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About this blog

Welcome everyone! I want to attempt being a more active member of the KE community, so I decided to start off a blog here. Not really an end goal here, just something to keept track of my learning and work with TK17. Hope you like what you see here!

Entries in this blog

Preparing for the Chinese New Year... (Also, LTN works now!)

This blog isn't something super detailed, but I'm getting ready for the Year of the Rabbit. Chinese New Year, as tradition goes, is based on an animal for each subsequent year. Last year was Year of the Tiger, 2021 was Year of the Ox, and 2023 will be the Rabbit. And so:  However, this being a sex game: WHY ISN'T THIS OUTFIT AVAILABLE??? This is the closest I could get to, but it obviously does not capture the perfectly lewd nature of the Reverse Bunny Suit, as in Z

More Models and Comic Progress

I believe these blog entries are about to become slightly more spaced in terms of time now due to my new job (yay!), but for now I wanted to tell you about a few happenings regarding comic creation and a few new models I'm working with. Also, let this entry be witness to me having actual progress with archiving my models for exclusive posting here on KE, so if you're interested in any of my girls, requirements won't be many other than XBody and XLashes for them, as well as some specific addons f

Model Showcase: Marina Nonaka

Hey everyone! For this post I wanted to share with you a model I made a few weeks ago that's been everything I could ever ask of in one. Here's my Japanese Goddess, Marina Nonaka! So, a bit of background on her. When I was younger (waaaaay younger) I used to do roleplay on MSN groups and Messenger, and while most people in the RP community used their favorite characters from Anime, videogames and whatnot, I would instead think of my own characters and lore, sometimes based on my favorite v

Model Showcase: Daniela Olivares

Good morning everyone! Today I bring you a new model with a brand new gallery. This is Daniela Olivares, she's 21 going on 22 and she's the star of an upcoming series called "CNC Baby". The basic premise of this new comic series is as follows: A man is approached by a girl who has a Tumblr blog in which she talks about her CNC (consensual non-consensual for those curious) fetish and, after some shenanigans ensue, she finally starts living out her fantasies. Unlike the rest of my comics, I

About the New Comic

Another sleepless night, another lengthy blog entry. These past few days have been... eventful to say the least, but the progress on the newest comic has slowed down quite a bit due to extra work I need to get through to increase the quality of my images and it's been a pain in the ass. This blog is to explain my process behind the production of the comics, its limitations and all that shizzle. So, let's begin. First and foremost, I use Hook4 as a graphic enhancer for my stuff. Why? As I pr

A Taste Of Things To Cum

Hey y'all! It's been God knows how long since my last proper blog that wasn't a Trapp's Angels profile, but as I sit her trying to write, I don't really have much to say at the moment... The site is back to normal, which is great news, but it has also served as sort of a double-edged sword for me because of what I call CDS, or "Compulsive Download Syndrome". It's great that we can all have access to downloads again, but I gotta be more measured and think if whatever I downloaded is really necess

A Tale of Two Katies

Merry Christmas to all! I hope you're enjoying yourselves today. I'll just drop this one super quick. I have a girl named Katie McKinnon, who starred on Sex Tales 2 over two years ago, and decided she needs a bit of a re-working. So, to compare, here are two versions of the model with two completely different face mods. Which one is the cutest to you? Body is exactly the same for both models, the only difference is in the head mod and face. Sound off in the comments!

A New Story

Okay, so, I don't have much to say at the moment in terms of progress. My game crashed a couple of days ago and I spent all that time getting it to run again. In the meantime, I have something to show you. This story was inspired by sisters that have followed me on IG for a bit now and I wanted to collaborate on them with something. This is the result: They are the Stone sisters from Argentina. The idea is to basically talk about their lives, especially their sexual conquests. I want t
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