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About this blog

A place for me to discuss my videos and how I don't have time to make them, for others to leave suggestions and criticism.

Entries in this blog

More Rotobrush practice and next project.

Practice is a generous term as rotobrush is actually quite simple to use, but shhhh, I'm actually genius. I've decided to put my new "skills" to use and make good on an attempt to properly remake the cheerleader Orgy I discussed two damn years ago. I've already made the main shot, which boasts 23 characters, 11 more than the previous cheerleader vid and 5 more than the sample vid I showed a few days ago. https://drive.google.com/file/d/16VuJRKg5bXN2zD7cLKgU5r6bd58WxMxh/view?usp=sharing

My productivity sucks, but this is pretty neat.

I messed around with the Rotobrush in After Effects and was able to spit this out relatively quickly. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SlRQfh-TzXcXbIa2DBVbgnIPcP8Zy8el/view?usp=sharing This is actually quite the game changer, since I no longer have to take time to consider viable angles for orgy videos using only Premiere, now I can rotobrush my way past those issues, so I'll be sure to incorporate in my future projects, if I can ever find the time and will to both start AND finish the

Working on a new Halloween Orgy

Hey, it's been a while. I'm coming back hopefully strong with a video that demonstrates what I've learned and improved while I was less active. nullPictured below is the first scene and groupings for the orgy. There quite a lot of models on screen, 21 to be exact. And I already have a video of all of that in motion:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GkcarOmHfHBfQuy8wodiJh-bGjWrVpc_/view?usp=sharing   That number of models is a new record, which is neat. This has been fu


dingo1489 in Work in Proress

Camwhore Diaries Update 1/21/23

I'm finally down to creating the last scene, which will also be the main sex scene, though it will be pretty short since it's just Thelma catching her husband in the act of cheating.  I'm sorry to say that work is going to get in the way of me making progress on the video next week, so release before the end of January is slim, so I won't even try. Instead, I'll fully commit to a release of February 14, releasing a heartbreak of a video on Valentine's day, since I imagine most of us are heart


dingo1489 in Work in Progress

Camwhore Diaries Update 1/14/23

Progress is not too terribly slow and somewhat steady. As of the time of this blog post, I'm at a run time of about six minutes for just this one episode. For comparison, the entire original video was a bit over 20 minutes, but contained the entirety of the story, with characters and plots not all that fleshed out. Most of the focus so far is in an entire new scene showing Thelma and her husband Harry interacting soon before she discovers he's cheating, along with Thelma expositing the her


dingo1489 in Work in Progress

I'm back to working on stuff, hopefully. Camwhore Diaries is up first.

As it says, I'd like to come back to making videos again. To demonstrate my sincerity, the first video I'm going to make is something I promised a long time ago: The proper return of Camwhore Diaries. I've finally started to put on paper the script and decided on shorter, episodic videos about 8-12 minutes in length, depending on how things go. I even have the first minute of Episode 1 made, though I won't clog up the video feed with work in progress videos, so I'll be posting them on this blog.


dingo1489 in I'm back

Taking a break from TK17.

It is as it says. I've obviously haven't posted anything in quite a while as I find opening the program just a little grating these days, even for personal use, much less making videos. I also find myself dabbling with Blender these days, and it's been exciting to explore and learn. So I don't want to spilt my attention between two different programs and the normal IRL demands like work and school. I'm sorry for anyone who was waiting for anything I may have said I was making. It's all pretty


dingo1489 in Break

Trying to set a personal record.

Diana's second round of sauna shenanigans was released. I'm not 100% pleased with how it turned out, but I'm not unhappy either. I feel like I rushed it a bit at the end, but I reached a point of just wanting to be done with it. I'm not quite sure what I want to work on next, so I've been playing around with a few ideas and things, including the attached picture serving as a proof of concept.  The cheerleader orgy I made before previously had 12 actors, a respectable number. But as you can


dingo1489 in Work in Proress

First entry, and what I'm working.

So I'm currently working on day seven in a row with work and school, which hasn't left me time to make vids. But before I was working on Good Cop, Bad Cock, I was working a small follow up to Seious Business with Diana, since she missed out on the Triple Threesome video, which demanded a...particular body type. But why should she miss out on the fun? No real say when I'll be able to work on it, but I'd like to have it done soon.


dingo1489 in Work in Proress

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