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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel
Creating a Blog? Don't Forget the Feature Photo!! ×
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About this blog

Footage & other stuff from the Maniac's 0% Pussy Club

Entries in this blog

AI stuff, RenPy and other distractions...and of course - Crashes

So I haven't been very active here recently, and I kinda felt bad about it. The things I like to do most is creating poses and videos and of course playing around with all the cool addons people create here. Plus, there were a bunch of people repeatedly asking me whether I could share some of the poses I've created for my movies, and I'm actually willing to share and to put something together for this great community. But it is also clear to me that I do not just throw out something unfinished /


CreampieManiac in WIP

Mrs. Nguyen

I was looking for an old pose I've made some time ago and thus went through my archives. I stumbled over some old stuff which I've almost forgot about. Most of it is quite old (some stuff is even R9X.. 😝) and not as elaborated and polished all the time which is why I did not publish most of it back then. Moreover, the renderings are of very low quality since they're mostly gifs and my rig back then wasn't able to provide a high and stable amount of FPS. However, I actually kinda liked it when lo

more from Ivy

some more stuff of Ivy, this time a bit more explicit. She just can't resist playing with her juicy asshole... 😍  


CreampieManiac in Ivy

Oh these dreadful crashes...!

So a couple of days ago I've decided to reactivate one of my old models and do a couple of shots for the blog: Elvira, a very classy, yet still totally lewd french milf with a lot of potential for some very explicit footage. However, instead of checking which poses I want to use, which room might be suitable and what clothes would go best with her, I've spent all the time finding out why the heck my game crashed every time I've loaded a room with her selected as a main model. First I thought may


CreampieManiac in Elvira

Let's get started...

Hello fellow Klubbers and people of culture! Since I always struggle to keep focused and finish my various TK17 projects that I' ve started, I thought it might be a good idea to create a space where I can just dump some thoughts, show some WIP and maybe even get some new ideas, inspiration and suggestions... You know the thing is, I really like creating stuff with TK17! But then again, sometimes it is just a pain in the ass. The crashes, awesome new mods with tons of new possibilities


CreampieManiac in Ivy

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