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Posts posted by ddman2

  1. On 9/4/2023 at 11:46 PM, Smoke said:

    They do not stick. Don't know how to properly explain it. But lets just say that morphs were introduced after the core of game was released. It is annoying, but believe me, there is more annoying issues out there.

    Best you can do, to make your life easier is to follow amaronap advise. 

    they don't save in the tab you're using, if I remember right.



  2. 12 hours ago, onevision said:

    I never knew that. While using Hook 5 Basic, all my skins were set up with the CustomModel shader (the only possible choice for Basic version, I believe).

    At least until the new skin system came (and Basic version required an update too, if I recall correctly) but I kept using the majority of my old skins and passfiles, without modifications, and never noticed anything strange. Except for the skin wetness parameter in main11.fx

    Let's see if I got this right...  If I were to replace every occurrence of CustomModel with CustomSkin in my old skins passfiles, then UseSkinWetness should work the same way, both for layered and baked skins?


    hook5 guide: "iEpidermalSteps, fEpidermalRadius, iSubdermalSteps, iSubdermalRadius – The number of steps and the
    blur radius of the subsurface scattering illumination passes.
    Illumination is divided into two passes. The Epidermal pass renders the light that returns after a shallow
    penetration of the skin. The Subdermal pass renders the light that interacts with tissues under the skin
    like muscles, vessels, etc. and, after multiple reflections, leaves the surface of the skin. It is assumed that
    the second component has a more washed out appearance and is very saturated with red. The
    implementation of the SSSS effect in Hook5 is such that the Subdermal component will be combined
    with the Subsurface skin texture (stage4) in Hook5"

    From what I noticed, all this, just makes the skin smoother and it takes a lot of GPU power.

    UseSkinWetness and other settings are available under "Skin" in F4 > Graphic.

    CustomSkin can be used for clothes as well. A blouse that has multiple textures can be loaded as layers, and you can control wetness, normal map level, glow level, color, resolution and other. The downside is that transparency will not work.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 hours ago, pisces1700 said:

    I tried loading the models in the repack, but all the face looks black

    Do i need to install a face mod?

    You should not have this bug. This bug was fixed in the repack. If you have this bug, it means there is something wrong. Check config(...\Config\TK17_Config.txt > addon_dir = ) if you're loading all the mods, "Addons" and "Addons2".

    Also check TK17_Upgrades.txt, it should look like this:

    upgrade_dirs = {
    --    "^VX-Upgrade"

  4. I think you are confusing CustomModel with CustomSkin without skin data layers. CustomSkin can load in 2 ways:







    skin_data_layers = SkinBody


    CustomModel is a general shader, for clothes and stuff. CustomSkin is used for skin.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Trish627 said:

    What you're seeing in the picture is what I'm left with AFTER setting all Buttsliders to default. For some reason the Butts are still badly distorted. I've run into some other poses where I have a similar issue. Most of the time for me simply resetting the sliders solves the problem, but sometimes as in this case there seems to be no way to get them undistorted.

    These are ghost keys. You can't copy or reset them because they don't show up. You have to copy all your keys to new pose.

  6. 9 hours ago, onevision said:

    Where can I find the objects required for:

    "Dunes" (R9ZRoom367)

    "Bedroom City" (R9ZRoom290)  - the main level definition/texture ("Last_Bedroom") contains a few mirrors, probably that's why it doesn't work for me.

    But maybe I should be asking for an essential object pack, otherwise I may have the same problem (black screen) with every new room...

    You checked LUT? It shows black screen if it's enabled and you're missing the file.

  7. Just now, Xalas said:

    Awesome, so why use .dds in the first place if the PNG is just the better option and smaller file size?

    "The DirectDraw Surface container file format (uses the filename extension DDS), is a Microsoft format for storing data compressed with the previously proprietary S3 Texture Compression (S3TC) algorithm, which can be decompressed in hardware by GPUs"

    Because it loads faster.

    "PNG has the best quality, but DDS is faster and uses less memory and has pretty good quality too. There are some lossless DDS formats (which will be the same quality as a PNG) but the file size will end up bigger as those are uncompressed."

  8. 8 hours ago, Xalas said:

    My addon folder is only 11GB, so thats not too bad but yea its the textures in my active mod that is killing my space XD

    Yea I was thinking PNG, it won't affect the quality of the textures will it?

    no, png has higher quality, so it will look the same.

  9. 4 hours ago, ktok said:

    I'm having an lua issue out of nowhere, and I was wondering if anyone could help? I get this on launch, and mainfx isn't really telling me anything, at least as far as I can tell. I can usually get things working again when I have problems, but lua related stuff is my Achilles' heel 😣


    EDIT: I read in another thread that it could be a mod issue and to check the VX-addon.log, so I checked that and I'm getting an error along the lines of "F:\V10\Binaries\lua\minizip.lua:193: minizip error" if that helps narrow anything down. I've checked that file but it's all gibberish to me 😅

    One of your add-ons is probably bugged. Remove them until you get no error to find out which one is the broken add-on

  10. *Load Alpha as Channel instead of Transparency

    When you load, select "Load Alpha as channel". The texture has 3 channels: Red, Green and Blue. It will add another channel "Alpha" that is used for transparency. In hook5, this Alpha channel is used for displacement. The default value is 128Red, 128 Green, 128 Blue (128Grey). Anything below or above this value will bend or bump that area. So you want to load and save the Alpha Channel if it has one.


    *Load mip maps

    Mip maps are smaller versions of the same texture. They load automatically based on distance from the texture. Load the texture without mip maps, but save with mip maps.

  11. 6 hours ago, fajaon1 said:
    I do not know anymore. I've tried many times. Starting from https://www.klubexile.com/files/file/14-the-klub-vx/?do=getNewComment
    All good. Later https://www.klubexile.com/files/file/41-curvyf7-repack/
    All good, but the clothes don't work. I tried in Addons, Addons2 -> dp16addons, I tried to unpack addons, I worked in option manager. It just doesn't work anymore. Will you help?

    Open Config\TK17_Upgrades.txt and add 0DP16-Mod:

    upgrade_dirs = {


  12. 2 hours ago, Drahzar said:

    Another problem is the speed: ssd cards are insanely fast vs a regular HD, you notice it when you transfer files, it's clearly the future, though I do wonder how long these cards last.





    The reason why SSD is faster is that it's not mechanical, and it doesn't have to physically read all those small Windows files. The transfer speed is irrelevant.

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