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Posts posted by Euphie

  1. Okay, I posted it also on MG 😛 The quality is crap (but the sound is tolerable) 😮 The hidden bonus of this video is that the twenty-year-old me is out there somewhere, going crazy and topless 😄 But, there is no chance of seeing anything, don't bother searching 😛 

    So lucky to be there. I miss the old bastard 😞 \m/

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  2. 29 minutes ago, XYZ69 said:

    Cześć, dopiero niedawno odkryłem że istnieje coś takiego jak KE, przeglądając LL odkryłem magiczny link który teleportował mnie tutaj, szkoda że MG umarło w tak dość smutny sposób, co do hook5 basic, posiada on konfigurator (f4) gdzie można zmienić właściwie wszystkie dostępne opcje, takie jak ssao, dof, fov, i inne, nie trzeba grzebać w pliku .FX Pozdrawiam, szczególnie @Euphieza cały Twój wkład by uczynić TK17 jeszcze lepszym, absolutny top jeśli chodzi o jakość. 

    Dziękuję, miło z Twojej strony 🙂 Staram się po prostu dobrze bawić i sprawić, żeby inni bawili się równie dobrze jak ja ^^

  3. 1 hour ago, IIIlll said:

    to me, this looks like an advertisement of a 9 USD/month service. I think its very fraudulent how companies push any and all modern algorithms as intelligence just because it sounds futuristic.

    Well, I think this is only a problem if someone really cares about high resolution images, which is still only 2k there, or a large number of animation frames. It's hard to find a practical application to this, it is more about some way of supporting the project and its costs.

    Just like us, we will soon be looking for support for the next installment of the forum costs 🙂 No subscriptions though 😛

    Well, at least I hope it is not here for advertising purposes, I wouldn't like that 🤔

  4. Lol, I didn't notice this before 🙂 I was fine, in April I took a little vacation, I needed some time away from anything related to this game and regain my strength 🙂 I had the Covid-thing and associated problems mainly during the last year, but I have been feeling very healthy for many months now. Thank you for your concern 🙂

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  5. No, ja nie jestem w stanie również pomóc 😮 Łamałam sobie jakiś czas głowę, ale to są po prostu zbyt specyficzne problemy, z którymi nigdy się nie spotkałam. Nie mam pojęcia jak gra działa na Linuksie, wszystko to może być skutkiem jakichś magicznych zaklęć napędzających WINE. Przede wszystkim również, to pierwszy raz jak słyszę żeby ktoś odpalił hook na Linuksie 😮 avarteas (ten od VX) był użytkownikiem Linuksa, ale nie używał hooka. Przykro mi, mam nadzieję, że dojdziesz do jakiegoś rozwiązania 🙂 

  6. 6 hours ago, BloodyMandy said:

    Tak z ciekawości - czemu tak?

    A tak w ogóle to hej. Zaskoczyło mnie, że jest polski wątek na tym forum.

    Cześć 🙂 Można rzec, że to forum jest w 1/6 polskie, osobny wątek jest obowiązkowy!

    Co do pervokpetra, stary sentyment. Dzisiaj nie ma to już większego znaczenia, ale kiedyś - mówiąc delikatnie - nie był on znany z pierwszorzędnej obsługi użytkownika. Ludzie zadawali mu pytania, na które nie odpowiadał, domagali się szczegółowej instrukcji obsługi do Hook 5, której (wtedy) nie było. Modderzy działający w H5, tacy jak ja, nie mieli wówczas wyboru jak sami prowadzić dla niego centrum pomocy, bo ludzie po prostu nie umieli właściwie używać naszych modów. Wszystko to w czasie, gdy on inkasował miesięcznie jakieś trzy razy więcej niż kwota, którą dzisiaj widzisz na Patreonie. No, ale to już stare dzieje.

  7. 10 minutes ago, x17 said:

    The longest I abstained from ejaculation was about month and a week ... 

    Well, no joke, there are truly some benefits (even odd ones)  - but also downsides where you become horny for smallest and most banal things. And you need to wear TWO helmets 😊 And then I exploded 😏 and made a mess ... 


