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Hi this is where you suggest mod to convert to Project Eve Body

and guidance for skyrim mod conversion

(all credits goes to the original skyrim / creative designer / creative modder)

Entries in this blog

Skyrim Mod Conversion to useable Addon for tk17

Requirement : https://github.com/niftools/blender_niftools_addon/releases/tag/blender-2.6.0a.dev6 << blender import addon for .nif files https://www.blender.org/ << 2.79 preferably  http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifSkope << Previewing mods / opening .nif files Notable sites for Skyrim Mod Sharing : https://www.nexusmods.com/ https://www.schaken-mods.com/ https://www.google.com/  Before Proceeding it is very important to onl


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Project Eve Body - Mods Suggestions

Hi i like to port skyrim mods to tk17 so throw in some suggestion in the comment section, ranging from accessories to clothes for Eve Body... *blender import does not support SE in any version* NO SE, ONLY LE MODS   Requirement for suggestion : - Screenshot of the nifskope / the name of the nif file - links to the armor / outfit - Choices Eve body or Eve body smaller ?   Note that this is only suggestion, i might or might not convert the skyrim mods :


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