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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel
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About this blog

A small funny blog about what I am doing, why and how. To tell a bit of the background of my models, in pictures or text.

Entries in this blog

More about Serena Dermin and what happened to me.

So recently I had to reinstall all the game again I think everyone has been there before. You modify your game so much that some unidentified error happens and you have to go with a fresh install. This happened with me this week, and when that happens I take my time to remove things I'm not using anymore, duplicate things and obsolete things. I also try to use something new that will change the game somehow and stick with it until the game breaks. This time I tried the 4x skins, and now I'm


Morius in Model story

So, Serena Dermin...

So, Serena Dermindottir - Dermin for short. She is one of my first female RPG characters I've ever played with. Her inspiration came from Red Sonja, but she quickly diverged from the inspiration and became something entirely unique (at least for me and my friends!) She is also my muse and I often find myself posing with her in the game. She has long ondulated red hair, big expressive green eyes, pale skin, a bit sunburnt and with discreet freckles on her face. She has an athletic, strong bo


Morius in Model story

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