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Creating a Blog? Don't Forget the Feature Photo!! ×

About the New Comic



Another sleepless night, another lengthy blog entry. These past few days have been... eventful to say the least, but the progress on the newest comic has slowed down quite a bit due to extra work I need to get through to increase the quality of my images and it's been a pain in the ass. This blog is to explain my process behind the production of the comics, its limitations and all that shizzle. So, let's begin.

First and foremost, I use Hook4 as a graphic enhancer for my stuff. Why? As I previously stated, I don't own a computer powerful enough to withstand H5. This comes with its own set of challenges that make my screenshots a lesser quality than the work H5 users have showcased on KE, which is frankly amazing. Also, I'm using H4 without any knowledge on how to edit room lighting and any of that stuff (and with H4 not having a "hub" of sorts in-game to do all that editing as far as my dumb ass is aware), making my images look like this:

Planted Seed (33).png

This is a scene from my upcoming comic "CNC Baby", with female protagonist Daniela Olivares. This is how my screenshots look in-game and, depending on the room and light direction, they may even look darker. This is in the regular Pedestrian Room coming included with VX update P, which I haven't updated out of laziness so I had to resort to downloading the stand-alone addon for it. There are rooms that look a lot darker than this, and without proper controls for H4 (and no idea how Snipesso's files work with that despite having them) I have to resort to heavy photo editing on Photoshop CS3. Ancient, I know. Below are a few examples on how I edit pictures, starting with the simplest ones.

The Klub 17-0445.png

This picture from Sex Tales 5 was first adjusted with the Brightness/Contrast tool, then hit with a round of Color Balance to give it that "sunset" type look. This scene was built in the "A New Loft" room, which is one of my favorites. The images below are different, and I used a different tool for that one. They're excerpts of my Tinder spoof gallery featuring two other models: Marina Nonaka and Lincyn Hamilton.

Marina Nonaka 7.png

Lincyn Hamilton 4.png

On these images, I did something a bit different. The room here is a texture of the regular Bedroom called "Nina's Room", available in the Legacy Rooms here at KE. What I liked about the texture is the fact that it's a night time room (which I could use a lot more of, honestly) and it was another dark room on regular screenshots. In addition to Brightness/Contrast, I used the Levels tool on CS3 to give it a lighter color balancing and hit it once again with another round of Brightness/Contrast. In the main Lincyn picture (nude and non-nude), I added a Lens Flare to emulate the look of the moon shining above in the distance. Probably not the most original trick in the book, but it achieve the effect I wanted to give the image. On that texture, I had to do some manual editing to remove the very ugly sky texture lines you get that makes it look like a poorly built dome. The pictures below exemplify a bit more of how the room's natural lighting in addition to the photo editing affects the model's body. Note the very dumb layer of a poorly transformed heart picture I wanted to put on Lincyn's butt since her character has (as originally conceived) a bright pink heart tattoo on her left buttcheek. I'm a sucker for those tiny tattoos.

Lincyn Hamilton 5.png

Lincyn Hamilton 6.png

Going back to Daniela, her comic is representing a huge challenge in different areas beyond photo capturing. I'm trying to make my writing a bit more interesting, but also, the challenge of competing with H5 users by upping my game in terms of photo editing. So, here's the first image of Daniela, in its new edited version.

BG Remove Experiment.png

This one required a lot more work. First up, I went into photoroom.com and used its Background Removal to get Daniela without the background room since using H4 turns the green screen into a solid black and that... Just doesn't freaking work. So, since Photoshop's Background Eraser tool is too destructive and I haven't practiced enough for it to work the way I need it to, I outsourced the bg removal and pasted on top of the heavily brightened and contrasted original picture, then used the same Levels tool for both layers and used Lighting Effects on the non BG layer, giving the image more of a 3D look. However, this process has to be SPOT-ON or else you'll encounter issues like the original model looking out of phase with the top layer, similar to out-of-phase audio tracks when recording music, as it would happen with guitars or snare drums. I'm a recording enthusiast lol.

The next two pictures go a bit more in depth on additional things like editing room lights in some sense, but this is more embarrasing to showcase, really.

Dani The CNC Baby (1).png

This is the original picture uploaded in my first Daniela gallery here. The room used is Single Apartment. I know I will encounter another problem since the bedroom in that has a huge fucking mirror that I can't take advantage of with H4, but that's a problem for future Trapp. For this image, I used the same BG removal online tool I used on the previous example, but I also did a few other things. For example, the outside of the window with the sky looks very meh, so I searched and decided to use a leaf covered wall for the outside, removing that part of the image and replacing it so the window now has a foliage bg. Then, slight amount of Levels on both room and character, and brightening the spots where the light bulbs are. I thought I could get away with the Line and Smudge tools for the light effects coming out of the bulbs, but for the most part, they look ugly as hell. Then, another round of Lighting Effects on the model layer, and this is the end result.

