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Everything posted by Sexvision

  1. Very nice effect. I also did some testing on this with @state808 but did not use the translation vector. thats a nice touch.
  2. Sexvision

    H5M Blender Exporter

    Very nice thank you. For the object name i think blender object name makes the most sence. I work on parts of meshes already because i like to do the room as a separate object and fill it with h5m objects that are centered. Makes our game into a sandbox where posibilities are endless. Also its easier to finish something as i work on small parts of a room. but thats just personal preference. So probable a single scene as a h5m object would be enough. I understand the path stuff and blender 2.79b is perfect. Thanks for sharing. Im gonna play around with it some and see the results.
  3. Sexvision

    H5M Blender Exporter

    yep thats working now. that would be very helpfull indeed. any change i can get my hands on this nice plugin of yours
  4. Happy birthday to you buddy.
  5. Sexvision

    New Project

    quote:Hook5 can work with png for stage2 and stage3 files as well, one of my frequent mistakes was to have same png file along the dds file, trying to edit the dds file and wondering why it would not work. If both png and dds files are present then the game will load the png version. This is correct if you use a passfiles. Than it can actualy be anything as its specified in the pass file. But for hook objects the _norm and _spec notation must be in dds format for hook to read them. This is hardcoded in hook 5 i believe. I have tried other formats but they dont work even if i specify them in the .mtl file before converting the spects and normals need to be dds format. For the diffuse texture it does not matter what format its in.
  6. Sexvision

    New Project

    That was a intresting read. I did not know that h5m was binary. I did see the node setup for unreal engine and it seems very simular to the blender node setups. I did install Unreal engine a few year back to check it out but never got that far to set something up. May need to dive in it some more
  7. Sexvision

    New Project

    I would leave point 3 for what it is. h5m is actualy not that good. the problem with it is that you can only use .dds files for normals and specs and that leaves Substance painter out of it. normals out of substance painter dont convert well to .dds files. The only good thing about h5m files now is that you can kitbash. Berger already made the tool to get h5m to .obj but it flips the UV on its Y axis. For unreal its easiest to use obj or fbx files as i understand it. And that is where all h5m files start anyway.
  8. Sexvision

    Waiting for you

    Probable because of the scary ambient. First dates are also a little scary
  9. Lol that happens to me most of the days 🙂 im so in to making stuff i forget the time and live nights. Nice looking room you have there. And love the addition models in there.
  10. Sexvision

    Waiting for you

  11. Sexvision

    It was very hard to fit inside

    There you go minus 4 for your effort. Cool shot Soviet
  12. If you want to use Substance painter you will need to repack the UVs probable. Let me know if you need anything
  13. Very cool tutorial mate. This will help for sure.
  14. Sexvision

    Slum Prank 006

    Would have fitted right in the March Madness competition
  15. Brilliant 🙂 I like how all his comments to turn back where toilet related. Very funny
  16. He Trapp, Im sorry to read live is kicking you in the ass right now. It all seams so unfair. Also losing a close friend is a hard pill to swallow. Live should stop for a second and everyone should take notice of this event. Also the trigger for most depressions I read the comments and it seems you have some good friends here with some solid advice. Depression is no joke and many of us are working hard to stay positive. Your not alone in this and we will be here if you need a ear/friend. Things that i learned in therapy are: 1. Dont make live changing decisions when your feel down and out. 2. Go outside more (sound silly but it helps) 3. Keep people around even if you dont want to and talk. 4. Rest helps. Dont need to be sleep. just laying on your bed is rest to. 5. Actualy being creative is something that helps. Just dont make things to big or put pressure on it. 6. Keep things small so you can finish them. Keep making things smaller untill you can. 7. This is kind of personal but for me lisening to music helps a lot. (use headphones to block outside noise to get rest) I sing to keep focus on the music and not let my mind wonder to much. 8. If you have a bad day let it pass without fighting yourself and try again tomorrow. Hope you will do better soon and we can enjoy your presents and artwork again. Dont be a stranger. You are loved.
  17. sketchfab has a button to copy the license information. You can find it here:
  18. You can find them as a hook object in the Mall Santa room
  19. Irs @Mute123 room found here:
  20. If you use a _pass file than you can use a .png for the best result. .png is a lossless data compression format so therefor the best. Pass files are used for full addon game assets in order to load the hook settings If there is no passfile you can only .dds DXT 5 for normals. (thats why all hook objects will use .dds format) Its a little less good because .dds is a compressed format. The only way around the use of .dds is to use a normal.override in the leveldefenition object code and link that to a .png normal. Here is the code override.0.normal.texture = normaltexture.png where "0" is the number of the material stack in blender.
  21. Funny i was thinking of using erotic stories and make animations for that. Kind of like the same way but the other way around I was planning to use something from here https://soundgasm.net/u/bestkeptsecret but was a bit worried about copyright and all. Also went looking at a text to speech and found Watson https://www.ibm.com/demos/live/tts-demo/self-service/home For a single sentance you could use the demo. Cant realy remember what the the count for the demo was. But its way lower than 45000
  22. It did a lot to your movie. Smart to use a AI tool for narration. Was thinking you where using the tool shared here for text to speak . AI seems a better sollution for that. Did you have to give sound samples for that also?
  23. Man that would have been a shitload of work to make. I love the flashback back to the loft. But then there are a lots of things to love in this one. Like the Noval way of telling the story is very well done and a joy to watch and lissen to. Thanks for sharing. Loved it.
  24. You can also get the original manipulators back by changing something in the dark gui addon. I believe it was the script folder but im not sure. So better check the install instructions for that.
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