    Ah, our x17,  sharing as always 😊 Either mods or confessions 🙂 A tear of emotion ran down my cheek reading this cute story. At least, I hope it's a tear and not a... um... "shrapnel" from one of his explosions 😮 I'm not sure what range the gun has. Or a caliber ☺️

    • Haha 4
  8. On 6/19/2021 at 3:46 PM, Sardukar said:

    I propose a NO-FAP for a year challenge to help cleanse our souls of lustful thoughts. I have researched up on this practice and there are apparently many health benefits to abstaining from ejaculation x)

    Really? 😮 I refrain from ejaculation my whole life and my health is quite weak, physical and mental 🤔 What about being the "perpetrator" of ejaculation, that also counts for health deterioration? It would certainly explain a lot 😮 

    ...I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself 😁


    Anyway, contest ideas! Ladies with glasses ☺️ I would voluntarily bar myself from participating though, so there would be a level playing field 😎


    • Haha 6
  9. To jest rzeczywiście tylko dolar jednorazowo, szczególnie teraz gdy pervokpetr na razie zawiesił dalsze aktualizacje 🙂 Możesz sobie raz zapłacić na Patreonie, ściągnąć, i zakończyć wspieranie. Już dawno nie miałam do czynienia z bezpłatną wersją, ale pamiętam mniej więcej, że różnica jest przede wszystkim w funkcjonalności i wygodzie użytkowania. Szczegóły w linku podanym przez kolegę powyżej 🙂 Co do wydajności, to zaryzykowałabym stwierdzenie, że darmowa wersja może mieć ją gorszą, chociażby z tego względu, że była znacznie rzadziej aktualizowana (dwa, trzy razy w przeciągu ostatnich trzech lat?)  i z pewnością nie ma najnowszych optymalizacji kodu. Nie znoszę robić reklamy pervokowi, ale jeśli zamierzasz trochę się pobawić z tym hookiem to te 4 złote z hakiem nie jest wygórowaną ceną 😮


    8 hours ago, Kanmar said:

    Czy istnieje możliwość  wyłączenia / włączenia rozmycia drugiego planu . Nie wiem jak to się dokładnie nazywa ale działa na zasadzie akomodacji oka. Może ktoś z was zna sposób i zechce mi powiedzieć.

    7 hours ago, sadekhnd said:

    Moze ktos madrzejszy sie tutaj wypowie 🙂 

    Ktoś mnie wołał? 😄 

    Żartuję, nie wiem też czy w darmowej wersji też to się tak zmienia, ale żeby wyłączyć DOF spróbuj w pliku konfiguracyjnym Binaries/main11.fx zmienić parametr iDOFEnable na zero 🙂

  10. Hey, I saw something about that somewhere recently 😉

    Building a city "from blocks" in Hook 5 is a time-consuming affair, even though it is easier to do than in H4 (Remember? There was no interface or manipulators 😄), but I personally like it. I was able to extend the Abandoned Warehouse room by hunter1110 nicely with just two or three different urban objects by Sexvision, plus other little things, and I really like the effect, even despite the duplications. Different sceneries could be built with the same set of "bricks". Bear in mind that I just like public places and I never have too many of them in this game 😛 

    If any of this comes out, I promise to write a tutorial on how to add custom pose locations in a room, which is very simple - as long as there is no such tutorial. Such knowledge will make city-building even more attractive ^^


    Edit - I moved the thread to a more appropriate section 😛

  11. I rarely speak out on this subject in public - if ever 😮 I don't like discussing controversial issues online, although some people love to do so. I get emotional quickly 😑

    As already mentioned, the issue of selling content, addons, has never been so wide-ranging, although these single examples that happened were painful (if someone was selling someone else's work as his own). Of course, Exile's presence and profile is quite effective these days, you can get addons and high-quality content for free so paying is fail... Also, now it does not happen anymore I suppose, but during these "lean" years on MG there were people actually willing to approach the modder directly and offer not so small amounts for creating something very specific - a regular commission. Of course, the question remains whether the ordering party would be really ready to pay if the time of the actual transaction came... Personally, I was offered the most, probably $50 for shoes, allegedly paid in advance 🤔 K1T0, a former MG user (and friend) who you may know because of his skin mods and the gloomy room made of H5 objects, got a similarly priced offer for converting a specific skin from Daz. He undertook this task for free, provided that he would be able to make this skin available to everyone. What a guy 🙂

    As for the videos, I cannot say that I am personally a fan of this practice, but what can I do about it... Credits don't do much to me because I won't even see them, but it's better than nothing I suppose 😮 What I don't particularly like is the level of comfort some people have by simply making videos where they use content created by others. They take whatever they want, thank you or not, and make a video that then generates some money for them, or they ask for donations and feel completely absolved. This is not such a simple moral matter, in my opinion. This has some implications in creativity and general desire to do modding for the affected modder, more or less clear to him/her. I don't think there really is any modder who would see a specific amount of money achieved literally using something that required his totally free work and time and won't feel a single drop of negative feeling 😮 I think many of us just try not to think about things that we have no real influence on anyway. And rationalize them somehow to handle the day 😞

