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Wanted: Classical Office (Room393) H5 Textures by poorman



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Hi people 🙂  I'm looking for something very specific - as in the title - textures for the Classical Office room posted by the user poorman on MG. Below I present all the information I can provide about them:


  • It appeared in Hook 5 textures thread between March and June 2018
  • The post itself was small, it probably contained only one picture and a few lines of text - not the same as my absurdly densely written releasaes... 😓
  • poorman was a highly capable guy. He has had fewer than 10 posts in total and has shared some serious content in all of them. He did things like multi-part Nina Williams outfit, Room 418 (The Armoury) or the animatable tails for the R9X that he made BEFORE my dress morphing experiments!
  • The textures I'm looking for have been released together with a modified version of the Classical Office addon. I'm not sure what exactly has changed, maybe the positioning, the picture outside the window, and probably also the overall performance which I thought was better than the original. But I know these textures only worked 100% correctly with the poorman's version of this room. If you've tried them with the Berger's version, you might not be thrilled!
  • I have said modified version of this room, so I'm not looking for it! I was helped by @ntsa who kept my own R9X conversion of this modified addon. Thanks! 
  • The textures were released with a very refined level definition. It had several time of day settings, such as Morning, Midday, Afternoon, Evening (or Sunset, I'm not sure), Night, Night with Rain, maybe something else. They were implemented as includes, so there should be text files with such names in the folder
  • I used this room a lot, that's where I made all previews for my shoes addons for v75 (not the newer ones - on a white background, taken in Room 416 Photostyudio V2 by sexybastardo - the first ones)


For the finder, a reward in the form of my Tier III big gratitude 😎 I will also want to prepare everything for use by the rest of the community - probably make this version of Classical Room standalone, adjust the level definition a bit to take into account the changes in Hook 5, etc.

Thank you for any possible help 🙂 


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2 answers to this question

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15 hours ago, Be3yH4uK said:

this is it?

Yes!! 🙂 

Would you kindly send it my way? I know it's big probably 😞 


Edit: Thanks!

Edited by Euphie

If you are new - warm welcome to you, please start here 😉 Try to use the forum search before you start asking - it works even better now.

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