Dani The CNC Baby Edit.png

Not the prettiest looking, but at least Daniela stands out a bit more from the original picture. The other problem with online BG removal tools is that they're not "smart" enough for a clean removal of the background and I believe that must be because of resolution and color detection issues. So, I had to give another round of very meticulous and sloppy Background Eraser tool to get rid of the obvious spots to finish it up.

So, this is a pretty lengthy process as previously described. Now do that times a few hundred screenshots and you'll tell me "well, just upgrade to Hook5 then!". I realize it might not be worth going through such heavy editing for porn comics, but then again: If I could use H5 without performance issues, I already would have. And I believe the story I want to tell with this is worth the trouble I'm going through with learning new skills. But as with all the work I've been doing for the past two years attempting to become a proper content creator, the question remains: If a tree falls in the middle of the forest, does it still make noise when hitting the ground? It's at times very disheartening seeing my efforts not being appreciated by people, but then again, I might not be doing things right in terms of promotion. Oh well.

Hope this entry sheds some more light on my very stupid comic production process and I hope you enjoyed this entry. As a gift for your patience, I leave you with this new gallery of Daniela, with a much simpler editing process and fully nude versions. I wish I could have H5 to do all this crazy shit much easier on me. Anyways, see you on the next one!


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El hecho de que no uses H5 probablemente sea, por sí solo, tu mayor problema respecto al poco tráfico que generas. Si uno, haciendo lo que hace de todas maneras le sufrimos.

Aprovecha la interface de H4 para mover las luces. Es más complicado, porque tienes que estar compilando con F9 si no me falla la memoria, los cambios que le haces al .txt. O era alt+r? no recuerdo bien.

El punto es, es nomás cuestión de terquearle. Tanto en H4 como en H5 se pueden ver las trayectorias de las luces con F2, y de ahí puedes moverle. Porque yo me pasé horas configurando espejos y costaba un huevo y medio hacerlo, pero se podía. Puro prueba y error.

Intenta buscar alguna guía de H4, recuerdo que había e incluso yo la tenía, pero se la tragó el tiempo en mi máquina.

Como dijeron en conocida caricatura de los 90's: "Créalo y ellos lo verán."

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55 minutes ago, SovietTiger said:

El hecho de que no uses H5 probablemente sea, por sí solo, tu mayor problema respecto al poco tráfico que generas. Si uno, haciendo lo que hace de todas maneras le sufrimos.

Aprovecha la interface de H4 para mover las luces. Es más complicado, porque tienes que estar compilando con F9 si no me falla la memoria, los cambios que le haces al .txt. O era alt+r? no recuerdo bien.

El punto es, es nomás cuestión de terquearle. Tanto en H4 como en H5 se pueden ver las trayectorias de las luces con F2, y de ahí puedes moverle. Porque yo me pasé horas configurando espejos y costaba un huevo y medio hacerlo, pero se podía. Puro prueba y error.

Intenta buscar alguna guía de H4, recuerdo que había e incluso yo la tenía, pero se la tragó el tiempo en mi máquina.

Como dijeron en conocida caricatura de los 90's: "Créalo y ellos lo verán."

Sí, necesito mejorar mi estilo visual por mucho. Espero pronto llegar al punto donde eso sea posible.

Tengo por ahí un PDF sobre las funciones de edición de H4, pero no tenía idea de que había una interface para editar. Según recuerdo, los cambios de level definition se hacían por medio de archivos .txt, pero la verdad es algo que necesito experimentar. Espero poder tomarme el tiempo para hacerlo y ver qué puedo mejorar en ese respecto, pero es como dices. Tal vez necesito usar H5 para poder hacer la edición durante el juego, si es que eso es una posibilidad.

¡Y esa es la intención! Estoy haciéndolo y con eso espero que poco a poco se vaya generando una audiencia para mi trabajo. Ojalá pueda llegar eventualmente a ese punto.

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H4 no tiene GUI como H5. Sí, se tiene que hacer toda modificación en los .txt; pero recuerdo que con un botón F, posiblemente F2, con eso se ven las trayectorias de las luces... a menos de que mi memoria me esté engañando. 

