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So basically i bought  a new gaming PC in august and transferred my game folder on the new super fast NvME SSD for better loading speeds.... so who would have thought that newest system's SSD will get corrupted that fast … right? so in that belief I didn't took any backup whatsoever which is kind of not like me and it was kind of irresponsible at the very least and apparently yesterday evening when I was going to release some new models and I turn on the PC and voila its get stuck on repair screen, I tried like 10 different methods to get it back but no nothing. I had to reformat the drive and lost everything related to tk17 new models that I created new content that I made and along with all downloaded mods and all. now I can redownload the things which were not mine but the models... that is something that i cant recreate exactly how they were.... @Morius and @drmls and @DANDEE  I mainly disappointed these guys because they were interested in those new models that I show cased in competitions and seriously you guys I wanted to release them this Sunday whenever i got the chance but alas things completely crapped out.

At max i promise that i will definitely try to recreate those models and i hope i will succeed at least 80-90%

Sorry to disappoint you guys and all others who were counting on me for those models.

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Damn that's bad news, and not at the better moment of your life, it seems... I hope you will solve your personal problems soon. But for that disk I understand that you had reformated it. If it's the case and the NVME still working I think you should try a data recovery software like photorec on linux or GetdataBack NTFS on windows. In general they work good on SSD. If you want to take your chance do it before reinstalling your stuff and put new datas on it. The better way is to boot on a linux CD or USB Key and try photorec without booting on your SSD, maybe you can retrieve some models this way.

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I also bought a new NvME SSD and installed everything on but have an automatic backup daily to my old 4TB mechanic disk, just in cause. Had same issue as you 2 years ago and you will only allow it to happen once before taking safety precautions🙂

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19 hours ago, Codename-74 said:

Here's that Bitch. https://www.xpg.com/us/xpg/610?tab=desc
Lets see after format if this thing craps out again i am gonna have a word with my vendor. and its gonna be ugly.
but this time i am gonna put my tk17 to my sata ssd which never crapped out since 1.5 yrs.

Really? Adata isn't bad.

Though, looking at it, perhaps its a bad design. Not sure but is the LED attachment suppose to also function as a heat sink? Most MOBO's comes with built in Heat sink that you can slap on. But if not, from a third party can help you out. I mention this because its a NVMe, data is being transfered at a higher speed and will bring in the heat.

Also don't fall for LED's. It may look nice, but don't trade performance/quality over looks. Most M.2 are hidden behind your GPU, wiring or something so LED light show will be hidden lol

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5 hours ago, Smoke said:

Really? Adata isn't bad.

Though, looking at it, perhaps its a bad design. Not sure but is the LED attachment suppose to also function as a heat sink? Most MOBO's comes with built in Heat sink that you can slap on. But if not, from a third party can help you out. I mention this because its a NVMe, data is being transfered at a higher speed and will bring in the heat.

Also don't fall for LED's. It may look nice, but don't trade performance/quality over looks. Most M.2 are hidden behind your GPU, wiring or something.

Seriously, i actually asked for the black one (i.e. non led one) !
but the custom build maker before testing said that the black one is out of stock so we are gonna give you an 'upgraded' one without any extra cost, i looked up that in net and checked reviews and it was fine so i said ok bring it on.

so in a way i actually bring it upon myself.
also i checked from various sources, that rgb plate is actually a heatsink. its only led lights attached to it.

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1 hour ago, Codename-74 said:

Seriously, i actually asked for the black one (i.e. non led one) !
but the custom build maker before testing said that the black one is out of stock so we are gonna give you an 'upgraded' one without any extra cost, i looked up that in net and checked reviews and it was fine so i said ok bring it on.

so in a way i actually bring it upon myself.
also i checked from various sources, that rgb plate is actually a heatsink. its only led lights attached to it.

This all LED to this.

Sorry for the pun, but we need to pull fun out of our tragedies once in a while 😜

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6 hours ago, Morius said:

This all LED to this.

Sorry for the pun, but we need to pull fun out of our tragedies once in a while 😜

no problem, feeling bit better than day before yesterday. I guess not everything is lost (in a way)

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20 hours ago, Exiled_Vizir said:

GetdataBack NTFS on windows

This was the one I used in my Fort time. The Second time was my technician, so I don't know what he used. He is my friend, so he didn't charged.

"Morius, you are too reckless, you lost everything twice?"

- First of yes, I'm reckless, but the Second time my loss was partial, but I started to modo the second time and had lost all my mods I did. Thankfully most of the things was saved (except my awesome M&B; Warband makeover mod, never played M&B again). Now I backup everything that I made.

35 minutes ago, Codename-74 said:

no problem, feeling bit better than day before yesterday. I guess not everything is lost (in a way)

May you manage to recover more and more, and redo with ease what you can't recover!

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11 hours ago, Codename-74 said:

Seriously, i actually asked for the black one (i.e. non led one) !
but the custom build maker before testing said that the black one is out of stock so we are gonna give you an 'upgraded' one without any extra cost, i looked up that in net and checked reviews and it was fine so i said ok bring it on.

so in a way i actually bring it upon myself.
also i checked from various sources, that rgb plate is actually a heatsink. its only led lights attached to it.

Shit happens - you can't really fault yourself.

I had an adata SSD on my old PC and it never gave any issues. OF all the HDD I had, the only brand that gave problems was seagate. But that is suppose to be good for gaming from what I heard lol

But Samsung is suppose to be Top notch from what I heard. IMO, best for you do your research and read the good and the bad. I tend to read the bad reviews to see what issues the product has, etc. Most is avoidable.

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It'll work out. I had a drive failure myself, been playing around in DAZ and VaM in the meantime, but looking forward to reinstalling TK17 and being pickier about my addons etc. this time.
Hardware is hardware. Even the best stuff shits out on you unexpectedly and at the worst time!

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@Codename-74 my condolences, keep good faith while restoring..

For what it's worth, I keep all my works in progress in a cloud synced folder until they are 'final' and backed up (be it dropbox, Google drive, onedrive or whatever... not only for freedom for the machine I'll be working on, also to make sure to not loose all those days of work due to stupid hardware failure.. in combination with many saved files, for each step forward, to be able to take a step back in case an unexpected issue pops up...

Good luck! 

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