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Switching Customizer inside PE


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When messing with the Pose Editor I noticed something very annoying. If I click on the Customizer tab I only can modify the last character I customized. I know you can switch Customizer between characters inside PE but I don't know how to do it.  Sometimes just works. Can you tell me, please how to do it? I'm going insane. There is a character that refuses to get naked and I have to manually undress him each time I load a pose.

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2 minutes ago, Maquiavella said:

When messing with the Pose Editor I noticed something very annoying. If I click on the Customizer tab I only can modify the last character I customized. I know you can switch Customizer between characters inside PE but I don't know how to do it.  Sometimes just works. Can you tell me, please how to do it? I'm going insane. There is a character that refuses to get naked and I have to manually undress him each time I load a pose.

if u point ur camera towards another character the customizer will switch to them 

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I'm not really sure what's going wrong with your game


In PoseEdit, yes it's a bit harder to change clothes, but it's the same as in game, you click on the characters/models basically and switch. There's the F12/I key and the other option, one allows you to stay in game, while the other takes you to the customiser mode. In PoseEdit the only way to have the in game option and custimizer window in the side is to launch the pose (play) and then click it, then click on the other models to switch, there's also shortcuts, I forget which  ones exactly, it was the F1, F2 ,etc keys, it was the first ones if I'm not mistaken, I never use them, I just click on the models.


BTW, something else you could do is to have an outfit option save where the last model is underessed when you start the PoseEdit, ou need to mark it with the star/fav outfit/locked outfit)

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  • Administrator
3 hours ago, Drahzar said:

I'm not really sure what's going wrong with your game


In PoseEdit, yes it's a bit harder to change clothes, but it's the same as in game, you click on the characters/models basically and switch. There's the F12/I key and the other option, one allows you to stay in game, while the other takes you to the customiser mode. In PoseEdit the only way to have the in game option and custimizer window in the side is to launch the pose (play) and then click it, then click on the other models to switch, there's also shortcuts, I forget which  ones exactly, it was the F1, F2 ,etc keys, it was the first ones if I'm not mistaken, I never use them, I just click on the models.


BTW, something else you could do is to have an outfit option save where the last model is underessed when you start the PoseEdit, ou need to mark it with the star/fav outfit/locked outfit)

Its actually what @IIIlll said.  Simply put your crosshairs on the model you are trying to edit and it will switch.  Yes it is that easy.

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This isn't relevant but another good tip if you use H5 object editing for a while, for some reason shift-commands in Pose Edit will fail to work, I think H5 is overriding it even when hidden. The solution I found was selecting a model hip, hit R for rotation and twerk it a bit, this resets the H5 hold for me consistently.

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