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Everything posted by Quarz

  1. Thanks for this tutorial, gives some nice insights on what's involved on creating new clothing! Really interesting read. It's a lot you have to wrap your head around. Learning basics in Blender, a few extra other modding tools. Getting to grasps with how the game files work with another. Give yourself some time on that. And dig around on the forums with the "search" for good nuggets of info and try again It can get mighty frustrating; believe me -_- For me; the switch to blender is a bit of a weird one. I've some basic knowledge in 3Ds Max and so used to the layout and UI, Blender feels alien, but it comes down to practice in the end.
  2. Quarz


    So far I found a good, better method to get the beastie easily in the game. I'm doing about 2 poses a day now, that work nicely in the game. Aiming to get a neat package out at the end of the week
  3. Quarz


    Started to work with Daz Studio lately; so I stumbled upon the dragons. An ideal fit for my fantasy craving I know, I know... Butterfly hopping about projects. Still messing about with the Ruins scene; the plants and grasses are bit of a hassle to get right to my liking. So far I got 3 different poses for the dragon into the game. These are H5 objects, it's just easier to use with in the scenes. Still need to do some tweaks to get a good scale from the start; so the user doesn't need to do to much. And a fix for the eyes of the beast. I'll do my best to keep it going and release these in the not to distant future.
  4. A little update on my on going H5 scene project. Added in extra boulders, rocks, also plants and shrubs. The ground is now a mix of grass and dirt, which blends it just all a bit better. I've "cut" up the scene into various H5 objects. There are a few groups of trees, the plants, statue, etc... Users can switch them on/ off to their own liking. Check out the screenshots I made. Besides the new scene, I'll look into packing up the rocks and plants H5 objects into a separate pack. These might come in handy to dress up other scenes.
  5. Quarz

    Aelven Ruin Scene

    I just love the look of them, had to use it Mountains in back are from Skyrim; it's fun business porting over stuff. Tinkering and messing about, fun stuff. @Oz70NYC: I'll look into getting the cliffs/ mountains replaced with something less heavy. Started to add trees, so the number only climbs up. My own rig keeps on chugging along though so far
  6. Quarz

    Aelven Ruin Scene

    I just finished adding pose positions. Got a bit confused on how to use the tool. But got figured out now. So tested it out in the pose editor, 3some and 4some poses; so far no noticeable fps drops on my own machine. So I assume it should be good for adding some extras. I might swap out all the cliffs for more simple meshes/geometry. They add a lot polygons to the scene. IIRC from my export to obj. file, was around 89.000 triangles Got the feeling I can really do the same with less for just the backdrop. Anyhow, I'll dress up the scene some more see how things go.
  7. Since I found out on how create H5 objects; I've started to mess about with H5 rooms. I've got a decent starting point now. It's very basic so far. Just some ruins and cliffs at the back. It needs further dressing up. Looks a bit bare now. Though perhaps it's to large a scene? Anyhow have a peek at the snapshots I made, open for some tips. Oh, I'm still working on thos goblins and other critters. But the skinning/ setting up bones etc... It's fickle business and I want to do it proper. So I can release not just the H5 objects. But the "neutral" files as well: so anyone can create additional poses in Blender and such. Yes bit ambitious... but want to give something back to the community by sharing.
  8. Well this one took some more work then the goblins. The croc did have a basic skeleton/ skin in its model. But it was very, very basic. No moveable fingers, jaw was always open. Like only 2 vertebrae... etc So, I redid the whole bones/ skin/ weight thing. The big lad is now able to take poses better. This isn't in the game though. So it's all "fixed" into place.
  9. Quarz

