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Welcome to Klub Exile. If you happened to make your way to the site either from Lovers Lab or a Search on Google, we are glad you found us.  To unlock the entire site you will need to have a account registered.  Don't worry it is free but in the mean time you can read up on why we made the site and other little tidbits.  Feel free to join or Discord Server also if you have any more questions.  Thanks for stopping by and See You on the other side.

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Patreon content rules & regulations


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I will keep this short and sweet, because the ruling is self explanatory.

  • To be eligible to promote your Patreon page on KE from here on out. you must have a member rep rank of Senior Member or Member Level 3. Member rank is earned the same way XP is earned, contribution to the forum. Uploading photos, videos, in game content (poses, textures, models, etc) and posting in topics increase your rep, as to does getting positive reactions (Thanks, likes, thumbs up etc) from other members increase your rep as well. Getting a thumbs down decreases your rep.
  • Upon reaching the required rep, you must PM one of the admins; @Oz70NYC, @HDiddy, @x17, @Gemini Kanon, @Smoke or @Euphie to verify your forum activity and see if you've hit 100 community rep legitimately (and trust us, we're are aware of ALL ways one can spam their way to 100 rep.) Upon verification, you will be allowed to promote your Patreon page in this section.
  • You are allowed to make ONE THREAD in this section to promote your Patreon page. Within this thread is where you promote your Patreon content, nowhere else. Not in the video section. Not in the gallery. If uploading promotional media for your page (preview videos and images that feature your "brand logo" on it), it goes in your Patreon thread.
  • Any, repeat ANY Patreon content promoted on KE, that being a video, images, poses, textures, models or addons promoted in this section has a "premium" shelf life of 30 days. After 30 days of promoting the item here, either the full mod as shared on Patreon or a "Klub Exile Light" version MUST be uploaded to KE for "free". You can decided which route you want to take, but there are NO EXCEPTIONS. Failure to do so will have your ability to post within this section suspended until you do. If you fail to do so for 2 weeks after the 30 day period has ended, your thread will be removed, and your approval to promote you Patreon page will be revoked.
  • If you are a video or image Patreon creator and you use any, repeat ANY Klub Exile exclusive assets in your content, it is MANDATORY that you link that content back to Klub Exile (klubexile.com). For videos specifically, Klub Exile and the web address to the forum must be included in any credits at the end of ALL VERSIONS of the video. Meaning the shorter preview versions and the full version uploaded to your Patreon page. Again, this applies only to video content that uses any Klub Exile exclusive assets and animations you did not create yourself. (Case in point, a LOT of video makers use @Sunderland's poses. Sunderland is a KE exclusive pose maker now, so any video featuring his work needs to be have KE credited, because he's part of the KE exclusive crew. Failure to do so will result in the same penalty as breaking the 30 day rule.
  • Finally, all of the above applies only to Patreon content that is "paywalled". Meaning you have to buy into a tiered system to access the content. If you have a Patreon page where your only looking for donations (the prime example being @Berger's Patreon business model) for your work...meaning ANYONE can access your content, be it they choose to donate or not, the 30 day rule will not apply, as your content is still actually "free". This is the reason why in fact Berger's been allowed to promote his Patreon freely, because he's not asking anyone to pay for his work, he's only asking for donations from anyone who appreciates it, but all members are free to access and download his content. In a perfect world his Patreon model would be the most idea way of doing things, but alas some people just want to "secure the bag" as we say here in the USA.

If there are any questions, feel free to ask them here.

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