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Addons rooms vs H5 object rooms


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I can see many people praise the real addons rooms compared to H5 object rooms but there is one huge disadvantage with real addon rooms and that´s the possibility for you to easily re-arrange furniture in the rooms as you want it (chairs/tables and other stuff). That gives the H5 object rooms so much more flexibility allthough at the cost of FPS, but this option to move  the furniture where you want is still a great advantage for many people. In the furture maybe addon rooms with the furniture as H5 objects would be a optimal solution.

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Doesn't take rocket science to know this is a direct response to my review and maybe my reply to Hook5$. Though if you even read any of my statements - I gave an example of the best optimal solution and perhaps it can take such vision to new heights, is to have hybrid rooms. Still, I would read it again and not twist my words around as you are taking it out of context. Maybe some people like a good stable fps, others are ok with performance dips. Regardless, what you described is what I said - its more situational.  

Lets use that room I reviewed as an example: a full blown h5m is not good because it will fuck up your performance. Say if some objects are h5m, like the chair behind the desk and some foliage. The chair, like you said you can change position or remove it and the foliage for better positions. Either way, if you have seberia versions, it would be interesting to know "which version" you will use. I have his version and I'm know which version I will use to capture animations, interestingly enough, both versions are pretty much how the scene/assets are. 

Also - for the 1 millionth time - I don't hate Hook5. Seriously, does anyone see my screens? Hook5 is being used. Hell, I pay for Hook5. Hell, I use h5m stuff. But it also doesn't hurt for those who don't have a good rig to enjoy the room - or for the stubborn free hook5 users who are scared to spend a dollar on it to enjoy it 😉

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🇺🇸 The Few and The Proud 🇺🇸

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Addon room is better because it works with H5free, I cant believe it's a discussion at all.

Anyway, I think obj rooms are just placement and lighting test and for dev until they finish the real room. There is no direct benefit to using an object room all the time, other than moving the objects I guess, but if I was trying to take a video and objects kept moving, that would actually be annoying as fuck.

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I not really making H5 object addon room mainly because many people wont be able to use it.

Once my setup is ready to use CollaTKane to create an addon room, i could simply double click on another .bat file to create the same room in h5m since CTK is able to do so.

There's not a big difference between a room made for the game or the same room made in H5m object.

I think with the same setup, you can have better FPS with H5m, i should make some test ... 

Problem is more coming from h5m converter who will literally explode all your mesh to separate all the faces which result is a much larger then needed object. (People should use CTK to create their object.)

But also the fact that many small object are using very large texture, diffuse, normal , spec ...

A single chair using 3 maps of 2048x2048 will rapidly cost lots of memory if you add couple of them.


The idea of creating a house and using h5m only for object that could be moved around is a good idea.

But you'll never be able to use lightmap if your room is made of h5m.

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1 hour ago, Berger said:

I not really making H5 object addon room mainly because many people wont be able to use it.

Once my setup is ready to use CollaTKane to create an addon room, i could simply double click on another .bat file to create the same room in h5m since CTK is able to do so.

There's not a big difference between a room made for the game or the same room made in H5m object.

I think with the same setup, you can have better FPS with H5m, i should make some test ... 

Problem is more coming from h5m converter who will literally explode all your mesh to separate all the faces which result is a much larger then needed object. (People should use CTK to create their object.)

But also the fact that many small object are using very large texture, diffuse, normal , spec ...

A single chair using 3 maps of 2048x2048 will rapidly cost lots of memory if you add couple of them.


The idea of creating a house and using h5m only for object that could be moved around is a good idea.

But you'll never be able to use lightmap if your room is made of h5m.



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On 2/15/2021 at 2:32 AM, pes1972 said:

I can see many people praise the real addons rooms compared to H5 object rooms but there is one huge disadvantage with real addon rooms and that´s the possibility for you to easily re-arrange furniture in the rooms as you want it (chairs/tables and other stuff). That gives the H5 object rooms so much more flexibility allthough at the cost of FPS, but this option to move  the furniture where you want is still a great advantage for many people. In the furture maybe addon rooms with the furniture as H5 objects would be a optimal solution.

I am also going to be here the stupid newbie asshole who will walk in and say "But thats what POM is for!"

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On 4/5/2021 at 4:02 PM, Pilger said:

I like the flexibility of H5 objects even if they have bloated my games folder to 100gb🤪

I thought mine was getting a bit large at 80gb... Still I've only seen a FPS drop when adding multiple (4 or more) mirrors as well as a mass quantity of objects in the various rooms...

EDIT    ...apparently I was wrong, my mod folder is sitting at 103gb all by itself.

Edited by nikoli
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