    Goblin Test

    Tiny update on what I'm messing about with now. It's no secret I like fantasy stuff So I'm trying to get some extra critters in the game. H5 objects seem a good route to go; it easy to use and position. Though I might convert a few to toys. So the user then has some options. Which is always nice.
  10. @Exiled_Vizir Yesterday, with help here on the forums, I got a hook5 object with animated texture done. Today, fine tuned the texture it self. Here's quick and dirty sneak peek: Quick&Dirty Vid
  11. @Exiled_Vizir Thanks a bunch, I'll have a peek at that toy! I'm already experimenting with a Hook5 object I made. I've posted a question about it in the forums. Done some searching here on the forums about the animated texture stuff. Sadly, so far it doesn't work. But I do have my object in the game So that's a minor win for me already! ^_^
  12. Happy to oblige! I've started to dig into creating Hook5 objects and the like. The aim is to get into creating new modeled scenes. Have some minor experience in 3D modelling and the like. Would be fun using it more and to improve it.
  13. Started to create my own textures for the SkyForge cave scene. Picked a more desert red/ orange setting. Grayish green color has been done to death. Still have some work to do on the "benches". Texture don't really fit that nicely. And the stone reliefs got stretched a bit to much. And it's obviously a photo Was trying to pull of a sort of "magic" effect in the bowl. Thought I could use the water effect setting on it. But that didn't seem to work. Have to do some looking up on how to apply an animation to a texture. Would love it to give it a swirly feeling: if that is possible. Another edit I would like to pull of is to change what texture gets used on the 3d mesh/ object that is the bowl. Could I just edit the .bs/ /.bs* files that make up the scene, alter the name of the texture to point to another?
  14. Quarz

    SkyForge cave scene.

    I'll give that a go; just love playing around with this darker setup.
  15. Quarz

    SkyForge cave scene.

    Thanks for the tip, appreciate the feedback ^_^
  16. Found this old cave scene here on KlubExile. Started to redo the textures (grabbed the OG skyrim textures for now) and made new normal/ specular maps to my own taste. Next step is to replace the textures with something of my own. To give it another look and feel. And of-course I also made a nice lighting setup. First time I messed about with the fire emitter thing for hook 5. So far that is pretty basic. But it does add some 'oempf' to the drama in the scene I'll try to create my own "fire" texture for the emitter see what is possible with that. Another fun fantasy project would be to do some more monsters as toys to add in the scene. All-though perhaps more is possible with them as Hook objects... need to do some research on that. It's been fun so far, this game and community just keeps giving great stuff to play around with!
  17. Quarz

    Making a Toy

    Wanted to have a peek at the video again, to refresh my memory: but it stops working at the +- 3min mark. (bit about resizing meshes) Somehow I can't get past it? Video just restarts...
  18. She's already looks really nice! Lovely lady!
  19. Quarz

    Pirate Set

    Since I made a texture set for the boat scene, I needed a matching outfit set. Been doing all these more fantasy like sets, so why not a pirate/ bandit/ scoundrel thingy. The starting point, inspiration... what to use, was an old "Elf Bandit" pack from the older game releases. So far I got a blouse and hot pants, that work rather nicely together, with matching high heel boots. I've got few more ideas on extra bits to add; to fully flesh out the set. Have a gander on what I got so far!
  20. Continued the work on the new fantasy set. Have made a second variation and added extra bits and pieces to spruce things up. It's coming along nicely, there are few more corset and other clothing items I want to mess about with to see, if they fit with the set and theme. Have a peek on how it looks so far:
  21. Quarz

    Blue Fantasy Set

    Thanks ^_^ Trying my best to make them match up with those sets.
  22. Working on a new fantasy looking set. Messing about with various clothing bits, to get a sorceress look going. Might try to do some sort of magic spell effects and the like. Though it's only coming together slowly. Set my mind on a nice blue color. So far just have this corset, neck, gloves and "pants" ready, want to match them up with a few armor pieces. Have a peek at the shots a made so far. Oh, also working on some extra Minotaur poses set in between
  23. Quarz

    Lofty scene

    Digging about my old Tk17 install, I found back this Loft texture set. It's a set from another modder, can't remember who though, but I'm slowly altering and switching stuff out. Having fun with the sky cube thing, added a big moon, now trying to add in more city buildings. It needs further tweaking to work properly. Bit to flat at the moment. Been adding/ tweaking the normal- and specularmaps all over. Setup a bunch of lights etc.. Pleased with how it's shaping up. Enjoy the pictures!
  24. Nice little tutorial! Just have small tip If you want to be able to tweak the levels and exposure later on; use the little button found at the bottom of the Layers window (1). Pick any of the mentioned tools used in the tutorial (2), play with the sliders and then just hit ok, when you"re happy. The edits should appear now in the layers window, just double clicking or right clicking on them, you can adjust them again. Or remove them when you're not happy. And without "destroying" the original picture. Though doing it this way is heavier on your PC system.
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