    Just don't be fooled that the filmmakers are completely blameless as they probably think they are. In my opinion, the absolute minimum they should do is ask directly and personally if they can use your mod for their own video that they can use for profit. Of course, there are mods whose owners are unavailable, but there's a ton of new content whose authors are exactly where this content was found. You know, right here 😕 I think that in such a situation - having a real choice - almost no one would consent. Therefore, nobody asks about it, limiting themselves at best to just mentioning the author's nickname somewhere at the end and feeling perfectly fine. These credits may have additional implications, by the way, as more and more people may assume that the credited author is okay with using his or her work. In difficult matters, people tend to simplify the details 😉

    Personally, I don't want anyone to use my mods in their videos. Only if they aren't used to generate a single cent, one way or another, just like my mods, then by all means, you don't even need to credit me. But of course, this statement has no real meaning and won't hold anyone back, even if I put it more visible somewhere... All I can really do is take care of such a person here, on the forum, if by some miracle I track him down and without a doubt 😛 But I don't have the time and energy to organize a witch hunt. I always say that I don't really need money and I never made anything from this activity, but heck, maybe I'll arrange some volunteer donations to counter this issue, especially since times are pretty hard 😕 And modding, though one of my favorite things to do, takes time and effort (last example, my Miranda's outfit, only transferred from another game - about 8 hours total  from nothing to posting the file on the site. Workday without payday 😛 ) Well, I just think aloud 😮 

    As I say, this is not a question of which there are definitive answers, black or white, and one that will always work for every case. As a modder, all you can do is establish your own position on the matter, see if it works for you, decide whether to continue modding and just follow this line of action... 

    As a consolation, it can be said that the issue of modding and money is not clarified anywhere and there is no real consensus in any modding community. It has never been so, and it will probably never be. Your grandchildren will be modding in 50 years... well, probably only VX 64bit at this rate... and they will be discussing the same issue 😄 

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  12. 6 hours ago, aardy said:

    Ah, interesting - so I do have the crown, but not the R9 version.  In my set all items have Euphie labels - the crown is EuphieCrown1.

    Which  I guess means I have your updated version, including the texture sets, but alas, no Hook files - so incomplete on that front.

    Don't know if you need a copy of your own addon, but I can send it through if you do  :classic_smile:

    I have this, thank you, it survived on Mega 😉 

    Link to textures with Hook 5 as proof 🙂

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  13. On 7/4/2021 at 5:26 AM, Pryme said:


    EDIT: Aardy was nice enough to link a couple, the crown is the missing piece to my puzzle now 🙂 I also managed to find the crown in a set on here, which I would be willing to repost by itself with @Euphie's permission.

    I seem to be missing a few r9 addons, so some of the clothing textures don't work. I'm hoping someone has this stuff from MG laying around somewhere still.

    Specifically, i'm missing:


    Eternal thanks to anyone that has this stuff 🙂 

    Well, if you want my permission, you have to ask me directly 😛 

    The entire Tear Of The Gods set (including the crown) is already on the forum here, but it's not my own upgraded version from the last months of MG. It's an older mediocre port from the R9X made by someone else. I do not recommend it particularly, but since there is nothing else....

    Anyway, I'm gradually upgrading my old addons now, the time will come for this set too 🙂

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  14. 8 hours ago, mike78xx said:

    Witam wszystkich rodaków, dobrze że po zniknięciu MG powstało takie  miejsce jak to. Pozdrawiam.

    Cześć 🙂 Widzę, że trochę Ci się ekhm... podwinęła noga niedawno 😮 Ale dano Ci po łapkach łagodnie. Postaraj się proszę tego nie powtarzać, recydywiści nie są traktowani pobłażliwie,. Mamy od niedawna nowych moderatorów... a każdy stara się być jak najlepszy w nowej pracy 😎


    8 hours ago, sadekhnd said:

    Witaj. Jeszcze paru rodakow i moze polski watek tez zacznie zyc wlasnym zyciem 😄

    Nom, rozwija się w stałym tempie 😄 Na jeden Twój post tutaj przypada sto postów gdzie indziej. A jeszcze niedawno Cię witałam ^^ A może skasujemy Ci licznik, tak dla hecy? 😛 Właśnie chciałam zobaczyć, czy mogę to zrobić i akurat się nawinąłeś ☺️

    Żartuję 😛

    • Haha 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Sait0037 said:

    Cześć wszystkim. Grę znam już od dawna, ale miałem kontakt tylko z vanillą. Dopiero teraz tu trafiłem z loverslab, a Mod Garden w ogóle nie znałem, ale cieszy mnie ilość znajdującego się tutaj contentu 😀

