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Everything posted by Madie

  1. Madie

    Club House

    I dont want to be a pain in the ass but if you include more things like videocameras or some kind of "improvised porn sets" or toilets/bathrooms on your rooms I will be very happy for sure, your work is awesome and I know isnt any easy and I dont want to look like pretenciously or bother you but if you can I hope you take some ideas like that on any rooms you make! but I have to say, since I get into klubexile your rooms where the most I liked and more if they are a bit shady Cheers and very good luck with all your works! they are great always!
  2. Madie

    Club House

    How do you get to work on so many great rooms all at the time I always wonder AND IMPROVING THEM TOO. you are a great modder! thank for your time and your work!
  3. FUCK IT LOOKS AWESOME! waiting waiting, 2 rooms on my wait list from your last post! I will need to save disk space fo sure! Keep it up! It looks so great!
  4. Madie


    Looks like another great job from you! I'm waiting so much the rundown cabin you posted some time ago too. your rooms are very creative! Keep it up with your great work!
  5. Madie

    College campus

    looks great! you're still on it?
  6. I really really like this!
  7. Jason Vorhees liked this post
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