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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel
Creating a Blog? Don't Forget the Feature Photo!! ร—
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About this blog

Just a small blog about what I'm doing in VX, like making screenshots or creating some custom content...
Feedback (especially praise ๐Ÿ˜…) and constructive discussions always very welcome! ๐Ÿค—

Entries in this blog

Vote for the new guy

Yasmin, isn't satisfied anymore with just Sam, my default male model. I guess he is completely drained and out of stamina at this point after all these photoshoots so far.ย ๐Ÿ˜‰ย  That's why I'm playing around with the character editor a bit to see where it leads me. This is the first candidate... let's call him Ben. He is more of a manly man... I guess. ๐Ÿ˜„ย Question is: How promising is this first result for Ben? Worth finishing? Should I keep him around for Yasmin and future photoshoots or throw him


d3vi0n in Yasmin's Adventures

which outfit looks best

Made a shot with Yasmin in @Number251137's VC Orient Express and I can't decide which outfit to use for the shot... Uploaded four different ones... but I'm curious, which one would be your favorite? Outfit: Casual Wear (Safe For Work) Outfit: Classy Outfit: Pleasure Slave Outfit: All Nude ย 


d3vi0n in Yasmin's Adventures

Help me name a new fantasy themed character...

Playing around with a new model... Using existing textures and playing around with all the sliders... Maybe she will be released as a model, if demand is there... Everything in the following screenshots is work in progress... The vague idea is some fantasy maybe demonic character... Would love to get some feedback and suggestions for improving her.... But most importantly: What would be a fitting name for her?


d3vi0n in Yasmin's Adventures

Screenshot Mania

Let me show you a few more of my newest screenshots featuring more rooms and discuss them... Yasmin visited a cozy apartment (uploaded by @smark_1). I found it thanks to one of @Archer55's amazing screenshots (so please give him some love to!). Sam and Yasmin had fun on the couch. Getting the pose just right, was quite time consuming here... and I restarted the lighting multiple times. Still not fully satisfied, but the screenshot now has some "energy" to it even though its not an angled sh


d3vi0n in Yasmin's Adventures

Burning Desire For Screenshots

Funny... it's so much fun to create screenshots in TK17 VX. I thought about making Blog entries, going a bit more in-depth into my "photo shoot" process, from choosing a room, finding inspiration, framing the shot, pose editing, lighting and adjusting hook5 settings like DoF or FoV. Not sure if there would be an audience for it here? Tell me in the comments! For now here just a few of my new screenshots... ... I still need more decent male models. It's always Sam, who suddenly changed


d3vi0n in Yasmin's Adventures

Yasmin's Services

Book Yasmin here for your own pleasure: https://www.klubexile.com/files/file/2175-yasmin-h5-edition/ "This stunning 21 year old escort girl from Haiti with a body made for sin will make your time with her absolutely unforgettable. Lose yourself in her dark mysterious eyes and wrap your fingers through her beautiful long black hair while she seduces you in her inimitable style. Playful, unbearably cute, passionate in bed, full of surprises and always open for your secret desires; Yasmin is t


d3vi0n in Yasmin's Adventures

Exploring rooms with Yasmin

Love to download a new room and make a screenshot for it. My journey to shoot in "all" rooms on KE will continue for a while. Of course I might miss a lot of older rooms. So if you want to see Yasmin in your room, please tell me. Also... playing around with lighting and stuff... hope to get better over time. What do you think? Btw... I entered a picture into the July picture contest... so if you want to vote for it: https://www.klubexile.com/competition/entry/206-wall-mounted/ Back to


d3vi0n in Yasmin's Adventures

Wondering about something...

I'm wondering... when I make a new screenshot I usually create a new pose for the shot (most the time starting with some pose I already had downloaded somewhere). Would anybody interested if I upload that pose together with the screenshot? I already link to Yasmin and the room used, but of course if anybody wants to recreate the shot, he would need the pose and sometimes the _level_definition.txt (if I change the lighting for the shot). For the pose: Most of my screenshot poses are static,

Yasmin's Adventures

I remember now, why I never bothered to create another model after Yasmin entered my world... she is just so... mesmerizing... serving her clients... getting in trouble... ending in shady locations... It's always fun to make a quick photo shoot with Yasmin, even though I JUST wanted to try if the room loads properly and if it's worth keeping... Yasmin is definitively worth keeping. At least for me. And if you want to play with her yourself? You know where to find her


d3vi0n in Yasmin's Adventures

Yasmin now availabe for bookings!

Finished the update to Hook5 for Yasmin for now. Fairly happy in how she turned out. Took a bit fine tuning to get her look right with these new fancy skin textures and Hook5 features. But now she is available for you to play with. You can get her here: Also made a few new screenshots with her, I especially like the following two (I guess thats "vacation fever" because of all the self isolation at home): And finally, I opened a new gallery because I also want to try out and showcase


d3vi0n in Yasmin's Adventures

digital paintings...

I normally don't edit my screenshots because they're intended to document the "real" experience. But of course, I'm still playing around in Photoshop from time to time, creating some "paintings". Still optimizing the look and feel. But what do you think? Good enough for a comic? Should I start a separate gallery for these paintings? And which of these four is your favorite (and why)? Would love to get some feedback on this! ๐Ÿ˜… 1. up close and personal 2. letting him in 3


d3vi0n in Yasmin's Adventures

Playing around with Yasmin...

So I'm having fun with Yasmin... Let's stick with a Blackpink theme for this entry (the colors... not the k-pop group) ๐Ÿ˜‡ Finally understood the Hook 5 Skin System a bit and how to customize your skin with it (at least the basics). So upgraded Yasmin from her previous vanilla low rest H5 Skin to a more detailed skin, while retaining her overall look and identity... i hope? Please tell me! ๐Ÿง And lots of testing around with hair, outfits, lighting and so on... to get a grip on it. Made eve


d3vi0n in Yasmin's Adventures

Hello World!

Let me introduce you to my main model for most of my screenshots and her journey through the different versions of TK17. I first uploaded her back in the day with Hook3 (in the year 2015). Of course the upload is long gone (thanks to the downfall of MG). If there is enough interest, I might re upload her here. ๐Ÿ˜‡ Yasmin: "This stunning 21 year old escort girl from Haiti with a body made for sin will make your time with her absolutely unforgettable. Lose yourself in her dark mysterious eyes an


d3vi0n in Yasmin's Adventures

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