Pero no importa, de que se puede, se puede. Ni modo que te gane. 😉

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11 minutes ago, SovietTiger said:

H4 no tiene GUI como H5. Sí, se tiene que hacer toda modificación en los .txt; pero recuerdo que con un botón F, posiblemente F2, con eso se ven las trayectorias de las luces... a menos de que mi memoria me esté engañando. 

Pero no importa, de que se puede, se puede. Ni modo que te gane. 😉

Lo que no sé es dónde acceder para crear esos archivos al entrar a los Rooms, menos si son los del juego base. Igual necesito darle una buena leída al instructivo y practicar. No queda más.

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Necesitas acceder a ellos por medio de ActiveMod. Aardy, por ejemplo, tiene mucha sabiduría al respecto, Mándale un mensaje por PM y muy probablemente te pueda apuntar en la dirección correcta para encontrar las carpetas de las habitaciones del juego base. 

De cualquier manera, no le tengas miedo a bajar cuartos de legacy. Yo acabo de adaptar un cuarto que originalmente lo diseñaron para H4 a H5, que no sabía cómo hacerlo... hasta que aprendí como hacerlo. Lo difícil es saber, ya sabiendo, ya qué chiste.

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Didn't read the conversation above because I'm anxious on giving my insight, Sorry If I look repetitive.

First of, I love stupid solutions for problems! I do them all the time! 

I appreciate all the way you go to make your comics, I uses H4 for a longe while, and I remember the only light Control I use was the sun light. I would love to see more hook4 support. 

If I umderstand correctly you photoshoped Lyncin's tattoo? Why don't you make a custom skin for her and add It directly on the skin texture? I have a tutorial showing How to do, and you already have ALL the tools and expertise. 

Finally, why don't you promoter your comics making stories? Stories linger longer and stay at the top of the site. 

Now I'll read your messages. You don't know that, but for portuguese speakers, spanish it's Just a funny accented portuguese! 


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23 hours ago, SovietTiger said:

El hecho de que no uses H5 probablemente sea, por sí solo, tu mayor problema respecto al poco tráfico que generas. Si uno, haciendo lo que hace de todas maneras le sufrimos.

Aprovecha la interface de H4 para mover las luces. Es más complicado, porque tienes que estar compilando con F9 si no me falla la memoria, los cambios que le haces al .txt. O era alt+r? no recuerdo bien.

El punto es, es nomás cuestión de terquearle. Tanto en H4 como en H5 se pueden ver las trayectorias de las luces con F2, y de ahí puedes moverle. Porque yo me pasé horas configurando espejos y costaba un huevo y medio hacerlo, pero se podía. Puro prueba y error.

Intenta buscar alguna guía de H4, recuerdo que había e incluso yo la tenía, pero se la tragó el tiempo en mi máquina.

Como dijeron en conocida caricatura de los 90's: "Créalo y ellos lo verán."

I didn't knew nothing of that!

I agree with S.Tiger, H4 is less impressive, so people tend to not build interest. Suckers. Your work is the best. I particulary don't care. I'll summon @ArtsAndCrafty and @aardy to give some insight, they are low-budget wizards like you.

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1 hour ago, Morius said:

First of, I love stupid solutions for problems! I do them all the time! [...]

Now I'll read your messages. You don't know that, but for portuguese speakers, spanish it's Just a funny accented portuguese! 

ey! If ti works, it ain't stupid! 😉

Wel, for Spanish speakers, Portuguese sounds like any other accent that got out of control 🤭

And I disagree with you, comrade Morious. @ArtsAndCrafty and @aardy aren't low budget wizards. They are wizards. 

lord of the rings laughing GIF


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7 minutes ago, SovietTiger said:

ey! If ti works, it ain't stupid! 😉

Wel, for Spanish speakers, Portuguese sounds like any other accent that got out of control 🤭

And I disagree with you, comrade Morious. @ArtsAndCrafty and @aardy aren't low budget wizards. They are wizards. 

lord of the rings laughing GIF


Technically you are right, Portuguese is a Spanish and a Brazillian dialect!

Right too on the wizardy thingy. Wizards with resources are technomancers, not wizards. lol.

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4 hours ago, Morius said:

Didn't read the conversation above because I'm anxious on giving my insight, Sorry If I look repetitive.

First of, I love stupid solutions for problems! I do them all the time! 

I appreciate all the way you go to make your comics, I uses H4 for a longe while, and I remember the only light Control I use was the sun light. I would love to see more hook4 support. 

