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Posts posted by irvintib

  1. Just to give you a little info for comparison.


    My rig:

    OS: Windows 10 Pro x64

    Cpu    Intel Core i9-10850K CPU @ 3.60GHz
    MB     ROG Strix Z490
    AIO    Corsair H150i Elite Capellix 360mm
    Ram    Corsair Vengeance Pro 64GB (4x16GB) 3600
    Gpu    GeForce RTX 3070 VENTUS 3X 8GB
    SSD    2 x Samsung 980 PRO 1TB NVMe M.2 SSD (MB slots)
    Psu    EVGA - SuperNOVA 1000W ATX 80 Plus

    My game installation:

    Hook5 Paid
    Reshade 4.9.1
    Addons folder - 5.81GB
    ActiveMod folder - 4.32GB
    Total VX folder - 11.35GB

    My times:

    Game Startup:
    From clicking "Start" in the VX startup dialog to first game menu - 36.33 seconds


    Room loading in PoseEdit:

    Default room, Non-H5 and Non-ActiveMod (Default Loft)

    After choosing "New Scene" then "PoseEdit" and choosing room,
    from clicking "Start" to the room loaded - 31.85 seconds


    H5 room with ActiveMod:
    Room is Berger's Modern Cabin Room 405
    _level_Def has 5 Hook fires, 32 spolights, 4 Omni lights, 2 vehicles, and 102 H5 objects

    After choosing "New Scene" then "PoseEdit" and choosing room,
    from clicking "Start" to the room loaded - best time: 52.40 seconds - Longest Time: 1 minute 8 seconds



    I built this rig for purposes other than VX, namely music creation, but to tell you the truth,
    I was disappointed in the performance gain in VX as opposed to my older i7 6700K with a GTX 1070 and 32 GB ram.

    The loading times are indeed faster, but not to a great extreme.

    In retrospect, if I were to build a computer for just VX, I would be more than satisfied with my old i7-6700K/GTX 1070.

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  2. If I had one wish, just one, I'd wish to be dropped off back in the 1970's.
    I don't need any money, I'll make my way.
    I don't need a house, I'll find shelter.
    But the music, the explosion of raw talent, every genre, no matter the country of origin, was exceptional.
    No autotune, everyone played their own instruments, and the live shows were PHENOMENAL!
    The 1970's. An era like no other.
    God, if I could just do it one more time.

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  3. 41 minutes ago, Spidey112 said:

    Would it be possible to make a plugnplay Folder of this game and its main contents? Maybe different Setups with different Contents?

    It would spare us all from the troubles with installing stuff, since almost everybody wants to have h5 running smoothly n stuff.

    Or does the idea collide with anything?

    Are you speaking of multiple installs?

    I'm not quite clear on what you mean by "plugnplay".

  4. 2 minutes ago, pes1972 said:

    And I needed an excuse to re-install everything fresh so no bad feelings from here. Glad he fixed the issue 🙂

    Thank you for trying the app. And thank you for pointing out the flaw in it.

    I will go back to work on it and straighten out the issues.

    If I can get this thing sorted out, would you be willing to try it out again?

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  5. I will indeed persist in trying to make it work as strictly an Addon while protected mode is on, that is ALWAYS the best route to go.

    I will save the VX-Mod route as absolutely the last resort. If I have to go the VX-Mod route, I will certainly include documentation as to which files it creates and such.

    But you are without a doubt correct in that I will avoid the turning off of protected mode in the future.

  6. I rewrote some of the code to avoid turning off "protected mode" and writes directly to VX-Mod since there are no files of the SequencerFX type in VX-Mod to be overwritten with the exception of "SequencerSoundFX.L=FR.po" which the app makes a copy of beforehand.

    I can only report that it works flawlessly on my end. I need to enlist some beta testers before releasing it again.

  7. 1 minute ago, MrOllyK said:

    In the Lua file "Binaries\openstream_def.lua" it defines the protected files and folders:


    Basically anything in Scripts folder that's modified will need the creation date retained or else protected mode will likely ignore the file, therefore possibly not running "SequencerFX.bs" and all kinds of flow-on effects and mayhem might ensue as the game no longer has proper instructions to go by.  I think your external util should leave protected mode option alone (if it actually changes it) and get around it by maintaining the file creation date, which would be the safest way.  Do plenty of testing in this regard with protected mode both on and off using different versions.. :classic_happy:

    Thank you!

    I will get back to the "drawing board" and experiment with that concept and see if it makes a difference.

  8. 2 minutes ago, MrOllyK said:

    Don't worry, it's not too difficult to fix a game when one has backups (c'mon people - back up your game!!  How many times do I need to say it?) or even just pulling out all one's addons, AM, Save files and configs, then reinstalling.  It's likely just a few base files in VX-Mod that were wrecked but because I don't know exactly how your addon works or what files it changes I can't be of that much help.  However, I can give you some insight as to how "System Files Protected" works:

    Earlier versions of the game used to run without any kind of protection and file changes were just open-slather, but since in later versions (VX0.93+) many Scripts files are parsed and re-written, put into Cache etc. during launch, protected mode became more necessary.  This also required the use of "cb_" commands in addons written in Lua to be ordered and then executed on protected script files in a safe manner.  It's a PIA and there's little to no documentation on them but at least it's possible.

