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Posts posted by Euphie

  1. 19 hours ago, eraser666 said:

    Faye is looking for a book to read 😉

    [1 picture removed by Euphie]

    Yes, reading is something you should be doing yourself. I removed this post from your content counter.


    The next person who will treat this thread as a gallery because he/she is in a hurry to "break the 5 post barrier" will get a warning with a random number of penalty points (but above 15). There is an immediate ban for 100, so you have a chance to win a special lottery prize!

    Lottery Lotto GIF

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  2. 7 hours ago, SovietTiger said:

    But I would like to know if it is possible to disable the double click undress from within the game... because we drifted from the topic.

    Yes, I think we got a bit off topic... but also not really, because the new mouse is the only solution you have left.

    Double-clicking undressing doesn't show up in any shortcut tables in the game files, so I'm guessing it's hardcoded. For similar reasons, I was unable to change the movement of the free camera from the arrow keys to w-s-a-d. My answer is hard no, it is not possible.


    • Thanks 1
  3. Or just buy a new one - but a good one. I have had mine since 2014, the only thing I replaced since then were the slip pads, once. And I didn't pay that much for it, certainly not so much to expect it to last that long....

    On the other hand, it is also Logitech G502 mouse mentioned above, maybe in those days they made them more solid 🤔 The facts are undeniable - the mouse I use right now clicked my entire modding career on MG and here. And before that, I also used it in Battlefield 1, where at one point I was in the top ten in the medic class in the world. Back then, I literally broke the shift key on my keyboard to pieces from constantly sprinting, so intensely I played 😮 

    It's possible that I was just lucky and got an exceptionally good copy 😛

  4. 50 minutes ago, Haps said:

    So like every other below 5 posts member Ill post my PC specs  about which no one cares 😄

    RTX2060, R3600, 16 GB  RAM.

    Actually, I do care, every once in a while I catch someone here copypasting some nonsense and I scold him for it... Also, more than once, this information was useful to me to diagnose some problem that someone had, such as checking if someone's graphics card can actually handle Hook 5.

    It's a shame that the purpose of this thread has long been forgotten - it wasn't collecting statistical data or making it easier to "break the barrier of five posts" but comparing performance. One of the original things people were supposed to be listing here were the amounts of addons and textures installed and, most importantly, loading times. Hardly anyone does it today 😕

    We are not very interested in statements like "I have nothing installed yet". The idea was to check the performance when something is already installed...

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  5. When you start the game, the launcher window appears. The first thing you see is fake login area, and on the left you have a button labeled "options" - that's what you are looking for. If you don't have it, the game may not be fully installed, or you are using some repack where it was changed for some reason.

    You can't change the resolution directly in the game, apparently that was too technologically advanced option several years ago...

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  6. Sorry, I can't really help you myself, but I saw a solution to this problem a few years ago in R9X (which was a custom version of VX beta) invented by one guy. My hope is that this guy is here somewhere on the forum and maybe he'll come out of the shadows to explain again how he did it... 😬

    In general, there is a problem with the positioning of the eyeballs in this game, they are not symmetrical. I tried to remember how to fix it and tested different things but I have never been able to recreate it...

    If anyone is interested in investigating this, there seems to be a clue in body01.bs file (body mod doesn't matter, this piece of code is the same everywhere):

    STransform :local_498 . {
    	SSimpleTransform.Translation Vector3f( 0.002000000095, -0.001000000047, 0.0120000001 );
    	SSimpleTransform.Rotation Vector3f( -1.67386055, 1.858355403, -93.22626495 );
    	Object.Name "Seye_L_group";
    STransform :local_561 . {
    	SSimpleTransform.Translation Vector3f( -0.002000000095, 0.001000000047, -0.0120000001 );
    	SSimpleTransform.Rotation Vector3f( 1.67386055, -1.858362556, 86.77373505 );
    	Object.Name "Seye_R_group";

    Entire groups of the left and right eye have what appear to be asymmetrical rotation values, but modifying these values didn't work, at least for me.


    Hmm, maybe it's something completely different from what you're asking, but it's at least kind of related and I hope someone knows how to fix it 🙂 After all, the position of the eyeballs is saved in the body, not in the face/head file.


    10 minutes ago, aardy said:

    Rather than repositioning the entire eye, try raising the eye level by editing the eyeiris.png.

    This is something I've done with most of mine as I feel they all seem to sit a bit low in their natural state.