If I umderstand correctly you photoshoped Lyncin's tattoo? Why don't you make a custom skin for her and add It directly on the skin texture? I have a tutorial showing How to do, and you already have ALL the tools and expertise. 

Finally, why don't you promoter your comics making stories? Stories linger longer and stay at the top of the site. 

Now I'll read your messages. You don't know that, but for portuguese speakers, spanish it's Just a funny accented portuguese! 


If anything, insight is always welcome here! And three cheers for stupid solutions! As long as they produce results, I'm all for them! So far, it's been working good for me, albeit a bit time consuming. I'm too lazy to read the H4 manual, but I definitely have to if I want to improve my shit.

Also yes, I just need to copy the source skin I use for Lincyn and check your tutorials out. The star tattoos she has on the pics are from a set put on the Pubic Hair section on Customizer, but I only need her to have the one tattoo. So I'll have to take time later today to make that work. She has the heart tattoo on her butt as well as one single star shape on her right hip close to her pussy, so yeah. I don't know if I can post stories from my laptop, but hey, I guess I should give it a shot!

2 hours ago, SovietTiger said:

ey! If ti works, it ain't stupid! 😉

Wel, for Spanish speakers, Portuguese sounds like any other accent that got out of control 🤭

And I disagree with you, comrade Morious. @ArtsAndCrafty and @aardy aren't low budget wizards. They are wizards. 

lord of the rings laughing GIF


Exactly! It's not stupid if it works!

Also, I agree. I haven't spoken to @ArtsAndCrafty yet, but @aardy is a Godsend. He's helped me out quite a bit and he is indeed a wizard!

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8 hours ago, Trapp said:

If anything, insight is always welcome here! And three cheers for stupid solutions! As long as they produce results, I'm all for them! So far, it's been working good for me, albeit a bit time consuming. I'm too lazy to read the H4 manual, but I definitely have to if I want to improve my shit.

Also yes, I just need to copy the source skin I use for Lincyn and check your tutorials out. The star tattoos she has on the pics are from a set put on the Pubic Hair section on Customizer, but I only need her to have the one tattoo. So I'll have to take time later today to make that work. She has the heart tattoo on her butt as well as one single star shape on her right hip close to her pussy, so yeah. I don't know if I can post stories from my laptop, but hey, I guess I should give it a shot!

Exactly! It's not stupid if it works!

Also, I agree. I haven't spoken to @ArtsAndCrafty yet, but @aardy is a Godsend. He's helped me out quite a bit and he is indeed a wizard!

@aardy IS an indispensable artist and a generous benefactor.  I'm very grateful for all the time and help he's given me.  I feel proud every time I'm mentioned along with him.

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Thanks for all the nice words guys, but this is getting embarrassing  ☺️   Kudos to all the original creators who make my modest contributions at all possible. 

:classic_smile: 👍

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On 9/27/2022 at 9:28 PM, aardy said:

Thanks for all the nice words guys, but this is getting embarrassing  ☺️   Kudos to all the original creators who make my modest contributions at all possible. 

:classic_smile: 👍

Aardy, let's cut the crap and use you (in a good way). Do you know if Hook4 reads normalmaps? The passes files? 

Just expanding the question: How about 2x and 4x textures? does Vanilla or H4 gets any improvement with them? 

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43 minutes ago, Morius said:

Aardy, let's cut the crap and use you (in a good way). Do you know if Hook4 reads normalmaps? The passes files? 

Just expanding the question: How about 2x and 4x textures? does Vanilla or H4 gets any improvement with them? 

Morius and I have been talking about that. The thing is, the skin textures in 2X look infinitely better for things like tattoos and stuff (which I want to add to characters), but when I downloaded the addons it really warped the rest of my skins. I believe I need to fix that on my end to make it work or something...

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41 minutes ago, Trapp said:

Morius and I have been talking about that. The thing is, the skin textures in 2X look infinitely better for things like tattoos and stuff (which I want to add to characters), but when I downloaded the addons it really warped the rest of my skins. I believe I need to fix that on my end to make it work or something...

Oh, that. Yes, they really warp the 1x skins! You can solve this easely resizing them on Photoshop! Just double the pixels count for each skin and ad the prefix "mod2_ on the texture name. Problem solved! That works for 4x too, but the prefix is "mod_"

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1 minute ago, Morius said:

Oh, that. Yes, they really warp the 1x skins! You can solve this easely resizing them on Photoshop! Just double the pixels count for each skin and ad the prefix "mod2_ on the texture name. Problem solved! That works for 4x too, but the prefix is "mod_"

Will do! This will also work great as it will allow me to start prepping my models for upload here. A busy day awaits tomorrow!