    VX-Mod folder is actually an addon which is executed before the anything in Addons folder, and it has to be as it sets many things up before and during launch.  Protected mode basically operates on the principle that any changes to a protected file (pretty much the entire Scripts folder) going by date is disallowed and therefore ignored.  You can still have protected mode on but if you copy a file into Scripts (VX-Mod\Scripts mainly) you have to ensure the original file creation date is maintained and so protected mode isn't the wiser.  That's the easiest way around it.

    So for an external util to operate on Script files, just ensure the original file creation date is maintained or else if the user has Options Manager "System Files Protected" on, the modified VX-Mod script file will be ignored and likely the old script file from Archives will be run instead, screwing things up as it's defunct containing old code.

    I hope that helps.. :classic_blink:

    My app only created the SequencerFX.bs and .po files in the Game's Addons folder along with the custom .oggs. I can't see for the life of me how this even messed with the user's ability to load a body mod or, as the user stated, "locked" some of his dress tabs. The only thing that I can assume is that the app did turn off "protected mode" and his game was dependent upon it being on.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but it is basically impossible for SequencerFX.bs or .po files in an Addon folder to "completely mess up" someone's game?

    There are no SequencerFX.bs or .po files in VX-Mod with the exception of "SequencerSoundFX.L=FR.po". So I am not sure why my Addon will not load with protection mode on.

    The only reason that my app changed the protection mode is because I was told early on to not mess around in VX-Mod. But it appears that it is the only way to get some Addons working.

    Your thoughts?

  9. I recently uploaded an app entitled "VX Sequencer SoundFX Creator" to the site and it seems that it created some problems with some user's game.

    I have voluntarily deleted the upload until I can find a way to make it work without turning off "Protected mode" which seems to be the problem that some users encountered.

    I am guilty of ambitious desire to further the customization options for our game, but I should have taken into consideration that not everyone has a build that's the same as everyone else.

    If you downloaded the app, please delete it and not use it until I can resolve the problem.

    I want to formally apologize to anyone who experienced problems caused by my app, especially @pes1972, it seems that he suffered because of my attempt.

    I can assure you that my only desire was to help the community, not hurt it.

    You have my sincere apology and will continue to try and contribute.

    Thanks everyone


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  10. 2 hours ago, MrOllyK said:

    Oops, you're right.  Sequencer just crashed on me in German.  I'll look into it but I've run out of time this morning, got an appointment.  I'll let you know in a few hours what I find.

    I Re-Downloaded a fresh copy of update p and now everything except French and Portuguese loads correctly..

    I wonder what could possibly have changed from the last time I downloaded update p?

    I'm starting to think that my computer does indeed have Gremlins.


  11. 7 minutes ago, MrOllyK said:

    That's weird.  Did you install the game as "portable"?

    I have tried it both ways, as portable and as a normal install.

    I have run the install normally and as administrator.

    I have run the game normally and as administrator.

    Nothing I do seems to be able to load the sequencer in any language other than English.

    Odd indeed.


  12. 3 minutes ago, MrOllyK said:

    Hmm.  German works.  Which language crashes it..?

    On my installation, ALL OF THEM except for English.

    I am using a fresh install with update p, with no addons.

    I may investigate hardware issues because I have been having some really odd behaviour with VX that no one else seems to have.

    Earlier in the week I had zip file corruption that no one has heard of before.

    This computer is a new build and I have not had problems with any other software, just VX.

    Hmmmm.......Maybe Gremlins?

  13. I am experiencing an odd problem with zipped addons.

    I create an addon in zip format and drop it in my addons folder. It works well. But after what seems to be a completely random number of game runs or lapsed time, the zip will no longer load into the game.

    I have uninstalled the game and began with a fresh install, but the zip refuses to load into the game.

    The only way to get it to load again is to remove it from the Addons folder, extract it, and then re-zip it and put it back into the Addons folder. It will then function as intended until the next random time frame in which it once again refuses to load.

    The reason why this occurs has escaped me and is quite an annoying problem.

    Has anyone else experienced this problem?

  14. 3 hours ago, x17 said:

    The users and modders like you are great example of highly positive modding and effort ... because you take something you never did before or you barely did, and take it as new experience. I also did stuff I never thought I will do very recently (like working in tunnels and similar) but its all part of one good new experience ... in general, its good to know many things - even if sometimes we could "fail" in something, we could get on other places we never thought at first ... 

    Failure is the BEST teacher!

    It is those hard lessons that are retained the longest.

    I look at failure as an opportunity to grow.

