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Posts posted by sadekhnd

  1. 6 minutes ago, Kanmar said:

    Drodzy koledzy i koleżanki. Czy ktoś z was wie jak zmienić tekstury w pokoju wbudowanym w grę ( nie w dodatku) ? Chodzi konkretnie o pokój Hotel first floor.

    Próbowałem zrobić to tak: Wydłubałem tekstury i nazwy plików z: Archives >2.158.001> images>Q=Tex032M>Luder>Room>Hotel02. Stworzyłem z tego odpowiedni folder i umieściłem w Active Mod. Pokój pojawił się w grze i działa poprawnie , działa level definition który dla niego utworzyłem. I wszystko byłoby pięknie gdyby nie to, że w ogóle nie reaguje na próby zmiany tekstur i efekty hook. Cały czas, cholera, wyświetlają się oryginalne tekstury.

    Wiecie może co robię nie tak ?

    Nie jestem specjalista w tej dziedzinie ale mysle , ze wazne sa nazwy plikow. Ostatnio @nikoli zrobil pare retextur oryginalnych pokoi. Polecam sciagniecie ktoregos i porownanie struktury plikow w addon i activemod. Moze dodal jeszcze cos od siebie? 

  2. 20 minutes ago, pes1972 said:

    What would be the easiest solution to recreate the eye patch Nick Fury has in the avengers movie? Is there any mask texture that covers the whole face that you would be able to cut it out from? Looked through male head accessories and headwear but couldnt see anything that would work. Anyone have any texture that covers the male face? Just painting it on a Head/face texture will probably not look that good.


    Nick Fury Eye Theory From Captain Marvel Says It's a Skrull Defense (esquire.com)

    What about pirate eye patch? It's almost the same , only wrong eye 😄

  3. 59 minutes ago, koyli said:

    I also just get a black screen....Direct11 installed, the game set to "DirectX" and still nothing. Much as I would LOVE to get this functioning, I'm getting to the stage of "why bother" ?

    It is realy hard to say what doesn't work by you. Try to start from the beginning using this tutorial


  4. I thought a bit about it. I think it would be  great idea if we make a new tutorial thread with example codes / files.

    It would be a lot of easier if people could check blend files and ctk scripts.

    I mean it's not easy to create a toy / blouse / whatever only from tutorial if you are noob in modding.

    I would like to see into files and know how things look like there.

    Is it possible to create a thread with example files?

    I know we don't have many modders, so the question is to only few people (mostly admins like @Smoke, @HDiddy, @Euphie)

    Sorry if I didn't mention other great modders.


    • Agree 2
  5. 7 hours ago, Adam Baum said:

    It's  been soooo long since I used toys I'm a little hazy on how to install it or move it around,  I saw your phone toy - looks perfect but I don't use VX.  If I had a hook object I could place it exactly 

    where I want in my scene, since I'm more familiar with placing hook objects...so this would just be a lot easier for me...there's gotta be one somewhere, don't ya think? 

    I made Iphone 13 for you. Is this what you look for?



  6. Addon is here:


    If you're hook5 user:

    I made fast activemod folder with the original texture of the blouse. I made norm, spec pass and txf files.

    in txf file:

    "RGBA_8888" "AlphaBlend/WriteZ"

    in pass file:

    name = CustomModel
    stage2 = N1.dds
    stage3 = S1.dds
    cull_mode = 4

    I change transparency to 50%. 

    The Klub 17-0922.jpg

    it works cool with XBody. I don't see any glitches no matter if I use default body or custom body.

     If you're not a hook5 user you could probably change only txf file in the addon folder.

    I hope I helped you 🙂 


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 45 minutes ago, VeritasLex said:

    I had to reinstall Tk17, but I can't get it to work with H5 when I start it, only a black screen comes up and after a while I come back to the desktop without a message.

    I have all the files from H5 in my folder.
    Strangely I have 2x the meinfx_errors one shows me errors, the other does not. Can someone help me further


    D:\The Klub17\Binaries\
    settings loading succeeded
    adapter 0:NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti
    adapter 1:Microsoft Basic Render Driver
    requested: 2560x1440
    requested Format: B8G8R8X8_UNORM
    replaced Format: B8G8R8A8_UNORM
    KEY check failed
    create include manager fail
    lua connected
    attempt to call a nil value
    entering validate resources




    D:\The Klub17\
    loading main settings failed
    missing physx3_86.dll
    missing physx3Common_86.dll
    missing physx3Cooking_86.dll
    missing lua51.dll
    adapter 0:NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti
    adapter 1:Microsoft Basic Render Driver
    requested: 2560x1440
    requested Format: B8G8R8X8_UNORM
    replaced Format: B8G8R8A8_UNORM
    NVHBAO DISABLED - missing HBAO binaries
    NVidia Hairworks DISABLED - missing hairworks binaries
    KEY check failed
    create include manager fail
    lua connected
    attempt to call a nil value
    entering validate resources





    What version of Hook do you have?