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6 hours ago, Morius said:

Aardy, let's cut the crap and use you (in a good way). Do you know if Hook4 reads normalmaps? The passes files? 

Just expanding the question: How about 2x and 4x textures? does Vanilla or H4 gets any improvement with them? 

Can't help you with any queries about Hook - I don't use Hook at all, any version.  What I can tell you though is any increase in resolution (even 2X) will dramatically improve skin texture detail.  My PC struggles with any 4X textures - I will reduce most skins to 1X -  but several of the skins I use still have elements at 2X resolution for the benefit of the detail it gives me in game.  

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5 hours ago, aardy said:

Can't help you with any queries about Hook - I don't use Hook at all, any version.  What I can tell you though is any increase in resolution (even 2X) will dramatically improve skin texture detail.  My PC struggles with any 4X textures - I will reduce most skins to 1X -  but several of the skins I use still have elements at 2X resolution for the benefit of the detail it gives me in game.  

That's alright. I found some Hook4 Files by someone named Snipesso but I don't know jack about how they work, so let's forget about Hook for the time being.

Oddly enough, I have skins that are meant to be a 4x size and they work just fine, but there are a lot of them that don't. Same thing with 2x skins, some of them look amazing and others, well... They look hideous. I'm currently starting to get all my models together with the stuff I know works for them, but it's going to take me probably all day.

9 hours ago, Morius said:

Oh, that. Yes, they really warp the 1x skins! You can solve this easely resizing them on Photoshop! Just double the pixels count for each skin and ad the prefix "mod2_ on the texture name. Problem solved! That works for 4x too, but the prefix is "mod_"

I was supposed to ask you yesterday, but it totally slipped my mind! When resizing my skins, do I only need to rename the .png files or all the files within that folder? (.txf and the like)

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14 minutes ago, Trapp said:

That's alright. I found some Hook4 Files by someone named Snipesso but I don't know jack about how they work, so let's forget about Hook for the time being.

Soviet Tiger already gave a great help on this, don't forget to read the manual he mentioned!

17 minutes ago, Trapp said:

Oddly enough, I have skins that are meant to be a 4x size and they work just fine, but there are a lot of them that don't. Same thing with 2x skins, some of them look amazing and others, well... They look hideous. I'm currently starting to get all my models together with the stuff I know works for them, but it's going to take me probably all day.

10 hours ago, Morius said:

Check the nomenclature of these skins. 2x must have the "mod2_" prefix on the png files, 4x must have the "mod_" prefix on the png files. Also check the size. In my tutorial I write which sizes 2x and 4x skins must have.

You Just must change the name of the png files and the passa files. But I don't know If the pass files work on H4, maybe they do! The hideouness you mentioned is because the modelo shows up darkened and as if they had their skin peeled off? If so there is a pass problem. Make a test, remove the pass files of the folder of the defective skins (keep them where you can add them again later). Them test It!

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27 minutes ago, Morius said:

Soviet Tiger already gave a great help on this, don't forget to read the manual he mentioned!

Check the nomenclature of these skins. 2x must have the "mod2_" prefix on the png files, 4x must have the "mod_" prefix on the png files. Also check the size. In my tutorial I write which sizes 2x and 4x skins must have.

You Just must change the name of the png files and the passa files. But I don't know If the pass files work on H4, maybe they do! The hideouness you mentioned is because the modelo shows up darkened and as if they had their skin peeled off? If so there is a pass problem. Make a test, remove the pass files of the folder of the defective skins (keep them where you can add them again later). Them test It!

It's more like, every other texture gets warped when it happens. Like, the skin loads fine, but the hairline, makeup, nipples, muscles and pubes (if used) all get warped out of place. I'll look for the manual but it's full of confusing terms, to be honest. As for your tutorials, I'll check them out once I'm done archiving the files needed to share all my models.

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2 minutes ago, Trapp said:

It's more like, every other texture gets warped when it happens. Like, the skin loads fine, but the hairline, makeup, nipples, muscles and pubes (if used) all get warped out of place. I'll look for the manual but it's full of confusing terms, to be honest. As for your tutorials, I'll check them out once I'm done archiving the files needed to share all my models.

Make sure the model is using the correct type of skin texture (2xBody/Face) Make sure the skin have the correct prefixes ("mod2_" on png files), make sure it's in the appropriate size (check my tutorial for this, it's in the beggining, I really don't remember right now )

Fixing this, the skin works like a charm!

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