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  15. 15 minutes ago, MrOllyK said:

    My situation was similar, but I got the message "I did all the hard work figuring it out, why should I tell you?".  Yeps..  The search function was next to useless but I made the best of it.  I just had to knuckle down and figure it out for myself as well.  Start decoding scripts and try stuff.  Assembler is my long-time language of choice and scripting, especially this "Bionic Script" the game uses, is a complete dumpster fire to me, but eventually it makes sense.

    It really comes down to the individual though.  I didn't ask many for tips as I'm not that way inclined but a tiny few were unnecessarily rude.  I came from the commercial version of the game where all you could mod were AM textures, and to get help through that community is near impossible.  I had some 4 years of poses and sequences that 7.5 couldn't load, so I was stuck until the godsend of VX Beta1 arrived.  Things eventually just fell into place then.  Modders aren't always happy with the current situation and have to change things to suit themselves.  Sharing just makes it better.  I ended up here because all my mods on MG were gone.  I just wanted a platform to share them and so here I am.  The general community here makes it all the better.

    I sure wish I were like you guys. I am a life long truck driver and previous two branch military man. The programming and modding stuff does not come naturally to me. I MUST seek help from those who are so inclined to help.

    BUT........ I AM one who will not give up until I have accomplished my task. I have written a few things for VX, but it does not come easily for me. And so, being the glutton for punishment that I am, I have set about to undertake another VX project. When will I ever learn? lol


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  16. On 6/21/2021 at 4:52 PM, Vis3nya said:

    Am i the only that find using hook 4, 5,... so complicated?

    At first it seems like it is complicated. But once you get the hang of it, you will never go back.

    Bite the bullet and dive in head first and come and enjoy the plethora of additional functionality that comes with Hook5.

    I was hesitant at first, but I am so glad that I spent the time to explore and learn about Hook5.

    In my opinion there's no comparison between Hook4 and Hook5.

    Hook5 all the way for me.

  17. Just my 2 cents.

    Although MG had it's many many shortcomings, we would not be here today had it not been for the long presence of MG.

    And, as I can interpret thus far, there seems to be some "bad blood" between the members of the individual sites that are now in existence.

    My opinion is that we would not be here had it not been for all of you extremely talented individuals who have given of your time, effort, and finances. And yes, there are those that run the "other" site that were instrumental in getting us to the point we are today. Whether we agree with them or not at this point, we cannot deny their past work and contribution.

    I tend to spend most of my time here at KE, but I will always have immense gratitude for other's past works.

    The short of the matter is that I am in awe of all of you for what you have been able to accomplish. If you ever start to wonder if your efforts are appreciated, I am here to proclaim that you are appreciated more than we could ever convey to you.



    (to name just a few)

    I have learned soooooo much from your selfless sharing of your knowledge whether I have directly spoken to you or not, but you have my undying respect and gratitude.

    I am just thankful for each and every modder that has shared their works and gifted us with a little piece of happiness for a short time.


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  18. 2 minutes ago, x17 said:

    Of course ... the default sounds are pretty old - but still very good. In general, unneccessary to fiddle around core scripts and sounds folder - just pointless.

    I have seen some sites with free sound effects and  some were ok. If you encounter some with female voices that are pretty ok, let me know ... otherwise I will see TTS ( text-to-speech ) programs and their utilization... still TTS lacks a lot of emotion in sounds. So, some voiceovers could be good or some ripped voices - as long as its "clean" and without background noises, its good.


    Also, we can have plenty of ideas for other stuff ... but I think Ill implement some sounds directly into rooms and objects as I make them.

    Gonewildaudio has a vast collection of NSFW clips that I have used extensively. I chop them into smaller sound bites and incorporate them into the game.

    Some are really good, some not so much.

    No matter what your genre or kink, there's something for everyone there.


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  19. 3 minutes ago, x17 said:

    Its easy to add ... one just needs to arrange the scripts properly. No need to replace anything, except if someone is making "sounds replacer overhaul". Ofc, all can go through addons ... 

    Absolutely, feel free to do it ... I think surely some folks will be interested into !

    What was more of a problem, is finding the proper higher quality sound resources - and there is a vision to go with good TTS probably, eventually ... 

    It would indeed go the addons route. It would be a GUI for an addon generator, if you will. I do not like things that alter the core files of the game, that's just asking for trouble and bugs.

    I kind of like the idea of recording my own voice or other sounds and have it available to use in the sequencer.

    But I didn't want to lose the existing SoundFX, there are some good default ones that I use.

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  20. I'd like to know if there would be any interest in an app that would add "NEW" custom oggs of your own creation to the Sequencer SoundFX?

    I have figured out how to add new custom oggs for use in the sequencer without replacing any of the default SoundFX.

    The longest ogg that I successfully added is a 7 minute audio.

    If there is interest, I will write a GUI to automate the task.

    It is not a "simple" drag and drop task, and the only way that it would be viable for the community is to have a GUI do it.

    Let me know folks!

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