    No cóż, MG już nie istnieje więc nie ma co wskrzeszać zmarłych, witam w tym miejscu ^^ 


    4 hours ago, sadekhnd said:

    Witaj. Cieszy mnie., że tu zawitales/as. Życzę Ci dobrej zabawy i pytaj jak coś nie wiesz. Euphie ci na pewno odpowie a wtedy i ja się czegoś dowiem 🤣

    Teraz nie mam już wyboru 😛 Tak jak mnie zareklamowano, odpowiem na pewno. Może jedynie się zdarzyć, że nie będzie to bardzo szybko, mam ostatnio dużo roboty 😮

  16. Haven't you quite recently asked me how to even make an object for Hook 5 (in our language of course)? ^^ I'm glad that you learn so quickly and I really appreciate the way you continue your learning - in practice 👍

    I have no idea for a room personally, I only know that I'm still missing something in the game and I have wanted to make a room myself for a long time, if only I knew what I want 😮

    Don't mind me people, I was just passing by 😊

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  17. 2 hours ago, x17 said:



    Weights and morphs are different - weights is the amount of influence that bones have over vertex groups and vertices on the mesh. So in our case, the mesh of the body is weight painted according to the armature,

    The weights can even influence the morphs, but that depends, as the morphs can be made to fix any "imperfections" when posing the mesh. So, the morphs are straightforward manipulation of vertices to achieve a new look of certain area without the need to reweight everything.


    The morphs ( dynamic morphs ) we have only for VX ... where we control the mesh of body or any asset with sliders, the morphs that were made in Blender, then exported into the game. @Euphie made some amazing stuff, and she is the "main brain" behind the dynamic morphs you see today in VX. Overall, from what Im seeing ( recently when I dug around that sound code for that radio ) is that the game is capable of much more than we think or thought about ... its mainly just about experimentation and connecting pieces to understand what piece of code does what. And, unfortunately, its really not simple ... but its doable.

    Oh, I really wish you guys would stop saying it so literally 😮 I just had an idea, using other people's ideas, and then someone else had an idea to use my idea... Overall I did what you are talking about here, these experiments and connecting elements. And drinking a lot of coffee. And then bam! Morphs appeared 😄

    Anyway, I'm intrigued all the time and often think back to this other way of implementing morphs - same as corrective morphs in sammrchssn Realistic Female body (full version, the one with additional script in addition to the body file) or in one of the bodies made by an artist previously known as hootie 😄 Or in Amber by Morokei. There, morphs are not controlled by sliders but by bone movements, automatically. Therefore, for example, when the arm is raised high, the morph automatically corrects the places where the weighings do undesirable deformations - something like a force limiting the weighing range but not changing the power of the weighing. Probably the only way that you can achieve an effect that looks like dynamically changing weight values (I don't think that something like this is literally possible) 😮 

    In the Amber addon, it's even different, Morokei has linked some morphs from G3F, such as eye blink or tongue movements directly to the eyelid and tongue movement from the base body - which are, technically, morphs as well. Thus, morphs can be used to control other morphs, just as armature bones can do so, bypassing "traditional" (let's call it) weighing. I wonder how it can be used in an interesting and useful way 🤔

    But sorry, I got waaay off topic here 😮 It was about the feet before that! 

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  18. Just now, x17 said:


    Yup - it works nicely with new weighting. You can manipulate even toes to great extent ( only big toe and other smaller toes as two groups , but also capability with two morphs currently, which I think I will expand even more for PE ) - altough it would require new bones to make everything "perfect" in one sense. 🙂


    😮 Well, count me in for any kind of auxiliary job converting/making new heels for these feet 😄  I'm going all in. I've waited too long and the default heels are the source of my daily shudders 😮 

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  19. 1 hour ago, x17 said:


    The shoes all need to be remodelled in my case - completely new feet topology, new weighting, even armature has been realigned in bigger way ( but no new bones in it ). But I think its a good tradeoff. The reason why I have put so much focus on the feet is that these feet will also make a second variant in case of G8 model in future, which I will also eventually port to TK17. So, I can reuse it, to one extent. The morphs are pretty good to achieve more refined look, especially when arching foot - I would say, the feet will look great in high heels and similar. No worries about footwear - as that I will take modding immediately after the body is finalized, so people will not need to wait for long at all for new heels for that body.

    You know what, I completely forgot about your project and just yesterday I thought I couldn't look at that poor broken ankle anymore when the model has high heels and a straight leg at the knee (oh, you know what I'm talking about, in the game high heels are made to wear them in half-squat apparently) 😮 You mean you managed to defeat that old monster? ^^

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