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So there has been a heavy re-posting of addons. Which is fine.

But to be clear. There aren't that many modders out there. We want to rebuild that. I know some of guys don't want to hear this but the drama that I have with K17 isn't just about patreon. His ignorance and ego drove many modders away - either to stop and/or lefted the game completely or they retreated to other secret sites. (Don't misinterpret that as me talking shit to K17, simply stating the facts before people start coming to wild conclusions. I'm done with K17 and moving forward)

And I was also gonna call it quits because MG was just turning toxic and it going offline. Well, there was no point. Until HDiddy should interest on modding and starting creating stuff eventually we banded together along with other modders and came up with KE.

With MG dying and the drama, many were feeling the affect and was questioning sticking with the game. Same situation I felt. With KE we hope to bring back such creative people back into the game. Some examples:

  • Kreagar: textures are great. He was feeling the affects of MG downtime and was questioning weather to continue. How do I know? We both exchanged messages in MG before it went down again. And the bad part, he wanted to mod and I wanted to help him with vital info. Regardless, any of his textures will either be deleted or transferred (if he joins).
  • Eurphie: Mods are great most of guys don't know this but because of her, we have PE morphs. PERIOD! But but but how? Well, you won't here that from the team but she worked on it in R9X. With K17 hating R9X and its users, she was in K17 cross hair. What am I alluding to - Her work was hijacked. Just picture it this way, imagine where we would be if she was still creating content. She expressed ideas of coming back but with K17 still roaming MG, she would rather do actual gardening.

Overall, we want to continue with the hype and development of content for VX. Posting old content from 7.5 is fine but needs to converted for VX. We determined that most of modders and content creators are gone or don't have such content anymore (Hence on them creating stuff for VX). So re-posting a old room or addon is fine. But posting VX content is recent, therefore the author is still active. We don't want to kill that spark, we want to create an environment in which he/she wants to post stuff.

VX items WILL MOST LIKELY BE REMOVED as they are recent. Or on rare occasion transferred over to the author.

Also, NO T*X*X files! WE DONT SUPPORT 7.5. I'm done having to explain it. I will delete any post that contains it.

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  • Administrator

Hello there fellow users. I said this before and will say it again; KlubExile was created to try and fix and amend many of the past problems that modders and content creators had in MG. Unfortunately we have people that don't like what we are doing - or simply don't believe in us. That is fine. They can go their hub, or sit on their hands until January in LL, or revive S&S.

Please Refrain from posting Schway mods - he has let it be known that this site is nothing. That some of us aren't worthy to be in his selective site. I tried hearing him out but got insults instead of an explanation when I pressed for a simple explanation. I got no time for diva like drama antics. Save us the trouble of having to deal with a person who has a deity complexion.

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