    You can also move only the irises up if you are using Hook5. In the options you have the 'Eyes' tab and inside you have the 'EyeShiftUp' parameter. However, this is, unfortunately, a global option that will change all eyes 😕

  7. Quite an interesting thread has happened here, one can find out how different people deal with this problem that we all have sometimes 🙂

    For me, it was pressing F11 (or F12, I'm not sure) and initiating a shader recompilation, but that takes a while and can crash the game in a particularly unlucky case 🙂 It usually works, however. The problem itself is caused by (I believe) the Hook hooking the Shift key and refusing to let go of it sometimes.

  8. 29 minutes ago, gobman said:

    Well I sort of fixed it by just resetting the rooms once I changed the body and then the skin. Bit tedious, especially compared to 7.5. Now some of my models aren't even appearing. I really don't know how VX is supposed to be easier to use than 7.5 when it has this many issues.

    Well, it's not at all easy if you just hope that whatever you have from 7.5 will magically work in VX without taking any of the preparatory steps 🙂

    Moving directly from 7.5 to VX seems a bit tricky, mostly because you have to change your habits, which most likely had the opportunity to take root for many years, as was the case with almost all of us. The time you spend changing these habits will pay off in the time you save on loading times.

    Still, I'm the last person to really stand up for VX, ease of use was one of the least of the developing team's priorities. You can be thankful to them ^^ It has always been more important to bloat the game with unnecessary content rather than come up with some viable plan to facilitate migration for 7.5 users...

    This is really an endurance game for you now, I'm afraid, either you will get through it or you will stay with 7.5 because of lack of will and time. In the latter case, you won't find much on this forum for you, as we don't support 7.5 anymore.

  9. Well, you can remove all of them by deleting the Save\TagManager.uit file, but that will really remove all tags 🙂 

    I'm pretty sure I was able to add and remove tags with TKX_Utils at some point... Maybe try to run the program as administrator? 🤔

  10. In my game it looks similar to the Oaks' screenshots. Lighting from the Hook 5 gives this depth so you can recognize the geometry. But this is definitely not a properly functioning part of the room 🤔 A brief investigation in Blender and directly into the "text" of this room suggests that these windows have no textures, no entries at all. I think they supposed to be black, and that black was to be achieved solely by the color of the material 🤔 It clearly doesn't work properly. These window recesses have names like "polySurfaceShape236_black_col" - I believe "black_col" means black color.

    I was able to somewhat patch it up by "attaching" a texture entry to its material entry - the same texture as the whole tower (or some wall, I'm not sure). It doesn't look very well seen up close, but I suppose when viewed from a distance it might be enough (screenshot without H5):




    Here is a modified room, just drop it into the Addons folder. Of course, you can change the name as you wish 😉



    However, I do not see this as a real solution to the problem 🤔 Someone would have to try to modify the material of these windows to make it appear completely black, or to make the proper texture. The latter, however, would also require modification of the geometry, since the side walls of this cavity were created by "pushing" the window inside the building and are stretched.

  11. 3 minutes ago, kirov_df said:

    Thank you for your reply. First of all, sure, graphic drivers installed to the latest version from Nvidia site.
    Installed DirectX and 2010 distributables- still no luck.
    I also reinstalled Hook5 system and made Clean System in GameOptions Manager. Scenes loads correctly now, but when i switch poses i get "out of memory" error.
    One would enable 4gb_patch in Options Manager right? But when i pick it, confirm patching and open Options Manager again, it's not selected again (screenshot below). Tried like 20 times.
    Attaching mainfx_errors file too.null


    mainfx_errors.7z 761 B · 0 downloads

    This "out of memory" error is an almost sure sign that something is wrong with this patching. 

    Try this - ignore these options completely and patch your TK17-158.001.exe file (from Binaries folder) yourself with this old and very reliable little program:


    • Like 2
  12. I also changed the graphics card at some point while having the game installed and I don't think I had problems, but it's worth mentioning here that I switched from GeForce to GeForce 🤔 You made a more significant change...

    Maybe something obvious to start with? Make sure you have the latest drivers, that is, downloaded from the Nvidia website, not what was on the included CD.

    I assume you are using Hook 5 - there is a link to dx2010 redistribuables in readme, it may need to be reinstalled. Also, while we're here, maybe the contents of mainfx_errors.txt (in Binaries folder) are saying something more about this crash right now.

  13. 6 hours ago, falbst said:

    hahah how did I know you were going to do that, typical of this administration. If you have no bias on someone's onion why do you feel like you have to revoke someone's privilege's for it?

