order to try and build light maps manually. How much is your time worth? But you do you 🙂

    I understand everything perfectly, but  4 now I absolutely cannot cope with the content I create for Hook 5,
     let alone someone else's work, so, with h5$ I will double my work, which definitely  will stop
    it seems to me that with h5 $ I will not want to do anything at all or will only do content for h5$, which basically means the same.
  11. On 12/26/2020 at 2:28 PM, MrOllyK said:

    Each room with a flare (sun in the sky) has this type of code:

    AppLensflare . {
        .Name "Flare";
        .TargetPath "/Room" + :room;
        .Translation ( I32(96), I32(75), I32(-50) );
        .Scaling ( I32(1), I32(1), I32(1) );
        .Style I32(1);
        .TextureName "Shared/Room/lensflare01";

    The above is for Beach Room (room 6).  You can try the ".Translation" values for your "position" line and see where that leads, if the shadows match up etc.

    My level of preparation in programming is minus 5 on a 100 point scale :)
    That is, I don't even understand what you are telling me)
    I can guess from the context
    Well, most likely you are talking about the bs* files contained in the archive with the room add-on,
     and most likely I will be able to determine the desired one, ok?
    Well, any standard tools, like notepad, notepad+++ will demount a set of krakozyabr (an unbearable infinite set of chthonic symbols)
    advanced tools like the universal file viewer show the picture, not far from
    maybe I would have picked up something by reading the correspondence of programmers on the forum
    but I was instantly lost there, communication there is not of my level
    well, I also rummaged in Google, but everything is sad there too
    still need help





  12. 3 hours ago, OysterMug said:

    Bodies play a huge role in how faces look.

    Try it. Load a saved face that looks perfectly fine on one model and it'll look terrible on another. Then load the body that goes with it and everything will look fine.

    absolutely agree with you. the same geometry looks comletely sundry when the brain pays attention to divers things.

    therefore, paradoxical as it may seem, some bodies practically neutralize the visual difference between various faces.

    they have their own specific style, which suppresses the perception of the face and directs it to certain frames

    superimposing varied bodies on the same face is a proven aesthetic way to find out if this face is really beautiful

    To my deep regret, 256 millions changes of versions of the game, accompanied by the complete destruction of the entire previous model base....

                       *remembers something, stumbles, cries and runs away/

  13. 2 hours ago, OysterMug said:

    Yes on the sliders. No on the heads.

    Stock TK17 has only one body mesh & one head mesh for standard female models (ditto for "Hentai" models, Male models, and "Shemale" models.)

    Differently shaped heads/bodies is feature the community came up with on its own.

    If you load the same body & head to any existing model of the same type, it will look exactly the same.

    This is how the VX Sequencer allows you to "swap models" in mid sequence (by simply loading different Save settings.)

    overlaying the same face on different base models gives completely different results
    therefore, most likely, uploading models without specifying a base gives weird things
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