    Key check failed - error from old hook paid version. You needed a key from @pervokpetr.

    Last version of hook 5 is unlocked. Check his patreon account  and get last version. 

  8. I recommend to start from begginig. Fast unwrapping course

    1. smart unwrap

    Could be worse but it'snt clean.


    Zrzut ekranu (181).png

    2. unwrap with 2 round seams at the edges

    a bit better but if you have for example leather texture it will be messy.


    Zrzut ekranu (182)_LI.jpg

    3. unwrap with 4 seams

    as you see it's the best option here. All side faces are together, so they are in one direction.


    Zrzut ekranu (184)_LI.jpg

    Check youtube tutorials about unwrapping and seams. 🙂 I hope I helped you.


    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 minute ago, KOYOT909 said:

    Hey! Let me try to help you!

    You have a game with H5 Basics. To increase ghraphics level you need to install a few things.

    1. Body4XMod by @MrOllyK on this site: 

    Or you can use my version of this (I take 4X textures from TK4R Repack ( and adapted it for VX https://mega.nz/file/xiwTCIpJ#99orGWuiM7jL6-OvZ4CI3QL7QnnmS8Vssfx1-W79zNs

    This unpzck it and place to Addons folder

    This addon contain 4X textures of eyelashes, brows, makeup, tears and other face and body details.

    2. 4x Resolution ActiveMod Stockings

    There are two texture packs by @MrOllyK



    Unpack both packs and place folders to your ActiveMod

    3. SKINS with 4X resolution

    There are many 4X skins: https://mega.nz/folder/wYVXVQqR#ph5zmE_qzFilpR4LY_EV5Q

    I use this Skins for body https://mega.nz/file/Ez4HVKjQ#y-ywLB8IgsuMq9Ht_pLALjcqgyRPAIQm2kF-2L6Kbm0

    Unpack skin and place it to Mod/ActiveMod folder

    ATTENTION! Name of each diffuse map and _pass files of skin must have a prefix "mod_"

    After launch the game customize your model: in Skin menu choose 4X Skin/Face and reload the room or press Alt+R

    4. Hairs with Hook 5 maps

    Thare are many Addons and H5 Textures of Hairs https://mega.nz/folder/IJNkCBDR#RfvjfaM2hBbtW9Koqp7r8A

    Unpack it and place addons to Addons folder, texture and H5 files to Mod/ActiveMod folder

    5. Eyes for VX with H5 files

    I use this Eyes in VX https://mega.nz/file/02Bh3IQb#QAUKvCVv8TE0N4ZwlbqIklrSjVU_JCAYS5OAYUF93vg

    Unpack it and place to Mod/ActiveMod folder

    6. Cum textures for VX with H5 files

    I use this textures https://mega.nz/file/xjoBDIxQ#lWSAZ0kk6WUFCTQ5P7H1KRJjV9AI50JG94y8MELrIxc

    Unpack it and place to Mod/ActiveMod folder

    7. H5 Rooms 

    There are many base room retextures or custom rooms with H5 files on this site.

    You must remember, that H5 room folder should contain diffuse textures, normal maps, specular maps and _pass files (with paths to norm and spec maps).

    For placing Hook 5 Objetcs and working lighting in the H5 room, room folder must have a level_definition file, else lighting will be like on your screenshot.

    Place H5 Room folder to Mod/ActiveMod folder

    8. H5 Clothes

    Same as H5 Rooms



    After installing all mods for H5 in game folder, launch TK17_OptionsMan.exe in Binaries folder and make sure that 4Gb patch is enabled, then press Go! button.

    If you add or delete any addon in Addons folder or any files in ActiveMod folder, launch TK17_OptionsMan.exe in Binaries folder and make sure that 4Gb patch is enabled, then press Go! button.


    I think you have just made a tutorial 😄 

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, N1tR1X said:

    dzięki bardzo za kolejną podpowiedź i widzę że "Bez photoshopa to nie robota" idąc klasykiem 😄

    tak po za tematem, fajnie że kolejnego rodaka widzimy na tej stronie wincyj wincyj 😉

    amaronap nie wiesz czy wiesz ale na tej stronie znajduję się też Polska Dyskusja https://www.klubexile.com/topic/423-polska-dyskusja/ dyskusja stworzoną przez naszą Zielarkę 🙂



    Zielarke.. 😄 chyba juz tak zostanie 🙂 

    • Haha 1
  11. Ok . I figured out how to use few textures in toy.

    Zrzut ekranu (180).png

    First part is the name of the toy (SadekhndHbeer1 here)

    Second part is the name of the mesh (_bottle, _sticker here)

    One texture for one mesh.

    Every mesh is a parent of tool_group

    png files dimensions are important (128, 256, 512 so it has to be power of 2 or texture won't appear.) 


    The Klub 17-0910.jpg


    I could change only a sticker texture now and I would get other beer 🙂 

    • Thanks 1
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