    I just wanted to add that I don't mind anyone's onions. Personally, I like the onion 🙂 It goes well with bacon and taste great sautéed in butter, among other things 👩‍🍳

    Also, I care about the community, about supporting modding activity and about the bandwidth on the site. You have made it clear that you are no longer interested, so you don't need it anymore. Perhaps someone more interested in contributing something useful for the community will take your place 🙂


    2 hours ago, HDiddy said:

    Thriving community.......

    Perhaps he meant the sales figures of all of these paid items, in this respect he is right, we are far, far behind... 🙂

    Oh, those interested in VaM, didn't you know that? You do have a choice of free resources, of course, but literally most of the stuff other users make are behind paywalls. Most likely, the things that you like the most and that you will want to have will only be available for a fee. The future of sex games! ☺️


    • Haha 1
  14. 59 minutes ago, falbst said:

    I would just simply say, good riddance.

    I stopped using TK17 and accessing KE several months ago after I discovered VAM. 


    It's a bit of a learning curve but trust me well worth it.


    I have no bias about VaM or someone else's opinion on TK17, but since you are so convinced of it that you had to tell us about it twice in two different threads, let me take away your privilege to download stuff from KE. It looks like you will definitely not contribute anything more to our community.

    Good luck with your learning curve, hopefully it doesn't get too twisted ☺️

    • Thumbs Up 3
  15. 2. Well, I don't know that either because I don't know where you got it from. By default, H5 doesn't have any overlays on, or even included, as far as I know. In the options of Hook 5 (the latest Hook 5 you will find on this site, I don't know about the older versions) you have an Overlay bar at the bottom and all you have to do is set the OverlayEnable to 0. But the default should be zero anyway, so if it's not H5 then you have these bars from another source.



    1. In main11.fx make sure you have this option: 

    funcHiResScreeshot                        = 44, 0, 1

    This should set the ctrl+printscreen shortcut. At least that's what I have. Your screenshot directory line looks fine.


    Also, you can speak Polish to me if it is more convenient for you, but I have no more ideas how to help you beyond what I have already suggested 🤔

  16. You said you were taking a high resolution screenshot, right? In Hook 5? There are various resolution settings for this option (HighResScreenScale in the H5 menu and iHiResScreenScale directly in the main11.fx file). In the menu, you can set the scale to a maximum of 3 and manually in the file up to 4. Try to modify these settings and see if the distribution of these stripes has changed. (Edit - yup, now I see that this was already mentioned. Still, try like 2 or 1, or 3. These settings are responsible for the actual size (scale) of the high res screenshot).

    I don't know the exact technical details, but the high resolution screenshot is made with a kind of "mosaic" made up of many single screenshots of your normal screen resolution (that's why high-res screenshots often have trouble capturing spotlights and shadows existing in the scene, but that's not the point). Maybe the resolution you run the game at is not exactly 1080p but slightly lower (maybe you're running the game in a window or a borderless window or something). Try taking a screenshot by running the game in full screen and see if that helps.



    Here are two more things you can check:

    • Make sure you're making this high res screenshot via Hook 5. The shortcut (hopefully it's default, I don't think I changed that in my game) is Ctrl+PrintScreen. However, you need to specify in main11.fx the path to the folder where the screenshots are to be saved (cScreenshotFolder) and their format. High res screenshot directly in the game can be made with Ctrl+Shift+P, and I have no idea how it works with Hook 5. It's probably not affected by the options in main11.fx at all.


    • Make sure you don't have any overlays enabled in Hook 5, like some letterbox or something (or in Reshade, if you're using it too). It can also affect high res screenshots. See, I was able to recreate your problem, at least visually - this is a high res screenshot with an overlay that adds a black bar at the top and bottom of the screen (I had to lower the resolution of the image itself before uploading it here, because I have a native resolution of 1440p, so the high res screnshot was 10240x5760 and over 40mb 😵). Ignore the missing shoe - disappearing meshes is a common problem when taking high res screenshots:

    The Klub 17-0002.jpg


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  17. Check out the download section and see if any rooms look familiar 🙂 

    The answer is yes, some have been doing this for years (like Berger). Sometimes the appearance of the rooms is closer to the original, sometimes less. Oh, and because of hm... the origin of assets, we try not to indicate exactly what is a conversion of what and we often use different names.

