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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel
Creating a Blog? Don't Forget the Feature Photo!! ×
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About this blog

This blog will contains some WIP for my new sequences and video, and others stuff I'm working on. Also some questions pools to have advices from the community when I'm hesitating on something

Entries in this blog

Another WIP of what am I working on recently

Since I didn't have ideas for something new lately, I decided to make a new installation of TK17, because my main install is bloated by too much add-ons, mods, etc. So I got a new, very light install but with some cool eyes candy (Hook5, Xbody) so to to challenge it I'm going to remake my first serious video I made long time ago on the garden: Forbidden Dream. Also I wanted to re-use what I learned with Grand Theft Arcanum (sound, voices) but Forbidden Dream is longer, maybe more dialog density.

Omega Complex

Pre-scriptum: the entire chapter is here File: Vizir42b27-suspect-Activity-Indigo_Level Transcriptor: James De Bond Date: 15.07Y248 Thought of the day: There is no innocence, only low level of guilt (Troubleshooter John A Tatanga) Speedy Decision maker Sum-Up: this file is a report about the highly suspicious citizen Iznogood Vizir latest activity. You will also find a poll about the format of next reports. We intercept some days ago an electronic communication betw


Exiled_Vizir in Every votes count

WIP of what am I working on recently

Hi, before my fight against the almighty Sequencer I started to work on a small sequence in a Fantasy set-up (with Elf, Sorceress... and a Frankenstein's Creature Wanabe). So here we go for a sequence with one of my v7.5 model upgraded for vX and Hook5 full, the retexture of the Lab by Nickcockman, great looking Hook5 clothes, the Xbody to go with and 4 persons... What could go wrong with all that stuff in the sequencer? Here what I did until now, I will upload it when the download issues will b


Exiled_Vizir in WIP

Small contest for news joiner

Hi, to celebrate my first entry in the Monthly Image Contest, I propose a small contest for news joiner who want to gain XP. Here are the prize: - The 1st good answer will gain 400 XP - The 2nd good answer will gain 300 XP - The 3rd good answer will gain 200 XP - The 4th good answer will gain 100 XP Caution! The answer must be given by PM, even if you give the right in comments you will not gain anything, even if you send PM after...   The question: My con


Exiled_Vizir in contest

Which girl do you prefer?

Hi, I'm working on the 3rd episode of my CCC serie. In this episode one of the character is a pornstar, she will do an audition for a new male pornstar in Helenna's studio. I have selected and start customizing 4 models for that, and I can't decide which one I use. So I made this poll and the model you slect will in my next sequence. Update: I close the poll, Ciara Valentine is the winner, so she will have a main role in my next sequence. Thanks to all voters to help me to choose. I ho
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