    One thing about importing anything from DAZ - high quality has to be almost universally lowered, through decimation, lowering texture resolution, and the like. The game is old, no way around it 😞 Still, people like @Kraegar (check his work sometime) take this old game and make 200% use of it 🙂

  18. 34 minutes ago, Aloha997 said:

    SPECS:  Ryzen 1600/16GB RAM/gtx1650

    SPECS:  Ryzen 1600/16GB RAM/gtx1650

    SPECS:  Ryzen 1600/16GB RAM/gtx1650

    thats about it

    SPECS:  Ryzen 1600/16GB RAM/gtx1650

    thats about it

    SPECS:  Ryzen 1600/16GB RAM/gtx1650

    thats about it

    SPECS:  Ryzen 1600/16GB RAM/gtx1650

    thats about it


    thats about it


    thats about it

    So, both AMD and Intel on one deck 🤔 And several copies of them. And that's about it.

    You could at least try to write/copypaste whatever in a way that does not raise any suspicions... So, no post-writing effort and uploading the same random pictures. Looks like you have a bright future ahead of you here 😕

  19. 29 minutes ago, Zbad123 said:

    Sorry, i expressed myself inaccurately 🙂 I was more concerned with making the bust "physical". It could knead, etc. Maybe if there were more points od position modification in relation to the model?

    Omg, what are you trying to do with these poor breasts! 😵 Kneading like a dough?

    I don't know if anyone tried to modify something like this 🤔 The breasts in the game are pretty straightforward, I suspect would require adding more bones to the armature or something. But if you're simply trying to do something in Pose Edit, there are tons of breasts sliders that you can creatively combine to simulate all kinds of boob abuse. It may be enough, but it would undoubtedly require quite a lot of work. 

    Finding some magic to make breasts more real is a rather difficult, if not impossible, thing to do, I'm afraid. The game is old 😕 I'm not skilled at making such advanced modifications, personally. As they say in my area, wyższa szkoła jazdy 😉

    Edit: basically, what x17 said above when I wrote this post. I could just wait 😛


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  20. I assume you mean base game hair? There is a way, but it's pretty brutal - manual removal of these hair entries from the game 😵 I did it in my game, but it's been a long time ago, and as you know, I have memory problems... Anyway, try this. it should work:

    • Locate the file: \VX-Mod\Scripts\Dress\DcDressHair.bs and make a backup of it
    • Make sure you really have made a backup of this file.
    • Replace this file with this one: DcDressHair.7z In this file, all base hair entries have been deleted. The only thing left is the entry needed for the proper functioning of the coloring of strands (as far as I remember)

    That's it, the base hair should be gone from the game. Be aware that the game does not like such rough treatment and may complain in the logs.

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  21. 1 hour ago, Mickler said:

    This is something I have thought about quite a lot. In the event that I have a partner, I imagine I would have to either explain, keep hiding it, or abandon the hobby entirely. I guess it'll depend on the person.

    Of course, we all do our best for this special someone and are willing to sacrifice a lot for them 😮 But I admit that a situation in which someone would ask (force) you to give up this generally harmless hobby would be unenviable. This is a difficult matter, a lot depends on the individual "sense" of the relationship between the two people, what their sex life is like, what their level of trust is, and so on, many individual factors. Well, most partners generally aren't thrilled if the other side is a porn connoisseur. But I've always said that actively creating your own 3D porn is something more and it caters to more needs than just one ^^ Of course, explaining this to your partner is another matter... I believe that grading the truth, the appropriate dosage of introducing the other party to this particular hobby may help more than throwing the whole truth straight away. Hiding it in the long run should be avoided, that's for sure. Love and trust have great strength, people who love us believe our words and try to find understanding for our weirdness no matter what...

    Of course, there is also a situation where people have fun with this 3D porn stuff and modding and everything and thus ignore or distance themselves from the person they should care for. And this is wrong, regardless of whether the other side knows about this hobby or not 😞 *sigh*


    3 hours ago, x17 said:

    Recently, I had my landlords in visitation (theyre old senior people in their 70s and 80s) and old man told me (when we were talking about various stuff in private and his wife wasnt near to hear him, ofc 😆) ..."when I was younger, I liked pussy more than anything", hahah ...  and then he went on "good old days" and how he traveled around Europe and met many friends ... and women, ofc, hahah.

    😆 I wonder why the old man suddenly decided to confide in you about it. My guess is he has to watch from a distance the regular stream of women passing through your apartment every week 🤭 Or maybe it just smelled like pussy in your place on that particular day... 

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